Is MAGA really a possibility?

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Come back at me 4 years from now and show me something he does for you regarding this! Nothing is going to change, and that is why you need to look past vote on "ABORTION ALONE!!!"
Well he won't be able to do anything legislatively on that issue. True. And he is not a conservative "culture warrior". So I agree it won't be a front burner issue for him.
But what he will have a chance to do is mold the Supreme Court. He can replace Scalia with a conservative, especially since Republicans control both houses of Congress. And two liberal justices are very old and may retire or die in the next four years (Ginsburg is 83 and Breyer is 80). So he has a real chance to push the court in an anti Roe v. Wade direction.
Yes sir... I consider myself more of a Non-Partisan. I would have voted Republican had the representative been John Kasich. Is your name Rush Limbaugh?

F***ing Crickets

No one can answer question #1 yet you have bashed me and my beliefs multiple times

Tell me something positive about our President. I still have yet to hear anything... Him being Pro Life is not a valid answer, because he could give two shits about that
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No it's the simple fact that none of the Trump supporters can say one positive thing about "Donald Trump" and they lash out on the negative's of the opposite party. I am registered Republican, that does not mean I only support the Party lines
So only you get to say why and who someone should vote for. You are more hateful than Trump. Deal with it. Your petty nevertrump movement backfired.

F***ing Crickets

No one can answer question #1 yet you have bashed me and my beliefs multiple times

Tell me something positive about our President. I still have yet to hear anything... Him being Pro Life is not a valid answer, because he could give two shits about that
I can say one positive thing about Trump: he isn't Hillary

F***ing Crickets

No one can answer question #1 yet you have bashed me and my beliefs multiple times

Tell me something positive about our President. I still have yet to hear anything... Him being Pro Life is not a valid answer, because he could give two shits about that
Full blown meltdown mode. Respect the office.
Yep son... Go out and make fun of people! According to Lincoln100 that is the right thing to do. I guess me teaching you about respecting the fellow man has been wrong all along!
Yup, that's exactly what you should do, because that's the message! Maybe try looking more than 2 feet past your face to figure it out, that is if you are able to pick yourself up off the ground.
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F***ing Crickets

No one can answer question #1 yet you have bashed me and my beliefs multiple times

Tell me something positive about our President. I still have yet to hear anything... Him being Pro Life is not a valid answer, because he could give two shits about that
Remember "respect your fellow man". Maybe you should take a break and take your own advice.
First she is not my top choice, so let me get that straight

  • She is not Racist - hmmmm
  • She is someone that I would be able to sit down and have a conversation with without being interupted - I've seen plenty of conversations with Trump where he doesn't interrupt.
  • She looks out for the good of the children - Tells everyone she does, is there evidence?
  • She puts education first - Could be
  • She seems to have better overall morals(Queue the Bengahzi preachers) - Really? What makes you think this? Hard to comment on peoples morals when you don't know them, and all you are is listening to media.
Your turn

I hate to tell you, but you don't know if any of these are true. Also see above. I'm no expert on any of this, but I really don't think we know.

So to answer your question #1

No matter the spin the left tries to put on it, the guy has a great business. He is not in the position he is in for sucking at business. Could it be better, for sure.

A billionaire that seems to be able to relate to the people. Don't see a lot of this.

Wants America to be great

Great family man

Has the backing of most of our military leaders.

Take the spin out of things, and both probably aren't as bad of people, but this time of year every 4 years turns somewhat decent people into bad people. The fact he has weathered so much means there is a ton of made up shit.
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So only you get to say why and who someone should vote for. You are more hateful than Trump. Deal with it. Your petty nevertrump movement backfired.
No it didn't! Just you over talkers with no legitimate answers are filling up this thread with irrelevant information
House, and Senate controlled by GOP at levels not seen in a lifetime. But I am sure that's all because of us uneducated racists making up a small chunk of the electorate.
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F***ing Crickets

No one can answer question #1 yet you have bashed me and my beliefs multiple times

Tell me something positive about our President. I still have yet to hear anything... Him being Pro Life is not a valid answer, because he could give two shits about that
Did you really just respond to your own quote?
I hate to tell you, but you don't know if any of these are true. Also see above. I'm no expert on any of this, but I really don't think we know.

So to answer your question #1

No matter the spin the left tries to put on it, the guy has a great business. He is not in the position he is in for sucking at business. Could it be better, for sure.

A billionaire that seems to be able to relate to the people. Don't see a lot of this.

Wants America to be great

Great family man

Has the backing of most of our military leaders.

Take the spin out of things, and both probably aren't as bad of people, but this time of year every 4 years turns somewhat decent people into bad people. The fact he has weathered so much means there is a ton of made up shit.
Donald Trump, the nation's next president, has been married three times and has five children

I am a firm believer to be a Great Family man you have only one Family
No it didn't! Just you over talkers with no legitimate answers are filling up this thread with irrelevant information
None of what you posted has any factual basis. All imaginary rhetoric shot down by all of us uneducated white racists.
First she is not my top choice, so let me get that straight

  • She is not Racist
  • She is someone that I would be able to sit down and have a conversation with without being interupted
  • She looks out for the good of the children
  • She puts education first
  • She seems to have better overall morals(Queue the Bengahzi preachers)
Your turn

I think you may have got caught up into the MSM trying to influence the election. There was as much negative on Trump as there was covering HRC's flaws.

Everything you just typed about HRC is subjective. There are reports of HRC calling her "servants" the N word. But surely she isn't racist. Maybe she is sexist as well. Have you read how she treated some of her SS detail? Honestly I see neither Trump nor HRC on any moral high ground and on the same level.

You also state the voting Trump just because he states he is pro-life won't change anything. I fully agree, that isn't changing. Just as he isn't going to change same sex marriage laws, discrimination laws or anything else the liberals are fear mongering. Which is exactly what the left is doing fear mongering. Isn't that ironic? For the longest time that is all we have heard about conservatives, they are fear mongers.

Ultimately, both candidates sucked. Both are morally bankrupt, corrupt, racist, name it.

So that leaves you with a choice of what they say they are running on. I believe in less spend, lower taxes and more self accountability. I also see there will be opportunities for a number of supreme court justices to be named in the next 4 years. I believe my children will be better off with conservative choices in those seats.

Lastly, our government is set up with checks and balances for a reason. No arm of the government will have cart blanche decision making. Stating Trump in office will do all of this harm just goes right back to fear mongering.

I am not rural nor uneducated. Somehow I came up to these conclusions all on my own without Madonna or Lady Gaga tell me how to vote. but I am sure regardless of my reasoning I will be tagged as sexist, racist and an old white guy.

I honestly hope this helps you understand my point of view. We are all still Americans and this is still a great country.
First she is not my top choice, so let me get that straight

  • She is not Racist
  • She is someone that I would be able to sit down and have a conversation with without being interupted
  • She looks out for the good of the children
  • She puts education first
  • She seems to have better overall morals(Queue the Bengahzi preachers)
Your turn
How do you know she is not a racist?

I am guessing you don't know that at all, do you? I sure don't. None of us really know what other people think deep down inside.

Education first? Sort of, but in the same way that it is "first" now, which is horrible. Education can't be fixed from the outside needs to be fixed inside out.

Also...I could sit down and have a conversation with Charlie Manson...who cares.
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Donald Trump, the nation's next president, has been married three times and has five children

I am a firm believer to be a Great Family man you have only one Family
Please explain why large urban centers did not put her even close to Obama numbers. Should have been easy since he is so terrible.
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I think you may have got caught up into the MSM trying to influence the election. There was as much negative on Trump as there was covering HRC's flaws.

Everything you just typed about HRC is subjective. There are reports of HRC calling her "servants" the N word. But surely she isn't racist. Maybe she is sexist as well. Have you read how she treated some of her SS detail? Honestly I see neither Trump nor HRC on any moral high ground and on the same level.

You also state the voting Trump just because he states he is pro-life won't change anything. I fully agree, that isn't changing. Just as he isn't going to change same sex marriage laws, discrimination laws or anything else the liberals are fear mongering. Which is exactly what the left is doing fear mongering. Isn't that ironic? For the longest time that is all we have heard about conservatives, they are fear mongers.

Ultimately, both candidates sucked. Both are morally bankrupt, corrupt, racist, name it.

So that leaves you with a choice of what they say they are running on. I believe in less spend, lower taxes and more self accountability. I also see there will be opportunities for a number of supreme court justices to be named in the next 4 years. I believe my children will be better off with conservative choices in those seats.

Lastly, our government is set up with checks and balances for a reason. No arm of the government will have cart blanche decision making. Stating Trump in office will do all of this harm just goes right back to fear mongering.

I am not rural nor uneducated. Somehow I came up to these conclusions all on my own without Madonna or Lady Gaga tell me how to vote. but I am sure regardless of my reasoning I will be tagged as sexist, racist and an old white guy.

I honestly hope this helps you understand my point of view. We are all still Americans and this is still a great country.
Good response! I can respect this. Other than the "servants" and "N" word that is all hearsay. I respect your opinion.
So what I see in this thread is 80% of people approving of the vote, and 20% (primarily Big Red 22) aghast of the vote.

It just makes me chuckle a little when the 20% in this thread lecture the 80%...
This is a "Nebraska" message board. I expected nothing less.

Also it is not 80/20

Myself and the 4 people that liked my post make us 5


All who are very loud and pushed my initial post under the rug make 8

5 against 8

Still not heard one legit positive thing about the guy (leodisflowers) made a valient attempt, and ctscts made good reason why he didn't vote for Hilary.

Simple fact is our President is now Donald Trump, I will support him, and hope for the best
Good response! I can respect this. Other than the "servants" and "N" word that is all hearsay. I respect your opinion.

Thanks for the response. And agree that is hearsay about HRC. But so is much of what has been reported on Trump. So I figure if I am going to weigh hearsay I should for both.
This is a "Nebraska" message board. I expected nothing less.

Also it is not 80/20

Myself and the 4 people that liked my post make us 5


All who are very loud and pushed my initial post under the rug make 8

5 against 8

Still not heard one legit positive thing about the guy (leodisflowers) made a valient attempt, and ctscts made good reason why he didn't vote for Hilary.

Simple fact is our President is now Donald Trump, I will support him, and hope for the best
As hard as it may be to believe, maybe trump is more likeable than Hillary. Or less despised, take your pick.

Trump is flawed in many ways, but so is Hillary, maybe even more so. There's not a lot I like about trump, but there's even less I like about Hillary. That is a valid answer even if you don't agree.
This is a "Nebraska" message board. I expected nothing less.

Also it is not 80/20

Myself and the 4 people that liked my post make us 5


All who are very loud and pushed my initial post under the rug make 8

5 against 8

Still not heard one legit positive thing about the guy (leodisflowers) made a valient attempt, and ctscts made good reason why he didn't vote for Hilary.

Simple fact is our President is now Donald Trump, I will support him, and hope for the best

Did you read past my point of lower taxes, less spend and more self accountability? Or do you simply diminish that those are viable reasons to vote for a candidate?
I voted for Chaos, and for the person most likely to keep Hillary out.
Because she has shown that all she cares about is lining her own pockets at the expense of American lives and security.
If that makes me an uneducated racist for thinking those are the last qualities the Commander and Chief should have, then I will continue to gladly be an uneducated racist.
Care to explain why she had stunningly lower numbers than normal in your Urban centers? After all, this is just a Nebraska board, and we are too dumb to figure that out. You are the expert, edumacate us please! @big red22
Did you read past my point of lower taxes, less spend and more self accountability? Or do you simply diminish that those are viable reasons to vote for a candidate? Or the fact that I trust his decision more on nominating supreme court justices. Are those not valid reasons?
In response to leodisflowers

I hate to tell you, but you don't know if any of these are true. Also see above. I'm no expert on any of this, but I really don't think we know.

So to answer your question #1

No matter the spin the left tries to put on it, the guy has a great business. He is not in the position he is in for sucking at business. Could it be better, for sure. How many times has he cheated the system? The man has filed bankrupsy how many times? Just like your 1st paragragh, there is no proof of this Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump fed him with a silver spoon and he used it to his advantange. Cheating the system may have made the man a lot of money, but does not make him a good business man

A billionaire that seems to be able to relate to the people. Don't see a lot of this. Relate to who? I don't relate to him in the slightest and neither do 99% of America

Wants America to be great... Hilary didn't? I think everyone living in the USA want America great. We just don't say it

Great family man I have already said a man that has been married 3 times is not what I consider a Great Family Man

Has the backing of most of our military leaders. I have never seen proof of this

Take the spin out of things, and both probably aren't as bad of people, but this time of year every 4 years turns somewhat decent people into bad people. The fact he has weathered so much means there is a ton of made up shit.
This is a "Nebraska" message board. I expected nothing less.

Also it is not 80/20

Myself and the 4 people that liked my post make us 5


All who are very loud and pushed my initial post under the rug make 8

5 against 8

Still not heard one legit positive thing about the guy (leodisflowers) made a valient attempt, and ctscts made good reason why he didn't vote for Hilary.

Simple fact is our President is now Donald Trump, I will support him, and hope for the best
Also don't see the 4 others who liked your post lecturing... so my point still stands.
In response to leodisflowers

I hate to tell you, but you don't know if any of these are true. Also see above. I'm no expert on any of this, but I really don't think we know.

So to answer your question #1

No matter the spin the left tries to put on it, the guy has a great business. He is not in the position he is in for sucking at business. Could it be better, for sure. How many times has he cheated the system? The man has filed bankrupsy how many times? Just like your 1st paragragh, there is no proof of this Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump fed him with a silver spoon and he used it to his advantange. Cheating the system may have made the man a lot of money, but does not make him a good business man.

So you don't think Hillary has every cheated anything? I think he is a good

A billionaire that seems to be able to relate to the people. Don't see a lot of this. Relate to who? I don't relate to him in the slightest and neither do 99% of America. I'm pretty sure America voted last night and quite a few of them must relate to the guy. Just because YOU don't have the same opinion doesn't mean it is false.

Wants America to be great... Hilary didn't? I think everyone living in the USA want America great. We just don't say it. Exactly.. Didn't say Hillary didn't say it. Your question you asked to say something good about him. I provided you a correct answer.

Great family man I have already said a man that has been married 3 times is not what I consider a Great Family Man. So you are the expert on this? His kids seem to be doing quite well and have admiration for their father. Loves his grandkids and talks family a lot. Just because it doesn't fit your bill.

Has the backing of most of our military leaders. I have never seen proof of this. Watch TV more. There was at least 10 on today...

Take the spin out of things, and both probably aren't as bad of people, but this time of year every 4 years turns somewhat decent people into bad people. The fact he has weathered so much means there is a ton of made up shit.

Look I get it, you don't like Trump and you don't have to, none of your response above refuted anything. Take the blinders off of your own personal opinion. A president was selected, and we will get to exercise our right to vote in 4 years again.
Are they lecturing? How difficult is this for you?
Who is lecturing?

I just want a valid response of why Rural America voted for Trump? Still haven't got one. What is there to lecture about? I am just proving my initial point that the reasons for voting for Trump, was because of the hate towards Hilary. Not because of anything positive Trump has to offer. How is that lecturing?
Who is lecturing?

I just want a valid response of why Rural America voted for Trump? Still haven't got one. What is there to lecture about? I am just proving my initial point that the reasons for voting for Trump, was because of the hate towards Hilary. Not because of anything positive Trump has to offer. How is that lecturing?

And why is that not a valid reason? We were given 2 choices and we chose the better one.
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