Is MAGA really a possibility?

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Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi... Give me something else people! Hillary Clinton was not the only one involved in that s***
Only one running for commander in chief. Jeezus. Mind numbing spinning. You have to be dizzy.
1. I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.

If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.

2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.

These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life

3. I know there is a lot of people that voted for Trump to say F*** the establishment. They want change, and more of the same is not good. The man has been ****ing us for years. Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote

4. I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? We have President that does those exact things that I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!

5. Trump has in fact proven out of his own mouth that he is Sexist and Racist. It saddens me that over half of America is okay with that?

I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with what happened last night, but it's not going to change anyone's minds. My Presidential choice was John Kasich, but forget about stability. Hillary should not have been the Democratic Candidate either, but I digress
Before going off the deep end, Trump has a lot to clean up prior to starting his plan. The current administration had no qualms lying or being as corrupt as possible, dividing this country and driving this country into a cesspool. Unless you know Trump personally and can say for fact your diatribe is fact, need to back off and let him do his job. The MSM did all it could to do a character assassination and back up by a criminal element in the current administration.
I think is is the peak of absurdity to argue which of the TOTALLY morally bankrupt candidates we just picked from has more "morals" than the other one.

Trump says bad things all the time. He has said terrible things about women, reporters, minorities, you name it. He has treated people in his life like garbage and is a total narcissist. Clintons have ground people under their machine -- both literally and figuratively -- for years including many of Bill's former mistresses. Hillary was complicit in ALL of that so long as it advanced her to this point all the while pretending to be some kind of beacon for the empowerment of women.

People ask how any woman can support Trump, a fair question. I think it's equally fair to ask how any woman could support Hillary.

They are both disgusting human beings. Basket of deplorables? Yep. Deplorable number 1 and 2.
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You mean the one the person you voted for supported?
How many people have died in Chicago under the policies she supposedly backs the last 8 years?
Remember when Bill Clinton and his SOS were warning everyone of the dangers of Saddam? And there were many other democrats who declared the WMD's needed to be dealt with. Much hypocrisy from those rascal liberals.
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I think is is the peak of absurdity to argue which of the TOTALLY morally bankrupt candidates we just picked from has more "morals" than the other one.

Trump says bad things all the time. He has said terrible things about women, reporters, minorities, you name it. He has treated people in his life like garbage and is a total narcissist. Clintons have ground people under their machine -- both literally and figuratively -- including many of Bill's former mistresses. Hillary was complicit in ALL of that so long as it advanced her to this point all the while pretending to be some kind of beacon for the empowerment of women.

People ask how any woman can support Trump, a fair question. I think it's equally fair to ask how any woman could support Hillary.

They are both disgusting human beings. Basket of deplorables? Yep. Deplorable number 1 and 2.

Show me something that makes Hillary a discusting human being? I would love to be shown all these claims of how discusting she is. Benghazi... Emails... Since she is Pro-Choice she supposedly hates babies... Got it.

Outside of that I want to see something else... There is quote after quote after quote of how Trump has no morals, I want to see something about Hillary. I would love to eat crow on this, so please someone that isn't trolling me hard like GBRHuskers or 4.6.3 show me how she is equally immoral
Sexism, homophobia, bigotry, hate, and xenophobia have won out...the man gave a voice to hatred and it got him elected...Hillary was a poor option but this is such a stain on our history. In all reality we elected President Pence last night, the next 4 years will be a mess...also has the media and pollsters ever get something this big this wrong?
Sexism? You mean the kind that Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, and so many other democrats proudly showcased with their antics? Hatred? You mean the kind of hatred on display time and again by democrats towards republicans, or Hillary and he basket of deplorables comment? Plenty of xenophobia going around on the dem/lib side of the isle, plenty! Bigotry? Oh, you mean like the kind dem/libs show if a black or Hispanic person is republican and runs for any kind of office? So much hate and bigotry thrown their way it's scary.

But it was nice of you to mouth out the typical dem/lib talking points.
A big day for the Republicans. Last night I watched the colorful maps light up, and never has it been clearer that there are 2 Americas, almost completely tone-deaf to each other. Democrats and Republicans need to reach across the aisle, and work together to the benefit of all of us. I hope that Progressive voices don't choose to obstruct, but rather, to negotiate.

As for Trump's campaign promises? Best of luck. Outsiders don't change Washington. Washington changes Outsiders.
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Show me something that makes Hillary a discusting human being? I would love to be shown all these claims of how discusting she is. Benghazi... Emails... Since she is Pro-Choice she supposedly hates babies... Got it.

Outside of that I want to see something else... There is quote after quote after quote of how Trump has no morals, I want to see something about Hillary. I would love to eat crow on this, so please someone that isn't trolling me hard like GBRHuskers or 4.6.3 show me how she is equally immoral
Let's see, she stands by, on the same stage no less, while rappers throw out filthy lyrics filled with hate and bring women down to the lowest they can possibly get by calling them bitches and ho's, and says NOTHING about how DEPLORABLE that is. You remember her basket of deplorable comment, don't you? She was aiming that at you, after all, Mr. registered Republican, you are that hater, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe she was talking about.

Stands idly by for years and makes no stand while her husband sexually assaults women or has sex with them in the White House. And then tries to denigrate the accusers with no empathy for them, only hate and hostility.

So, Mr. registered Republican, there's just a few examples for you. Oh, by the way, it's "disgusting" if you care to know.
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Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi... Give me something else people! Hillary Clinton was not the only one involved in that s***
Gotta say, this kinda pisses me off...

So according to you, since she isn't the only one involved (as Secretary of State, no less) then we have no reason to bring this up.

Benghazi is a BIG deal.

Abortion is a BIG deal.

But yeah, they aren't deal breakers. You need to stop minimizing Hillary's bad stuff while emphasizing Donald's...
Who cares, both sides are filled with pieces of shit. It's been like that for a long time. Both are screwing everyone not at the top of the food chain, and that won't stop with a Trump.

If you want to actually have a say in the matter, move to North Carolina or Florida.
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Hey how many people died in the Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist?

Weapons of mass destruction did exist. They found them. It was classified until the last year or so. It's public information now.

Anecdote about them, my uncle who helped coordinate the effort to fly them out and destroy them. His biggest pet peeve is when people claim that there were never WMDs. For years he had to hold his tongue because it was classified.
Show me something that makes Hillary a discusting human being? I would love to be shown all these claims of how discusting she is. Benghazi... Emails... Since she is Pro-Choice she supposedly hates babies... Got it.

Outside of that I want to see something else... There is quote after quote after quote of how Trump has no morals, I want to see something about Hillary. I would love to eat crow on this, so please someone that isn't trolling me hard like GBRHuskers or 4.6.3 show me how she is equally immoral
You sure you are not a liberal? You may want to look up the definition of trolling. Just because you are wrong, and get offended easily... does not equate to trolling. Lol
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Let's see, she stands by, on the same stage no less, while rappers throw out filthy lyrics filled with hate and bring women down to the lowest they can possibly get by calling them bitches and ho's, and says NOTHING about how DEPLORABLE that is. You remember her basket of deplorable comment, don't you? She was aiming that at you, after all, Mr. registered Republican, you are that hater, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe she was talking about.

Stands idly by for years and makes no stand while her husband sexually assaults women or has sex with them in the White House. And then tries to denigrate the accusers with no empathy for them, only hate and hostility.

So, Mr. registered Republican, there's just a few examples for you. Oh, by the way, it's "disgusting" if you care to know.

How about her laughing about getting off a child rapists, and bullying the victim.
Also bullied Bills victims.
Yup, that Killary is sure one stand-up gal.
A big day for the Republicans. Last night I watched the colorful maps light up, and never has it been clearer that there are 2 Americas, almost completely tone-deaf to each other. Democrats and Republicans need to reach across the aisle, and work together to the benefit of all of us. I hope that Progressive voices don't choose to obstruct, but rather, to negotiate.

As for Trump's campaign promises? Best of luck. Outsiders don't change Washington. Washington changes Outsiders.
Damn right it's divided. Only so much you can blame on Blue-collar American before they lose their patience and push back.
At the end of the day, Trump said it best in his victory speech. We need to heal the divide caused by this election and come together and unite.

I think it would be good for both sides of the issue to just stop going after each other and find a way to coexist so we can focus on what we need to do in the coming years.

I personally enjoyed Trumps talk of focusing on infrastructure because it is a way to create jobs and make America a leader in infrastructure again.

Let's see, she stands by, on the same stage no less, while rappers throw out filthy lyrics filled with hate and bring women down to the lowest they can possibly get by calling them bitches and ho's, and says NOTHING about how DEPLORABLE that is. You remember her basket of deplorable comment, don't you? She was aiming that at you, after all, Mr. registered Republican, you are that hater, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe she was talking about.

Stands idly by for years and makes no stand while her husband sexually assaults women or has sex with them in the White House. And then tries to denigrate the accusers with no empathy for them, only hate and hostility.

So, Mr. registered Republican, there's just a few examples for you. Oh, by the way, it's "disgusting" if you care to know.
So, bill's accusers are telling the truth, but not the 10 women who verified what trump bragged about for years?
Blaming a woman for her husband's cheating? Is that part of MAGA, wanting to go back to the 1950s? 5 years after a divorce, 75 percent of people say they wish they would have stayed married. She keeps a marriage together, raises a daughter, and essentially is villified by the Right? How very Christian of them.
I guess she should have just had affairs, then left spouses for younger men with better bodies. Seems like the Christian Right is just fine with that behavior.....

Ironically all Americans would be better off today if Romney had won 4 years ago as trump would have missed his window to run.
So, bill's accusers are telling the truth, but not the 10 women who verified what trump bragged about for years?
Blaming a woman for her husband's cheating? Is that part of MAGA, wanting to go back to the 1950s? 5 years after a divorce, 75 percent of people say they wish they would have stayed married. She keeps a marriage together, raises a daughter, and essentially is villified by the Right? How very Christian of them.
I guess she should have just had affairs, then left spouses for younger men with better bodies. Seems like the Christian Right is just fine with that behavior.....

Ironically all Americans would be better off today if Romney had won 4 years ago as trump would have missed his window to run.
He wanted examples, I gave them to him. Not my fault you can't handle the truth.

Oh, so what you're really saying is all the accusers of Trump are right, and all the accusers of Bill Clinton are wrong? And if you believe their "marriage" is really together, then I have beach front property on the moon for you.

Then again, using some of your own words, how very "Christian" of Hillary, you know, the Hillary that says scripture and the bible are so important to her, vilifies Trump about his treatment of women. Pot calling kettle black.
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I still dont believe Trump was in this to actually win...this was about his brand and getting his tv network off the ground.....actually winning is a bit of a roadblock to the business of Trump
Blaming a woman for her husband's cheating?

She stood right by him, just waiting for her opportunity which she's failed at three straight elections.

She also defended his every move, including intimidation and defamation of character. You're right though, she didn't commit the (alleged) crime however, she's just as guilty due to her antics during and after the allegations.

Clinton settled with one of his accusers. Has Trump?

Ironically we don't hear about the allegations of Trump anymore. Matter of fact, the one child rape case has already been debunked as her people dangled her story/allegations to many different media outlets. They all did their due diligence, over the course of a year plus, and declined to run with her story.

There's also rumored allegations Gloria Allred was offering upwards of $500,000 for women to "come forward".

Lastly, there's NUMEROUS women that were around the Miss Universe (or America?) pageant that have called BS on some of the stuff. One of them is a former Miss Nebraska.
So, bill's accusers are telling the truth, but not the 10 women who verified what trump bragged about for years?
Blaming a woman for her husband's cheating? Is that part of MAGA, wanting to go back to the 1950s? 5 years after a divorce, 75 percent of people say they wish they would have stayed married. She keeps a marriage together, raises a daughter, and essentially is villified by the Right? How very Christian of them.
I guess she should have just had affairs, then left spouses for younger men with better bodies. Seems like the Christian Right is just fine with that behavior.....

Ironically all Americans would be better off today if Romney had won 4 years ago as trump would have missed his window to run.
So, bill's accusers are telling the truth, but not the 10 women who verified what trump bragged about for years?
Blaming a woman for her husband's cheating? Is that part of MAGA, wanting to go back to the 1950s?
Ironically all Americans would be better off today if
So, bill's accusers are telling the truth, but not the 10 women who verified what trump bragged about for years?
Blaming a woman for her husband's cheating? Is that part of MAGA, wanting to go back to the 1950s? 5 years after a divorce, 75 percent of people say they wish they would have stayed married. She keeps a marriage together, raises a daughter, and essentially is villified by the Right? How very Christian of them.
I guess she should have just had affairs, then left spouses for younger men with better bodies. Seems like the Christian Right is just fine with that behavior.....

Ironically all Americans would be better off today if Romney had won 4 years ago as trump would have missed his window to run.
Bills accusers were bullied, and they accused him shortly after the rapes. Trumps accusers should be given the benefit of the doubt... but it is kind of weird they all waited to accuse a billionaire until he was running for president.
I see you left out the part where she laughed about getting off a child rapist, and bullied the victim.
He wanted examples, I gave them to him. Not my fault you can't handle the truth.

Oh, so what you're really saying is all the accusers of Trump are right, and all the accusers of Bill Clinton are wrong? And if you believe their "marriage" is really together, then I have beach front property on the moon for you.

Then again, using some of your own words, how very "Christian" of Hillary, you know, the Hillary that says scripture and the bible are so important to her, vilifies Trump about his treatment of women. Pot calling kettle black.
I'm just pointing out the obvious: if you believe bill's accusers, then why wouldn't you believe trump's? Especially when he bragged about purposely walking into women's locker rooms during pageants and groping/kissing women without their consent???
And Hilary was only repeating trump's own words, not spreading innuendo and rumors (birther/stamina/health).
We truly live in a world of 2 americas when the total vote comes down to about 200,000.
Show me something that makes Hillary a discusting human being? I would love to be shown all these claims of how discusting she is. Benghazi... Emails... Since she is Pro-Choice she supposedly hates babies... Got it.

Outside of that I want to see something else... There is quote after quote after quote of how Trump has no morals, I want to see something about Hillary. I would love to eat crow on this, so please someone that isn't trolling me hard like GBRHuskers or 4.6.3 show me how she is equally immoral
Here is an article that a military general says that her emails compromised missions. Did people die because of this?
Remember the time Hillary went out of her way to blame a 12 year old for being raped?

How about lying under oath?

How about when she cheated to get the DNC nomination (on multiple occasions)? (Source- all the leaked emails)

Or all the Clinton Foundation donors being from Qatar and Saudi Arabia? Or how they 'helped' keep the minimum wage in Haiti at 31 cents instead of rising to 60 cents?

How about these? And I won't go into any conspiracy theiriea about the trail of mysterious deaths that lay in the Clintons past and all of Bills sexual assaults Hillary has looked past. Because they are conspiracy theories and not facts.
Here is an article that a military general says that her emails compromised missions. Did people die because of this?
Remember the time Hillary went out of her way to blame a 12 year old for being raped?

How about lying under oath?

How about when she cheated to get the DNC nomination (on multiple occasions)? (Source- all the leaked emails)

Or all the Clinton Foundation donors being from Qatar and Saudi Arabia? Or how they 'helped' keep the minimum wage in Haiti at 31 cents instead of rising to 60 cents?

How about these? And I won't go into any conspiracy theiriea about the trail of mysterious deaths that lay in the Clintons past and all of Bills sexual assaults Hillary has looked past. Because they are conspiracy theories and not facts.
Stand up gal. Great morals.
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She stood right by him, just waiting for her opportunity which she's failed at three straight elections.

She also defended his every move, including intimidation and defamation of character. You're right though, she didn't commit the (alleged) crime however, she's just as guilty due to her antics during and after the allegations.

Clinton settled with one of his accusers. Has Trump?

Ironically we don't hear about the allegations of Trump anymore. Matter of fact, the one child rape case has already been debunked as her people dangled her story/allegations to many different media outlets. They all did their due diligence, over the course of a year plus, and declined to run with her story.

There's also rumored allegations Gloria Allred was offering upwards of $500,000 for women to "come forward".

Lastly, there's NUMEROUS women that were around the Miss Universe (or America?) pageant that have called BS on some of the stuff. One of them is a former Miss Nebraska.

"She's just as guilty". Again, something right out of 1950,or current day Afghanistan. There is very little evidence that she harassed bills accusers--again, 2 americas.
Show me something that makes Hillary a discusting human being? I would love to be shown all these claims of how discusting she is. Benghazi... Emails... Since she is Pro-Choice she supposedly hates babies... Got it.

Outside of that I want to see something else... There is quote after quote after quote of how Trump has no morals, I want to see something about Hillary. I would love to eat crow on this, so please someone that isn't trolling me hard like GBRHuskers or 4.6.3 show me how she is equally immoral
Discusting? Seriously. Not a hard word to spell.
Here is an article that a military general says that her emails compromised missions. Did people die because of this?
How anyone can watch that video, and come up with the conclusion that she was innocent and truthfull is completely baffling. We have soldiers in jail for doing nothing more than taking a picture of their submarine with their phones. And the former SOS gets off free.
Stand up gal
Remember the time Hillary went out of her way to blame a 12 year old for being raped?

How about lying under oath?

How about when she cheated to get the DNC nomination (on multiple occasions)? (Source- all the leaked emails)

Or all the Clinton Foundation donors being from Qatar and Saudi Arabia? Or how they 'helped' keep the minimum wage in Haiti at 31 cents instead of rising to 60 cents?

How about these? And I won't go into any conspiracy theiriea about the trail of mysterious deaths that lay in the Clintons past and all of Bills sexual assaults Hillary has looked past. Because they are conspiracy theories and not facts.
"She's just as guilty". Again, something right out of 1950,or current day Afghanistan. There is very little evidence that she harassed bills accusers--again, 2 americas.

Nah, that's straight out of reality, regardless of the year. In Afghanistan, do you really want to get into that?

There is plenty of evidence that she intimidated his accusers.
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In all reality most of us here will not be affected one bit by who the President is due to our priviledge of being white males, but man there is a hostility out there that is unsettling for sure
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Nah, that's straight out of reality, regardless of the year. In Afghanistan, do you really want to get into that?

There is plenty of evidence that she intimidated his accusers.
Anything that didn't come from Hannity or breibart (sp?)?
I don't know where you are going with "reality", and frankly it will be a waste of both of our lives to sort it out. Have a good night, GBR.
Anything that didn't come from Hannity or breibart (sp?)?
I don't know where you are going with "reality", and frankly it will be a waste of both of our lives to sort it out. Have a good night, GBR.

It's out there, and with a quick search your doubting is corrected.

You claim it's the 50's, and even Afghanistan; which is an extreme stretch and ridiculous as well, thought process that she's guilty due to actions. I get it though, you're a Democrat and Hillary is untouchable.

2 hours remaining folks.
This thread has devolved into the parroting of talking points on both sides.
1. I am 98% Pro-Life and 2% Pro-Choice, which in turn makes me Pro-Choice.

2. I will not get into great detail here, but that 2% is "not" the I had sex with my high school sweet heart and got pregnant abortions, or whoops baby number 3 was an accident. The 2% is tied to drug addicts that have no support system, Woman carrying the baby will die if she has the child and other circumstances that the chance for a "Life" is minimal to non-existent

3. If you are the ones voting for it, then don't complain about tax increases for helping these children

4. No one is saying "Donate everything you have" we are saying quit bitching about your taxes going up $0.78 a week to help the cause.

That is the problem. Pro-Lifers are extremely shallow minded and never look at the big picture

Well, you are all over the map on this one and evidence doesn't seem to be on your side. I happen to have some first hand knowledge of some of what you speak. You would have to look EXTREMELY hard to find many health related issues that would require an abortion to save the mother. In fact, many doctors will tell you there are none. There is all kinds of confusing data out there such as to to save the life of the mother which means all she has to do is say she would be mentally stressed to have the baby - well, geez, my wife and I had two together and yes it was stressful at times.

I happen to be consulting at a Pregnancy Center. It is the most amazing place you will ever see. We operate totally on gifts from individuals and churches. People give regularly and big to this ministry to save babies and even to support adoption. This is not an isolated place either, they are growing very quickly across America and planned parenthood absolutely hates us and attempts to pass laws against us all of the time. People donate to these places so that all services are completely FREE to them. We offer pregnancy tests, pre-natal screening, birth and child classes, sonograms, fatherhood classes, parenting classes, couples classes and the one that people tend to forget - post abortion classes. Yes, the number of women who suffer from having an abortion previously is serious.

Please don't patronize Christians as uncaring and shallow minded. The give like crazy to families who have no idea how they will support a baby by offering classes, clothing, food, diapers, you name it and even adoption.
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