Is MAGA really a possibility?

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Who is lecturing?

I just want a valid response of why Rural America voted for Trump? Still haven't got one. What is there to lecture about? I am just proving my initial point that the reasons for voting for Trump, was because of the hate towards Hilary. Not because of anything positive Trump has to offer. How is that lecturing?
Once again, you ignore the responses, and refuse to answer why her number in Urban centers were so underwhelming.
You will never answer that, you have been programmed.
Who knows. Maybe blacks don't like being labeled super-predators by an old bitter white woman.
Once again, you ignore the responses, and refuse to answer why her number in Urban centers were so underwhelming.
You will never answer that, you have been programmed.
Who knows. Maybe blacks don't like being labeled super-predators by an old bitter white woman.
Donald Trump has pledged to spend a 100 Billion dollars on infrastructure in the inner cities.

He is for Term limits.

Those are 2 good reasons to like Donald Trump.
Okay thanks
Other than him being "pro-life" do you have anything else?

Why do I need anything else? And I don't know if he's pro-life, but I know she's not. If ones doesn't have life, all other rights don't matter do they?
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I believe Jeans, above, listed two things. Why did you ignore that?
It will not stop, he will go all day, its what they do. If Clinton would have won, those who didn't vote for her would have responded "holy sh#t, is the next four years going to suck a$$," and they would have gone on with their day. Trump wins, and it will be non-stop whining, ignoring, finger pointing (middle finger), claims of "white-lash" and bigotry, and all around temper tantrums for a long long time.

Hope all have a prosperous and healthy day. There is hope again.
He isnt pro life he is pro Trump I will say the group of people that have something to genuinely fear is the LGBTQ community....Marriage equality could absolutely be repealed ....I will say this we as a nation are as divided as we have ever been and its probably going to get worse before it gets better. From a governing standpoint whomever he surrounds himself with will be running the show.
What a fascinating turn of events. A revolution by the former ruling class is something to behold. The nation is indeed changing, but it was moving too quickly for the masses to swallow. Some folks can only be told so many times that, outside of the major US cities, you are dumb, racist, white and bigots before you push back. Rural America pushed back, and it wasn't just white men.

We truly live in a polarizing time, and Facebook, Twitter and boards like this exacerbate that this morning.
What a fascinating turn of events. A revolution by the former ruling class is something to behold. The nation is indeed changing, but it was moving too quickly for the masses to swallow. Some folks can only be told so many times that, outside of the major US cities, you are dumb, racist, white and bigots before you push back. Rural America pushed back, and it wasn't just white men.

We truly live in a polarizing time, and Facebook, Twitter and boards like this exacerbate that this morning.
Hell the urban vote shrunk for her in many areas. Are they racist too now?
He isnt pro life he is pro Trump I will say the group of people that have something to genuinely fear is the LGBTQ community....Marriage equality could absolutely be repealed ....I will say this we as a nation are as divided as we have ever been and its probably going to get worse before it gets better. From a governing standpoint whomever he surrounds himself with will be running the show.

curious on your thoughts on the bold. what is the cause of the divide? Is your opinion is Trump a cause or will he just further the chasm?
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I expect to see a wall built.
I expect ISIS to be defeated.
I expect same sex marriage to be overturned.
I expect women to be punished for having an abortion.
I expect the US to get out of NATO.
I expect American companies to be penalized for sending jobs overseas.
I expect Hillary to be locked up.

No, now that he is in DC he will just be another politician who doesn't keep promises.
To address the original question as to why anyone would vote for Trump:

I live in Northeast Ohio and work in Western PA, in a manufacturing plant that is a Teamsters shop. I'm a displaced Husker not from here originally.

The employees here are mostly the children / grandchildren of steelworkers who witnessed the decline of their industry and were put out of work. The culture in this plant is as old-school of a union shop as exists today in the US. It puts GM to shame.

The election this year has been fascinating to me -- the employees like to come into my office and convince me who I should vote for. My plant and this area is a reliable slam-dunk for Democratic votes traditionally. Employees here despised Bush and voted for Obama twice overwhelmingly.

And, just as overwhelmingly, they hated, hated, hated Hillary. I can't even put it into words. Every day, Clinton / Kaine campaign badges appeared in our urinals. They would be discarded only to reappear. Every day. The word was out from the Union: Clinton was not to be supported.

This plant went STRONGLY to Trump, something that I would have laughed at just a couple months ago. 3 themes that I hear again today, and have heard, over and over, and over again over the last couple months:

1) They believe that the bad trade deals started under Clinton 1 and have been accelerating since then and there is NO forgiveness for this. None. Manufacturing here has been drying up. Doesn't matter if anyone thinks they're right or wrong, it drove their votes.

2) They believe that both candidates are moral degenerates but that Trump is right up front about his degenerate views while Clinton will "stab you in the back while looking you in the eye". That is a direct quote I heard many times in my plant.

3) There is a STRONG sentiment, in this plant that it's them (the 99%) against the 1%ers. I hear about it every day. And, oddly, they identified Clinton as the 1%er that was bought and sold by corporations, special interests, and Wall Street, not Trump. Which I think is weird because there is nobody I can think of that's more 1% than Trump.

So there's some insight as to how a whole bunch of white, worker, rural, union workers voted.
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Why do I need anything else? And I don't know if he's pro-life, but I know she's not. If ones doesn't have life, all other rights don't matter do they?
I assume you are Catholic correct? So am I, doesn't mean I don't disagree with some of the Catholic beliefs

Not only that, as Catholic or Christian like myself. How could you vote for a man that promotes making fun of Fat People, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Women ect... and think he is the right man to lead the people of our country
I don't know if the Donald will be able to deliver what he promised to more die hard supporters. So IMO, will his most vocal supporters still be happy with a Trump Presidency if he ends up with a more or less "standard" Republican platform instead of a radical "draining of the swamp?"

The Donald's best bet for success as President is working with Paul Ryan. A man that vocal Trump supporters have wanted pushed aside and filleted right after Hilary goes to jail.

It seems quite likely that the Donald, in an effort to get an agenda going, focuses less on draining the swamp and starting a GOP civil war when they have this thing wrapped up, and working with existing elites to pass GOP legislation.

I don't see term limits coming (none of the current elites would vote for that if The Donald proposed it). Its quite possible there is no Wall or Hilary Witch Hunt. I do think Obamacare will go bye bye. I think taxes will be restructured and trade deals look at. EO's will be rolled back. I don't see lopping off of whole arms of the USG.

Repealing Obamacare and offering tax cuts (and having the power to appoint Justices) would be a net positive IMO, but its not exactly the radical change The Donald ran on. Most of his more extreme positions (one might say, well defined positions) look largely like they will go by the wayside in favor of a compromise to move a legislative agenda forward.
To address the original question as to why anyone would vote for Trump:

I live in Northeast Ohio and work in Western PA, in a manufacturing plant that is a Teamsters shop. I'm a displaced Husker not from here originally.

The employees here are mostly the children / grandchildren of steelworkers who witnessed the decline of their industry and were put out of work. The culture in this plant is as old-school of a union shop as exists today in the US. It puts GM to shame.

The election this year has been fascinating to me -- the employees like to come into my office and convince me who I should vote for. My plant and this area is a reliable slam-dunk for Democratic votes traditionally. Employees here despised Bush and voted for Obama twice overwhelmingly.

And, just as overwhelmingly, they hated, hated, hated Hillary. I can't even put it into words. Every day, Clinton / Kaine campaign badges appeared in our urinals. They would be discarded only to reappear. Every day. The word was out from the Union: Clinton was not to be supported.

This plant went OVERWHELMINGLY to Trump, something that I would have laughed at just a couple months ago. 3 themes that I hear again today, and have heard, over and over, and over again over the last couple months:

1) They believe that the bad trade deals started under Clinton 1 and have been accelerating since then and there is NO forgiveness for this. None. Manufacturing here has been drying up. Doesn't matter if anyone thinks they're right or wrong, it drove their votes.

2) They believe that both candidates are moral degenerates but that Trump is right up front about his degenerate views while Clinton will "stab you in the back while looking you in the eye". That is a direct quote I heard many times in my plant.

3) There is a STRONG sentiment, in this plant that it's them (the 99%) against the 1%ers. I hear about it every day. And, oddly, they identified Clinton as the 1%er that was bought and sold by corporations, special interests, and Wall Street, not Trump. Which I think is weird because there is nobody I can think of that's more 1% than Trump.

So there's some insight as to how a whole bunch of white, worker, rural, union workers voted.
Thanks for this, that makes sense to me
To address the original question as to why anyone would vote for Trump:

I live in Northeast Ohio and work in Western PA, in a manufacturing plant that is a Teamsters shop. I'm a displaced Husker not from here originally.

The employees here are mostly the children / grandchildren of steelworkers who witnessed the decline of their industry and were put out of work. The culture in this plant is as old-school of a union shop as exists today in the US. It puts GM to shame.

The election this year has been fascinating to me -- the employees like to come into my office and convince me who I should vote for. My plant and this area is a reliable slam-dunk for Democratic votes traditionally. Employees here despised Bush and voted for Obama twice overwhelmingly.

And, just as overwhelmingly, they hated, hated, hated Hillary. I can't even put it into words. Every day, Clinton / Kaine campaign badges appeared in our urinals. They would be discarded only to reappear. Every day. The word was out from the Union: Clinton was not to be supported.

This plant went STRONGLY to Trump, something that I would have laughed at just a couple months ago. 3 themes that I hear again today, and have heard, over and over, and over again over the last couple months:

1) They believe that the bad trade deals started under Clinton 1 and have been accelerating since then and there is NO forgiveness for this. None. Manufacturing here has been drying up. Doesn't matter if anyone thinks they're right or wrong, it drove their votes.

2) They believe that both candidates are moral degenerates but that Trump is right up front about his degenerate views while Clinton will "stab you in the back while looking you in the eye". That is a direct quote I heard many times in my plant.

3) There is a STRONG sentiment, in this plant that it's them (the 99%) against the 1%ers. I hear about it every day. And, oddly, they identified Clinton as the 1%er that was bought and sold by corporations, special interests, and Wall Street, not Trump. Which I think is weird because there is nobody I can think of that's more 1% than Trump.

So there's some insight as to how a whole bunch of white, worker, rural, union workers voted.

This might be one of those "damned if you do/don't" situations. American manufacturing has more output today than we did in the "olden days". It also has significantly less workers.

We may well increase "Made in USA" and still leave a vast majority of former manufacturing sector workers in other sectors.
curious on your thoughts on the bold. what is the cause of the divide? Is your opinion is Trump a cause or will he just further the chasm?
I dont think trump was the cause just that he gave voice to a quiet minority that always had hate in their heart but now are more bold in projecting that hate
I dont think trump was the cause just that he gave voice to a quiet minority that always had hate in their heart but now are more bold in projecting that hate

Results are more or less fleeting. The Reagan Revolution of folks who in their 20's/30's/40's went red, in their 30's/40's/50's went Clinton.

Same deal as we are seeing with former "Hope and Changers" who are now "MAGA".

Trump is only guaranteed a roughly 2 year window to push GOP legislation. Four years from now, that map could be entirely blue on the back of a Michelle Obama historic run.
I assume you are Catholic correct? So am I, doesn't mean I don't disagree with some of the Catholic beliefs

Not only that, as Catholic or Christian like myself. How could you vote for a man that promotes making fun of Fat People, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Women ect... and think he is the right man to lead the people of our country
So you voted Killary. Who labels blacks as super-predators. Congrats. You have becone what you hate.
Luke, Trump is your father.
This post is why Trump won...lmao it's unbelievable ....people believe anything the media tells them.
I hope they keep pushing it. Only wakes up more people just trying to live their lives. Pushing hard against working class beliefs is so freaking stupid. To label them racist, bigots, etc etc etc is the truly "uneducated" part of the whole election.
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I dont think trump was the cause just that he gave voice to a quiet minority that always had hate in their heart but now are more bold in projecting that hate

Every time I turned on the TV and saw a riot, or a town burning, or planted violence at a Trump rally, or people over turning cops cars, or, or, or, it was never the conservatives acting like that. I keep HEARING about all this hate Trump fans supposedly had in their hearts, but I SAW liberals acting it out. Weird.
So you voted Killary. Who labels blacks as super-predators. Congrats. You have becone what you hate.
Luke, Trump is your father.
4.6.3 this post was intended for WHCSC. Your posts have little to no affect on me, but please place your child like jabs elsewhere. They make me realize what types of people vote for Trump... which does not help your side. Catch my drift?
I assume you are Catholic correct? So am I, doesn't mean I don't disagree with some of the Catholic beliefs

Not only that, as Catholic or Christian like myself. How could you vote for a man that promotes making fun of Fat People, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Women ect... and think he is the right man to lead the people of our country

Why do you say you are Catholic if you don't believe what they teach? Are they wrong? I wouldn't get too many opinions from Vatican 2 nuns. ;)
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I hope they keep pushing it. Only wakes up more people just trying to live their lives. Pushing hard against working class beliefs is so freaking stupid. To label them racist, bigots, etc etc etc is the truly "uneducated" part of the whole election.

Lets not get too big for our britches here. We have a real chance to move a conservative agenda forward for about 2 years, maybe 4.

The underlying trends are still the same. Working class Millenials are more socialist than their working class forebears. The country is getting less white.

This thing could be a major redirection of 200 years of leftward drift, or it could be the last gasp of an old order taking advantage of a highly flawed opponent.

I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.

If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.

2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.

These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life

3. I know there is a lot of people that voted for Trump to say F*** the establishment. They want change, and more of the same is not good. The man has been ****ing us for years. Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote

4. I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? We have President that does those exact things that I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!

5. Trump has in fact proven out of his own mouth that he is Sexist and Racist. It saddens me that over half of America is okay with that?

I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with what happened last night, but it's not going to change anyone's minds. My Presidential choice was John Kasich, but forget about stability. Hillary should not have been the Democratic Candidate either, but I digress

I guess I will give it a try. I didn't vote for Trump (or Clinton - Go Johnson) but I will do my best.

1. Trump is an extremely successful business person. He has proven to be a competent CEO. Which is a position that shares similar duties to the president. He also appealed to the middle class person. Where Clinton alienated them (Obama won them over - twice). --- Rural America didn't lose this election for Hillary. It was the white suburban vote that Obama won handily for two straight elections that voted Trump that lost it for her. Which is funny now, because these white people are now 'racist' because they didn't for for an old white lady after they voted for a black man twice (against some of the whitest candidates ever).

2. People vote their conscience. If you truly believe that abortion is the murder of an innocent life, then it is probably a pretty big sticking point.

3. Clearly both parties are bought and paid for (Trump spend 63% less than Hillary per electoral vote - 63%!). Trump (and Sanders) appealed to people because they weren't. There are a lot of 'establishment' people that are freaking out over this. Look at the stock market, it didn't tank because they are scared of Trump, it tanked because the people that paid Hilary were banking on their favors getting pushed through.

4. Trump is a bully. So is Hillary. She cheated her way to the nomination. She is corrupt as you can get. This point is moot.

5. Did you read any of the DNC leaked emails? Some horrible sexist, homophobic, bigotry in them. Truly disgusting.... That being said, Trump has said some bad things. But many of his actions have been far from racist/sexist. He has owned properties that previously barred blacks and he let them in. He was the appointed the first women run a sky scraper.

The real issue is that Hillary was a terrible candidate. Her email scandal is a big deal. People died because she knowingly broke the law (I will provide sources if needed). I believe that deep down, she is a bad person, worse than Trump and clearly so do the majority of Americans.

(Again I didn't vote for either of them - I miss you Rand Paul. Baby come back.)
Trump won because democrats didnt vote its that simple...He received as many votes as Romney did in 2012

Because the white people who voted for Obama voted Trump this time...,He got 8% of the Democratic vote.

White people got tired of being called being racist obnoxiously ...Thus Hillary and the rest of the race peddling jerks got they deserve .

It is a clear rejection of Democrat policies...They run nothing in government.

White people elected Obama and Democrats turned around and started yelling White privilege and other garbage calling people racist...,

So those same people gave the Media , Democrat and Republican Establishments the finger.
Karl Rove made an important point last night. The DNC ran an elitist candidate in a populist election.

Exit polling made clear that a good majority of the country actually wants a more liberal direction on many issues (which is why the selection of Trump is a bit of a head scratcher), but the GOP at least ran a populist in a populist election.

It might have been different if the DNC had run Sanders, a populist left of center.
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Well a nun disagree's with you

You're wasting your time in this thread. Go outside or something. Let them gloat.

Either the right will govern well and we'll be happier in a few years, or they'll all be thrown out in 2020. Politics.
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