Is MAGA really a possibility?

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You're wasting your time in this thread. Go outside or something. Let them gloat.

Either the right will govern well and we'll be happier in a few years, or they'll all be thrown out in 2020. Politics.
You're wasting your time in this thread. Go outside or something. Let them gloat.

Either the right will govern well and we'll be happier in a few years, or they'll all be thrown out in 2020. Politics.

Hopefully the political establishment gets this message.
Karl Rove made an important point last night. The DNC ran an elitist candidate in a populist election.

Exit polling made clear that a good majority of the country actually wants a more liberal direction on many issues (which is why the selection of Trump is a bit of a head scratcher), but the GOP at least ran a populist in a populist election.

It might have been different if the DNC had run Sanders, a populist left of center.

The Republicans own all branches of govermnet.we don't want anything to do with liberal policies. We want Washington to work for us.

If that was the case. The Democrat's would have retaken the Senate.
1. I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.

If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.

2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.

These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life

3. I know there is a lot of people that voted for Trump to say F*** the establishment. They want change, and more of the same is not good. The man has been ****ing us for years. Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote

4. I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? We have President that does those exact things that I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!

5. Trump has in fact proven out of his own mouth that he is Sexist and Racist. It saddens me that over half of America is okay with that?

I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with what happened last night, but it's not going to change anyone's minds. My Presidential choice was John Kasich, but forget about stability. Hillary should not have been the Democratic Candidate either, but I digress
You exhibit a perfect example of why the democrats had their ass kicked last night. This elitist attitude that you know all the answers and anyone who does not agree with you is a "fill in the blank" stereotype is why you, the media, Wall Street, Hollywood, etc all have that "I just pumped the neighbor's cat" look on your face today.
This may sound dumb but what is MAGA. (I have been living abroad for awhile now so excuse the ignorance).
4.6.3 this post was intended for WHCSC. Your posts have little to no affect on me, but please place your child like jabs elsewhere. They make me realize what types of people vote for Trump... which does not help your side. Catch my drift?
The fact that you continue to be a hateful individual, who cannot answer a single question says so much about you.
Keep up the narrative, and duck everything else. It's a great look. Such a hateful human being.
The Republicans own all branches of govermnet.we don't want anything to do with liberal policies. We want Washington to work for us.

If that was the case. The Democrat's would have retaken the Senate.

This was discussed. The GOP owns the Senate largely because of incumbent advantage.

Look at all the measures that were passed last night across the nation when ballots went directly to the people. I think basically every one of them swung left, except for Nebraska's repeal of the death penalty ban.(How people feel about issues and which badge they vote for, sometimes just doesn't line up).

Just a few moments ago, RNC pollsters talking about how "old white vote" was way way up this election, and younger vote and the black vote were way down.

If you think those conditions will persist in perpetuity, I have a bridge for sale :)
This was discussed. The GOP owns the Senate largely because of incumbent advantage.

Look at all the measures that were passed last night across the nation when ballots went directly to the people. I think basically every one of them swung left, except for Nebraska's repeal of the death penalty ban.

Just a few moments ago, RNC pollsters talking about how "old white vote" was way way up this election, and younger vote and the black vote were way down.

If you think those conditions will persist in perpetuity, I have a bridge for sale :)

Only that liberal policies being stuff down our throat is why he won....having said that....he has liberal policies I will support.
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You're wasting your time in this thread. Go outside or something. Let them gloat.

Either the right will govern well and we'll be happier in a few years, or they'll all be thrown out in 2020. Politics.
"Them"... once again this ignorant attitude is what got the country to this point. But I suppose if you can't learn from it, keep up the ignorance.
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Only that liberal policies being stuff down our throat is why he won....having said that....he has liberal policies I will support.

Yah make no mistake, the country is about to take a swing right legislatively unless Trump decides to get vengeance and fritter away a unified govt.

I'm just saying, lets not make the mistake here of believing that the New Conservative Populism, is here to stay. It may well be gone in as little as two years, or here for 10. Who knows. Politicians have often felt they had more time and support, than they actually had.
Only that liberal policies being stuff down our throat is why he won....having said that....he has liberal policies I will support.
The best part is he will be way more moderate than the people who hate him so much will ever admit.
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Yah make no mistake, the country is about to take a swing right legislatively unless Trump decides to get vengeance and fritter away a unified govt.

I'm just saying, lets not make the mistake here of believing that the New Conservative Populism, is here to stay. It may well be gone in as little as two years, or here for 10. Who knows. Politicians have often felt they had more time and support, than they actually had.

I actually think Trump changed the Republican party....Conservatism can't be the constitution of the Republican party if it wants to grow...Trump made it to where Republicans have no excuses not to court the African American vote and court the LGBT vote...something no other Republican candidate has done since Bush has had the nuts to do...He deserves credit for that.. ...Those policies may be more moderate.
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Any chance the electoral college will ever go away...second time the popular vote getter is not being elected
Any chance the electoral college will ever go away...second time the popular vote getter is not being elected

Its actually like the third or fourth, its the second time in recent history.
I actually thing Trump change the Republican party....Conservatism can't be the constitution of the Republican party if it wants to grow...Trump made it to where Republicans have no excuses not to court the African American vote and court the LGBT vote...something no other Republican candidate has done since Bush has had the nuts to do...He deserves credit for that.. ...Those policies may be more moderate.

I'll hold any reservations until we get into a "more normal" cycle. Populism is usually decently short lived, railing against the elites doesn't last forever.

If Trump is successful in say, bringing manufacturing jobs back, it will begin another epoch in political history, factory workers will turn attention from being unemployed, to again being employed in an unfair manner. (One might notice the difference in corporate tax policy and its lay discussion in the mid 90's vice the mid 00's, when we were fat dumb and happy no one cared how much tax Trump Romney or Buffet paid)

Which means all the hullaballoo that Trump used to gin up a few county flips in the Rust Belt, won't be any good in 2030 or whenever. (Indeed, when was the last time a billionaire was perceived as a champion of the everyman, that's not a typical case).
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Any chance the electoral college will ever go away...second time the popular vote getter is not being elected
In all seriousness, would you have asked this question if Hillary won the electoral college but Donald won the popular vote?
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what will be interesting to me is, if Trump's business model will work in a government setting.
A lot of gov workers also stated they were going to quit if he was elected, interesting to see if they actually follow through or not. Be a learning process for Trump, due to being extremely hard to fire gov workers or getting the dead weight to leave.
Also believe there's going to be gaps in communication and documents between the Puppet Master and the DOJ, IRS, FBI and VA.
One thing I learned:

If a woman couldn't win against Donald Trump, there will never...EVER be a woman president.
It has nothing to do with it. Could it be people voted on....policy??? My gosh the msm is pushing race and gender, too. It could be policy! Americans are fed up of being pushed around by their P.C. Government that doesn't trust them or enforce laws on themselves.
he won't be the pariah some sjws make him out to be and he won't be the messiah some religiots make him out to be, either.

i am hopeful that he will be a better president than clinton would've been, but I am a little nervous about his ties to putin - hopefully, those are exaggerated.
The New York Times posted an article last week saying the govt found no ties between trump and Russia. Of course cnn didn't acknowledge that. Of course it was exaggerated, it was made up. Don't you remember Harry Reid and Romney? Dems lie with no remorse
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I expect to see a wall built.
I expect ISIS to be defeated.
I expect same sex marriage to be overturned.
I expect women to be punished for having an abortion.
I expect the US to get out of NATO.
I expect American companies to be penalized for sending jobs overseas.
I expect Hillary to be locked up.

I expect you to be terribly disappointed.
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So you voted Killary. Who labels blacks as super-predators. Congrats. You have becone what you hate.
Luke, Trump is your father.
Show me in writing or video where Hilary called blacks super predators.

To your rant you want me to answer. She did not drop in urban areas by a significant margin.
what will be interesting to me is, if Trump's business model will work in a government setting.
A lot of gov workers also stated they were going to quit if he was elected, interesting to see if they actually follow through or not. Be a learning process for Trump, due to being extremely hard to fire gov workers or getting the dead weight to leave.
Also believe there's going to be gaps in communication and documents between the Puppet Master and the DOJ, IRS, FBI and VA.

I'm a govt worker (DoD), and I'm definitely not quitting.

One thing I'm closely watching is his most die hard base. IMO, they were sold mostly a bill of goods on his more radical positions. Many of those might be forgotten or traded away as he goes about the business of the low hanging fruit, like ushering Trump-care, or whatever the new replacement plan is going to be called. Or corporate taxes, or whatever.

While I wouldn't rule out The Wall and a Hilary hunt entirely (or entirely lopping off portions of the USG like the EPA), some of those more aggressive positions may not be attempted for awhile, if ever.

Trump is one man, who won't even have ever met most of the thousands of appointees he will rubber stamp for his Administration. While he can shepherd things a general direction, there are plenty of career folks in SES and division level positions that can ignore and/or tweak any sort of radicalness flowing down hill to a large degree. They will be around longer than Trump will.

To say nothing of Congress. While Paul Ryan probably wants to cut back the EPA, he probably would never agree to lop it off entirely.
"Them"... once again this ignorant attitude is what got the country to this point. But I suppose if you can't learn from it, keep up the ignorance.

Take it easy. I think it's pretty obvious that by "them" I meant the people gloating in this thread, and not some nefarious "other" or irretrievably lost segment of the population.

Arguing with conservatives in this thread is analogous to visiting opponents' sites to complain about officiating. No good will come of it.

I don't think it's a secret that my political views lean pretty hard to the left, but I'm not a party zealot. I'm not a registered dem, and I thought about it for a long time before I eventually held my nose and voted for Clinton.

Anyway, it was inevitable that eventually the Rs would win back the White House, and there would be celebration among conservatives. Eventually it will go the other way, because no one has all the right answers and the party in power nearly always takes the blame. Politics.
Karl Rove made an important point last night. The DNC ran an elitist candidate in a populist election.
I watched Fox, CNN and MSNBC alternately last night and I found it very interesting that with the possible exception of Van Jones and R. Maddow, Karl Rove seemed to be the most disappointed talking head about what was unfolding. The butthurt is going to be strong amongst the Republican establishment for a long time.
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I expect you to be terribly disappointed.

Yah I see 2 maybe 3 things on there that might happen. Same Sex marriage is one of them, and that's pretty iffy because it is largely supported even on the right now. I don't see Trump making that a signature issue, besides offering up conservative justices.
I appreciate the honesty.
And I dont even like her. I legit wrote in Theo Epstein ...I just never in my wildest dreams thought Trump would win the election...may just be what the country needs but if I was a minority or part of the lgbtq community I would feel pretty marginalized
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I watched Fox, CNN and MSNBC alternately last night and I found it very interesting that with the possible exception of Van Jones and R. Maddow, Karl Rove seemed to be the most disappointed talking head about what was unfolding. The butthurt is going to be strong amongst the Republican establishment for a long time.

I'm kind of surprised by that, I didn't get near the same vibe. He seemed pretty excited about the general situation the GOP finds itself in relative to 1928. Trump not an ideal candidate, but I think the establishment sees a big opportunity here for glory on both sides.
This has to be the biggest media/poll ef up of all time I cannot think of a bigger misread of the polls/electorate ever...whats second?
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Karl Rove made an important point last night. The DNC ran an elitist candidate in a populist election.

Exit polling made clear that a good majority of the country actually wants a more liberal direction on many issues (which is why the selection of Trump is a bit of a head scratcher), but the GOP at least ran a populist in a populist election.

It might have been different if the DNC had run Sanders, a populist left of center.

I saw a poll that majority want a more conservative approach. Perhaps its the specific issues you are referring to.
1. I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.

If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.

2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.

These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life

3. I know there is a lot of people that voted for Trump to say F*** the establishment. They want change, and more of the same is not good. The man has been ****ing us for years. Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote

4. I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? We have President that does those exact things that I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!

5. Trump has in fact proven out of his own mouth that he is Sexist and Racist. It saddens me that over half of America is okay with that?

I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with what happened last night, but it's not going to change anyone's minds. My Presidential choice was John Kasich, but forget about stability. Hillary should not have been the Democratic Candidate either, but I digress

First of all, spare me your disappointment, frankly I don't care. Your arrogant post is a perfect example of why the establishment got owned yesterday. You look down your nose at rural america...I'm rural america and damn happy that someone like you would be disappointed in me. You can't fathom that someone can have an opinion different than yours? Seriously?
1. There are many great things about Trump, but there don't have to be for people to vote for him, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reason they want! Sounds like you didn't vote for Trump because you didn't like him, not because of anything good about Hiliar.
Here's SOME things I like about Trump
-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Libs like to leave out the illegal part. I don't think I have to explain this, but I feel its the number 1 reason he won. I don't know why it's so hard to believe that people support defending the border. Every nation ever has defended their border one way or another. Spouting "racist" simply means you can't debate on fact. Defend the border, stop the madness.
-Taxes. His policies aren't perfect, but there were only two choices. And as for your disdain for rural America, you may want to consider the Death (estate) tax, which Trump wants to repeal while Clinton wanted to expand it. Typical libs, wanting to tax you after you die. Not good with hard-working farmers who want to pass on their generations of work to their children without the govt. getting in the way.
-Supreme court justices. I liked his list, and I like that he wants judges that are pro-life. (more on that absurdity to come)
-2nd Amendment. He fully supports it in words, Hiliar's actions prove otherwise.
-Trade. He's absolutely right about our current trade deficits and restraints.
-Business. He knows it. He knows that current regulation is strangling businesses and driving them away from America. Seriously, regulation is ABSURD. Hope he does something about EPA idiots in RURAL america, too.
-Corporate tax. He wants to lower it from its current HIGHEST LEVEL ON EARTH. No wonder businesses run away, idiots. Oh but blame them cuz they are evil and stuff.
-America! Trump loves America and wants to promote America first! Enough of those globalism b.s. Take care of #1. America gives 95% of all world aid, and allows more immigrants LEGALLY than any country on earth. Im sick of hearing about how horrible we are and how we need to follow Europe around and get rid of our identity. Screw off. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
-Foreign policy--Bengazi absolutely can be a factor in the election--they screwed that up bad, lied about it, and Americans died. The only reason you don't want that talked about is because you can't win that argument, so like a child you say "no no that doesn't count". Not to mention all the other screw-ups she had as Secretary that made the M.E. what it is today.
-Obamacare. He wants to get rid of it. I think this number 2 reason he won, it's devastating and they promised it to be this great thing (even though they knew it wouldn't--they wanted a step toward socialized medicine)

I'm going to stop there.
2. Go ahead and be sickened. what sickens me is that babies are ripped out of their mothers and killed. That's sickening. And yes, you absolutely can vote based on that alone, so again stop the arrogance of telling people what they can and can not think. Judges will have a big say in this, and yes it is possible because I forsee states suing by saying why can't we get rid of abortion and choose ourselves? I think that's a case that can be won. I'm not going to get in a 4 page argument about that here, but the point is that there is a chance and I APPLAUD everyone who votes to end abortion whether you think its possible or not, your majesty.

As for the rest of your post, I can't believe you would vote for a bully, liar, cheat, criminal, and someone who USES A CHARITY TO MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Tell your son that.

I could go on and on about everything wrong with your thought-police loving post, but I'll just say this.
Sad commentary on our country. If you are having trouble paying for things, have the guts to ask me for some money to help you out instead of relying on the government to fleece me and hand it over to you.

Yah some here would believe that because there was a ton of red on the map, we're in a die hard conservative country.

Yet we still have comments like these, that basically flame our country for being die hard liberals that elected Trump.

What is the state of the country? Can't have it both ways.
Show me in writing or video where Hilary called blacks super predators.

To your rant you want me to answer. She did not drop in urban areas by a significant margin.
Same with Trump. There was one recording where he said what 99 percent of other men in this country say when their wives or gfs are not around. But now we have to act like we don't, or that he was for sure dead serious. Once again, you have been programmed.
Still patiently waiting for you to answer a basic question, but your programmed cpu will not allow you to. That much is clear.
First of all, spare me your disappointment, frankly I don't care. Your arrogant post is a perfect example of why the establishment got owned yesterday. You look down your nose at rural america...I'm rural america and damn happy that someone like you would be disappointed in me. You can't fathom that someone can have an opinion different than yours? Seriously?
1. There are many great things about Trump, but there don't have to be for people to vote for him, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reason they want! Sounds like you didn't vote for Trump because you didn't like him, not because of anything good about Hilar.
Here's SOME things I like about Trump
-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Libs like to leave out the illegal part. I don't think I have to explain this, but I feel its the number 1 reason he won. I don't know why it's so hard to believe that people support defending the border. Every nation ever has defended their border one way or another. Spouting "racist" simply means you can't debate on fact. Defend the border, stop the madness.
-Taxes. His policies aren't perfect, but there were only two choices. And as for your disdain for rural America, you may want to consider the Death (estate) tax, which Trump wants to repeal while Clinton wanted to expand it. Typical libs, wanting to tax you after you die. Not good with hard-working farmers who want to pass on their generations of work to their children without the govt. getting in the way.
-Supreme court justices. I liked his list, and I like that he wants judges that are pro-life. (more on that absurdity to come)
-2nd Amendment. He fully supports it in words, Hiliar's actions prove otherwise.
-Trade. He's absolutely right about our current trade deficits and restraints.
-Business. He knows it. He knows that current regulation is strangling businesses and driving them away from America. Seriously, regulation is ABSURD. Hope he does something about EPA idiots in RURAL america, too.
-Corporate tax. He wants to lower it from its current HIGHEST LEVEL ON EARTH. No wonder businesses run away, idiots. Oh but blame them cuz they are evil and stuff.
-America! Trump loves America and wants to promote America first! Enough of those globalism b.s. Take care of #1. America gives 95% of all world aid, and allows more immigrants LEGALLY than any country on earth. Im sick of hearing about how horrible we are and how we need to follow Europe around and get rid of our identity. Screw off. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
-Foreign policy--Bengazi absolutely can be a factor in the election--they screwed that up bad, lied about it, and Americans died. The only reason you don't want that talked about is because you can't win that argument, so like a child you say "no no that doesn't count". Not to mention all the other screw-ups she had as Secretary that made the M.E. what it is today.
-Obamacare. He wants to get rid of it. I think this number 2 reason he won, it's devastating and they promised it to be this great thing (even though they knew it wouldn't--they wanted a step toward socialized medicine)

I'm going to stop there.
2. Go ahead and be sickened. what sickens me is that babies are ripped out of their mothers and killed. That's sickening. And yes, you absolutely can vote based on that alone, so again stop the arrogance of telling people what they can and can not think. Judges will have a big say in this, and yes it is possible because I forsee states suing by saying why can't we get rid of abortion and choose ourselves? I think that's a case that can be won. I'm not going to get in a 4 page argument about that here, but the point is that there is a chance and I APPLAUD everyone who votes to end abortion whether you think its possible or not, your majesty.

As for the rest of your post, I can't believe you would vote for a bully, liar, cheat, criminal, and someone who USES A CHARITY TO MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Tell your son that.

I could go on and on about everything wrong with your thought-police loving post, but I'll just say this.
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