Is MAGA really a possibility?

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Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote

I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? Our President that does those exact things I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!

Considering her long list of intimidation, which is most definitely a form of bullying, your response is quite ironic. Wait, it's not ironic, it's sickening. As for the rest of your response, let's see how this thread goes over the next 12 hours.
Considering her long list of intimidation, which is most definitely a form of bullying, your response is quite ironic. Wait, it's not ironic, it's sickening. As for the rest of your response, let's see how this thread goes over the next 12 hours.
Answer #1 pleae
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1. I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.

If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.

I'm a rural American and I held my nose and voted Trump/Pence. One positive to me is that both the major parties hate him. I voted anti-status quo. I voted for the chance at a more pro-life government. We'll see.
As fun as it was to watch Fox last night, and boy it was fun, especially when the odds of him winning went from about 23% to 81% in an hour and a half and they were reading it on the was even more entertaining watching CNN. That was must see TV.
Watched nothing but CNN the whole night. Hillary was "we". And people wonder why some feel the need to rub the media's face in the poop they laid on the living room carpet.
Sexism, homophobia, bigotry, hate, and xenophobia have won out...the man gave a voice to hatred and it got him elected...Hillary was a poor option but this is such a stain on our history. In all reality we elected President Pence last night, the next 4 years will be a mess...also has the media and pollsters ever get something this big this wrong?
You forgot to add ignorance and disdain for facts, expertise, and preparation. Hilary had flaws, but 47 percent of the country acted like this was an episode of the apprentice. Ironically it is a rigged election--the candidate with the most votes didn't win.
I'm a rural American and I held my nose and voted Trump/Pence. One positive to me is that both the major parties hate him. I voted anti-status quo. I voted for the chance at a more pro-life government. We'll see.
See #2... I said tell me something that is positive about "Donald Trump" not that you are a Republican who is pro-life and anti-abortion! You basically fall in category #2 and #3
1. I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.

If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.

2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.

These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life

3. I know there is a lot of people that voted for Trump to say F*** the establishment. They want change, and more of the same is not good. The man has been ****ing us for years. Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote

4. I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? We have President that does those exact things that I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!

5. Trump has in fact proven out of his own mouth that he is Sexist and Racist. It saddens me that over half of America is okay with that?

I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with what happened last night, but it's not going to change anyone's minds. My Presidential choice was John Kasich, but forget about stability. Hillary should not have been the Democratic Candidate either, but I digress
Oh please. If she carried her traditional Blue states she would have won. Blame whitey all you want, or look at the facts and realize the Democratic party has ignored ALL blue-collar Americans for way too long.
Oh please. If she carried her traditional Blue states she would have won. Blame whitey all you want, or look at the facts and realize the Democratic party has ignored ALL blue-collar Americans for way too long.
Answer #1 or please don't respond
So... only your opinion matters. Seems you have not learned anything. But keep painting that widespread brushstroke of hate and rhetoric that you were programmed with. Good gravy try learning something.
No it's the simple fact that none of the Trump supporters can say one positive thing about "Donald Trump" and they lash out on the negative's of the opposite party. I am registered Republican, that does not mean I only support the Party lines
Watched nothing but CNN the whole night. Hillary was "we". And people wonder why some feel the need to rub the media's face in the poop they laid on the living room carpet.
I was flipping around to various networks. CNN was awful. Quit watching them. So sick of hearing how Trump was winning the "uneducated white vote". That is empirically true but so transparent in its attempt to smear. And they wonder why Trump won? It is precisely because of that kind of snotty liberal elitism that Trump won. Why did rural America vote for Trump? Because rural conservatives are tired of being bullied by the media, educational, corporate and government elites. This was not a pro Trump vote. It was an anti "business as usual" vote. Even many liberals had to admit that 8 years of Mr. "Hope and change" brought us nothing more than the status quo.

Maybe if liberals had been more worried about lost jobs for average working class Americans rather than making sure all elementary schools have bathrooms for 6 year old cross dressers, then Hillary would have won.
What's your positive about her?
No kidding. Such hate for their fellow Americans, and absolutely no facts other than false pre-conceived notions.

Time for someone to "respect the office"... right?
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No it's the simple fact that none of the Trump supporters can say one positive thing about "Donald Trump" and they lash out on the negative's of the opposite party. I am registered Republican, that does not mean I only support the Party lines

We could go on and on supporting him, but why would we? We showed our support yesterday and at this point it's exhausting. Victory laps are in order now.
What's your positive about her?

First she is not my top choice, so let me get that straight

  • She is not Racist
  • She is someone that I would be able to sit down and have a conversation with without being interupted
  • She looks out for the good of the children
  • She puts education first
  • She seems to have better overall morals(Queue the Bengahzi preachers)
Your turn
2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.

These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life

I tried twice to respond to this but as I near finishing my long reply, the site crashes. I'm sure it's a left wing conspiracy. ;)
The thought of a criminal investigation against the President ELECT is the most embarrassing, unbelievable concept of my lifetime.
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1. I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.

If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.

2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.

These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life

3. I know there is a lot of people that voted for Trump to say F*** the establishment. They want change, and more of the same is not good. The man has been ****ing us for years. Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote

4. I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? We have President that does those exact things that I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!

5. Trump has in fact proven out of his own mouth that he is Sexist and Racist. It saddens me that over half of America is okay with that?

I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with what happened last night, but it's not going to change anyone's minds. My Presidential choice was John Kasich, but forget about stability. Hillary should not have been the Democratic Candidate either, but I digress

Van Jones, is that you? Or, did you just read up on the talking points of those "big-hearts" and regurgitate it here, as your own?

Van Jones, and people like you, are part of the problem. Guy hasn't even been sworn in and I have to read about "white-lash." What a bunch of sheet. There are lessons to be learned from this, for certain, just make sure you are teaching your kids the real ones. It doesn't sound like it. I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with your approach to life and your thought process, but it's not going to change your mind. Now go suckle up to the teet of every butt-hurt liberal and enjoy rolling around in the gigantic piles of misery and disgust that you surround yourselves with on a daily basis.
Van Jones, is that you? Or, did you just read up on the talking points of those "big-hearts" and regurgitate it here, as your own?

Van Jones, and people like you, are part of the problem. Guy hasn't even been sworn in and I have to read about "white-lash." What a bunch of sheet. There are lessons to be learned from this, for certain, just make sure you are teaching your kids the real ones. It doesn't sound like it. I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with your approach to life and your thought process, but it's not going to change your mind. Now go suckle up to the teet of every butt-hurt liberal and enjoy rolling around in the gigantic piles of misery and disgust that you surround yourselves with on a daily basis.
Don't quote #1 and then not actually have an answer... proof is in the pudding son! You can bash the other side all day, but until you can state on positive thing(fact) about Trump I don't want to hear it!

Just like Trump you divert the actual question at hand
Van Jones, is that you? Or, did you just read up on the talking points of those "big-hearts" and regurgitate it here, as your own?

Van Jones, and people like you, are part of the problem. Guy hasn't even been sworn in and I have to read about "white-lash." What a bunch of sheet. There are lessons to be learned from this, for certain, just make sure you are teaching your kids the real ones. It doesn't sound like it. I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with your approach to life and your thought process, but it's not going to change your mind. Now go suckle up to the teet of every butt-hurt liberal and enjoy rolling around in the gigantic piles of misery and disgust that you surround yourselves with on a daily basis.

Just about barfed when that guy said "white-lash". It's just inconceivable to some of the liberals that their candidate sucked worse than ours.
Ha! She supports killing children on demand even up to the minute before they are delivered. You are delusional.
oh my gosh! You have no clue do you? Abortion are not all children. The ones that are born... she looks out for them. My gosh dude, you can't look past it
First she is not my top choice, so let me get that straight

  • She is not Racist
  • She is someone that I would be able to sit down and have a conversation with without being interupted
  • She looks out for the good of the children
  • She puts education first
  • She seems to have better overall morals(Queue the Bengahzi preachers)
Your turn
I just vomited a little in my mouth, thanks a lot.
Van Jones, is that you? Or, did you just read up on the talking points of those "big-hearts" and regurgitate it here, as your own?

Van Jones, and people like you, are part of the problem. Guy hasn't even been sworn in and I have to read about "white-lash." What a bunch of sheet. There are lessons to be learned from this, for certain, just make sure you are teaching your kids the real ones. It doesn't sound like it. I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with your approach to life and your thought process, but it's not going to change your mind. Now go suckle up to the teet of every butt-hurt liberal and enjoy rolling around in the gigantic piles of misery and disgust that you surround yourselves with on a daily basis.
Yep son... Go out and make fun of people! According to Lincoln100 that is the right thing to do. I guess me teaching you about respecting the fellow man has been wrong all along!
Vote for Obama, "rural America" isn't racist.

Vote for Trump, "rural America" is racist.

Gotta love the democratic party.

Exactly. Van Jones calling this a "whitelash" is flatulent nonsense. All these "uneducated rural whites" who voted for Obama have suddenly become racists? But liberals have to talk this way. Their whole message is the divisive message of a supposedly racist and xenophobic America. This election was about telling the establishment political classes to shut the **** up about the politics of identity. Americans want good jobs and a stronger middle class economy. Period
Look past the murder of millions of children? No I can't look past it.
Come back at me 4 years from now and show me something he does for you regarding this! Nothing is going to change, and that is why you need to look past vote on "ABORTION ALONE!!!"
I was flipping around to various networks. CNN was awful. Quit watching them. So sick of hearing how Trump was winning the "uneducated white vote". That is empirically true but so transparent in its attempt to smear. And they wonder why Trump won? It is precisely because of that kind of snotty liberal elitism that Trump won. Why did rural America vote for Trump? Because rural conservatives are tired of being bullied by the media, educational, corporate and government elites. This was not a pro Trump vote. It was an anti "business as usual" vote. Even many liberals had to admit that 8 years of Mr. "Hope and change" brought us nothing more than the status quo.

Maybe if liberals had been more worried about lost jobs for average working class Americans rather than making sure all elementary schools have bathrooms for 6 year old cross dressers, then Hillary would have won.
I love the "uneducated" rhetoric because I make more than the guy not using his liberal arts degree that caused him to be buried in college debt. Yup, makes me "unedumacated". Lol. This unedumacated guy is doing just fine.
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Keep posting. It just keeps getting better. You say you're a registered Republican? You're substantiating CNN's narrative about so many uneducated Republicans.
Yes sir... I consider myself more of a Non-Partisan. I would have voted Republican had the representative been John Kasich. Is your name Rush Limbaugh?
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