First she is not my top choice, so let me get that straight
- She is not Racist
- She is someone that I would be able to sit down and have a conversation with without being interupted
- She looks out for the good of the children
- She puts education first
- She seems to have better overall morals(Queue the Bengahzi preachers)
Your turn
I think you may have got caught up into the MSM trying to influence the election. There was as much negative on Trump as there was covering HRC's flaws.
Everything you just typed about HRC is subjective. There are reports of HRC calling her "servants" the N word. But surely she isn't racist. Maybe she is sexist as well. Have you read how she treated some of her SS detail? Honestly I see neither Trump nor HRC on any moral high ground and on the same level.
You also state the voting Trump just because he states he is pro-life won't change anything. I fully agree, that isn't changing. Just as he isn't going to change same sex marriage laws, discrimination laws or anything else the liberals are fear mongering. Which is exactly what the left is doing fear mongering. Isn't that ironic? For the longest time that is all we have heard about conservatives, they are fear mongers.
Ultimately, both candidates sucked. Both are morally bankrupt, corrupt, racist, name it.
So that leaves you with a choice of what they say they are running on. I believe in less spend, lower taxes and more self accountability. I also see there will be opportunities for a number of supreme court justices to be named in the next 4 years. I believe my children will be better off with conservative choices in those seats.
Lastly, our government is set up with checks and balances for a reason. No arm of the government will have cart blanche decision making. Stating Trump in office will do all of this harm just goes right back to fear mongering.
I am not rural nor uneducated. Somehow I came up to these conclusions all on my own without Madonna or Lady Gaga tell me how to vote. but I am sure regardless of my reasoning I will be tagged as sexist, racist and an old white guy.
I honestly hope this helps you understand my point of view. We are all still Americans and this is still a great country.