The 24 hour rule will apply to this thread from when the official decision was announced, so since the announcement was made in the middle of the night, we will shut it down first thing tomorrow morning.
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The 24 hour rule will apply to this thread from when the official decision was announced, so since the announcement was made in the middle of the night, we will shit it down first thing tomorrow morning.
So when someone posts a video of Hillary lying under oath, all of the sudden that is "dissolving into talking points".
Awesome awesome post! I don't want to get personal but could you please share where someone could help/donate at this Pregnancy Center?Well, you are all over the map on this one and evidence doesn't seem to be on your side. I happen to have some first hand knowledge of some of what you speak. You would have to look EXTREMELY hard to find many health related issues that would require an abortion to save the mother. In fact, many doctors will tell you there are none. There is all kinds of confusing data out there such as to to save the life of the mother which means all she has to do is say she would be mentally stressed to have the baby - well, geez, my wife and I had two together and yes it was stressful at times.
I happen to be consulting at a Pregnancy Center. It is the most amazing place you will ever see. We operate totally on gifts from individuals and churches. People give regularly and big to this ministry to save babies and even to support adoption. This is not an isolated place either, they are growing very quickly across America and planned parenthood absolutely hates us and attempts to pass laws against us all of the time. People donate to these places so that all services are completely FREE to them. We offer pregnancy tests, pre-natal screening, birth and child classes, sonograms, fatherhood classes, parenting classes, couples classes and the one that people tend to forget - post abortion classes. Yes, the number of women who suffer from having an abortion previously is serious.
Please don't patronize Christians as uncaring and shallow minded. The give like crazy to families who have no idea how they will support a baby by offering classes, clothing, food, diapers, you name it and even adoption.
Awesome awesome post! I don't want to get personal but could you please share where someone could help/donate at this Pregnancy Center?
I'd feel weird donating a bunch of rubbers let alone going up to the register with an arm full of them.They sell rubbers at the Kum n' Go across the street from me?
Agree, as did President Obama this morning. I wish the President would announce tomorrow that he understands peoples' disappointment, but it is time to stop protesting, go back to school, and move on.To be fair to Hilary Clinton, I thought that she made a very good concession speech, obviously she's disappointed but she took the high road, as did Trump. Hell, maybe there is a bit of hope after all!![]()
I'd feel weird donating a bunch of rubbers let alone going up to the register with an arm full of them.
1. I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.
If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.
2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.
These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life
3. I know there is a lot of people that voted for Trump to say F*** the establishment. They want change, and more of the same is not good. The man has been ****ing us for years. Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote
4. I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? We have President that does those exact things that I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!
5. Trump has in fact proven out of his own mouth that he is Sexist and Racist. It saddens me that over half of America is okay with that?
I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with what happened last night, but it's not going to change anyone's minds. My Presidential choice was John Kasich, but forget about stability. Hillary should not have been the Democratic Candidate either, but I digress
I was glad to hear President Obama praise President Bush's administration for how professional and accommodating they were during the last transition, and that he has instructed his staff to follow this example. Bush 43 was not my favorite president (his father was, actually), but he was certainly a class act during the transition and has been ever since.Agree, as did President Obama this morning. I wish the President would announce tomorrow that he understands peoples' disappointment, but it is time to stop protesting, go back to school, and move on.
Just recently I gathered 150 bucks worth of supplies and diapers for families who are struggling in our community as part of a larger group of 100 that probably gathered around $3000 worth of these things in a week. It's not a big deal or uncommon for our Christian community to do this. The left and ilk like bigred22 think the govt has to take and force and if we resist that it means we don't wanna help anybody. New flash bigred22: most tax money is swallowed by our enourmous govt and it does little to actually make people's lives better. It's a glorified 3rd party. Do you really think taxing me more is going to help others? Gimme a break the govt is already 19 tril in debt they got no problem spending money they don't have, just enough to keep people dependent while they feast on your tax money and grant it to their big donors so they pay them in campaign and special interests. How do people think the Clintons got rich?Well, you are all over the map on this one and evidence doesn't seem to be on your side. I happen to have some first hand knowledge of some of what you speak. You would have to look EXTREMELY hard to find many health related issues that would require an abortion to save the mother. In fact, many doctors will tell you there are none. There is all kinds of confusing data out there such as to to save the life of the mother which means all she has to do is say she would be mentally stressed to have the baby - well, geez, my wife and I had two together and yes it was stressful at times.
I happen to be consulting at a Pregnancy Center. It is the most amazing place you will ever see. We operate totally on gifts from individuals and churches. People give regularly and big to this ministry to save babies and even to support adoption. This is not an isolated place either, they are growing very quickly across America and planned parenthood absolutely hates us and attempts to pass laws against us all of the time. People donate to these places so that all services are completely FREE to them. We offer pregnancy tests, pre-natal screening, birth and child classes, sonograms, fatherhood classes, parenting classes, couples classes and the one that people tend to forget - post abortion classes. Yes, the number of women who suffer from having an abortion previously is serious.
Please don't patronize Christians as uncaring and shallow minded. The give like crazy to families who have no idea how they will support a baby by offering classes, clothing, food, diapers, you name it and even adoption.
Does the same to me. Classic establishment arrogant lib. Can't debate on facts, has to smear and evade.I'm disappointed that Big Red22 hasn't replied to any of my answers. I feel like I'm giving reasonable answers that would actually create a discussion. Instead of "dissolving into talking points"
I have never posted on this board before, but I have followed along for many years because I love the husker talk and the varying opinions. This, however, is the first time I felt like sharing my opinion.
I have no problem with you or anyone being upset with Trump being elected, that is your right and you can feel however you wish. But, you having a problem with me being a young white rural American and my choice to support Trump makes me feel like you haven't paid much attention to the election yourself. While I do not believe I need to explain to you why I support Trump, since it is my American right to vote however I please, I can try to help you out.
First though, you having a problem with someone voting solely on Benghazi or abortion or the emails is ridiculous. While I myself have never served for our great nation, I have two grandfathers and an uncle who have. I also have numerous friends, and there are obviously thousands if not millions more who have served or are serving our country. Each one of these individuals has every right to support Trump solely based on Benghazi because it was Clinton and other democrats who got American soldiers killed when they didn't even need to be in that situation. Whether or not you have served, I don't know, but saying this isn't a good reason to vote Trump is very shallow minded.
Next, abortion is also another issue that people can vote on alone. I had my first child, a daughter, almost 5 months ago. She was born 4 weeks early, but was still over 7lbs and was completely healthy. She never spent more than the required 4 hours in nicu that premees must do. According to Clinton, she would have been ok with my daughters life being cut short because she didn't see my daughter as a human. So I ask you, do you have any idea how many babies are born before full term? The answer may surprise you.
Now on to Trump. As a rural American, you may be able to assume that farming has been a part of my life. I myself am not a farmer, nor am I uneducated like CNN has tried to say. I have my Master's degree in engineering. My father, however, is a farmer. And someday, hopefully long into the future, his farm will be passed to me and my brother. Clinton wants to raise the death tax, while Trump wants to decrease/eliminate it. My father has worked his entire life on that farm and it should be his choice to pass it on without being taxed when he is gone. Especially when most of that tax money would probably end up going to people who instead decide not to work hard for anything because the government will just give them what they need.
There are more reasons but this post is already getting too long so I can continue if you wish. But, the final thing about Trump is that yes he is not a great person. And I will also teach my daughter and future children to show everyone respect, which he most definitely has not done. But, I also want my children to be able to speak their minds. I want them to stand up for their beliefs without having to be politically correct and worrying about hurting someone's feeling if they say something truthful. Trump does this. I have a brother in law who is gay. I love him and he is a great person. But I am tired of him and others like him hiding behind their orientation for their decisions. I could care less what you do in bed, but I'm not a homophobe because I think you are lazy and barely work and don't deserve free money. I'm not a racist because I think black individuals should listen to the police. I also think straight white kids should also work hard and obey the police. People need to stop using their uniqueness as crutches for why the deserve more help or more attention. So basically I think Trump can help remove some of this bs pc country we are in where I and other white males constantly have to walk on egg shells because we may hurt someone's feelings, all the while being made out to be the bad guys in every situation. I really don't understand how a Mexican kills a black man in Florida and the white male ends up getting blamed. Or a Muslim shoots up a gay night club in Orlando and instead of it being terrorism, it is spun to be religious, which gets spun to Christianity and hatred towards gays.
Sorry for the long post and semi rant. But, being a rural American does not mean I do not know what is going on in this country. It does, however, give me a different perspective, set of values, and beliefs. I may not be able to fully understand what a black male goes through in an inner city, but I don't have to to vote for who more closely I relate to and think will help this country become the country I want it to be. Again I don't condone everything that Trump has done, but I believe he is much more capable of leading this country in the direction I want it to go than Clinton.
BOOM.I have never posted on this board before, but I have followed along for many years because I love the husker talk and the varying opinions. This, however, is the first time I felt like sharing my opinion.
I have no problem with you or anyone being upset with Trump being elected, that is your right and you can feel however you wish. But, you having a problem with me being a young white rural American and my choice to support Trump makes me feel like you haven't paid much attention to the election yourself. While I do not believe I need to explain to you why I support Trump, since it is my American right to vote however I please, I can try to help you out.
First though, you having a problem with someone voting solely on Benghazi or abortion or the emails is ridiculous. While I myself have never served for our great nation, I have two grandfathers and an uncle who have. I also have numerous friends, and there are obviously thousands if not millions more who have served or are serving our country. Each one of these individuals has every right to support Trump solely based on Benghazi because it was Clinton and other democrats who got American soldiers killed when they didn't even need to be in that situation. Whether or not you have served, I don't know, but saying this isn't a good reason to vote Trump is very shallow minded.
Next, abortion is also another issue that people can vote on alone. I had my first child, a daughter, almost 5 months ago. She was born 4 weeks early, but was still over 7lbs and was completely healthy. She never spent more than the required 4 hours in nicu that premees must do. According to Clinton, she would have been ok with my daughters life being cut short because she didn't see my daughter as a human. So I ask you, do you have any idea how many babies are born before full term? The answer may surprise you.
Now on to Trump. As a rural American, you may be able to assume that farming has been a part of my life. I myself am not a farmer, nor am I uneducated like CNN has tried to say. I have my Master's degree in engineering. My father, however, is a farmer. And someday, hopefully long into the future, his farm will be passed to me and my brother. Clinton wants to raise the death tax, while Trump wants to decrease/eliminate it. My father has worked his entire life on that farm and it should be his choice to pass it on without being taxed when he is gone. Especially when most of that tax money would probably end up going to people who instead decide not to work hard for anything because the government will just give them what they need.
There are more reasons but this post is already getting too long so I can continue if you wish. But, the final thing about Trump is that yes he is not a great person. And I will also teach my daughter and future children to show everyone respect, which he most definitely has not done. But, I also want my children to be able to speak their minds. I want them to stand up for their beliefs without having to be politically correct and worrying about hurting someone's feeling if they say something truthful. Trump does this. I have a brother in law who is gay. I love him and he is a great person. But I am tired of him and others like him hiding behind their orientation for their decisions. I could care less what you do in bed, but I'm not a homophobe because I think you are lazy and barely work and don't deserve free money. I'm not a racist because I think black individuals should listen to the police. I also think straight white kids should also work hard and obey the police. People need to stop using their uniqueness as crutches for why the deserve more help or more attention. So basically I think Trump can help remove some of this bs pc country we are in where I and other white males constantly have to walk on egg shells because we may hurt someone's feelings, all the while being made out to be the bad guys in every situation. I really don't understand how a Mexican kills a black man in Florida and the white male ends up getting blamed. Or a Muslim shoots up a gay night club in Orlando and instead of it being terrorism, it is spun to be religious, which gets spun to Christianity and hatred towards gays.
Sorry for the long post and semi rant. But, being a rural American does not mean I do not know what is going on in this country. It does, however, give me a different perspective, set of values, and beliefs. I may not be able to fully understand what a black male goes through in an inner city, but I don't have to to vote for who more closely I relate to and think will help this country become the country I want it to be. Again I don't condone everything that Trump has done, but I believe he is much more capable of leading this country in the direction I want it to go than Clinton.
Massive spending (wall & infrastructure) + tax cuts = huge deficit.So Trump has already reached out to Mitchell McConnell to talk about repealing Obamacare.
Nancy Pelosi to get a spending bill on infrastructure.
The President of Mexico and has set up a 2nd meeting with him.
That's his first 12 hours.
Yeah..sounds Apocalyptic.
People are nothing but votes to the clintons... Care about children? She defended a guy that raped a fourteen YO girl and was later caught saying he was clearly guilty, but bragged (morals) she won the case. She's more worried about protecting her own ass politically, than protecting the lives of Americans. That's just a taste. You're right that Donald was a huge middle finger from the rural middle working class, but I'm afraid you, like the media, completely miss the WHY. It's not because Trump was a better person. (My 17th choice) This election was a sh## sandwich either way. People got to choose the bread. Us rural Americans(for the most part) are hard working, golden ruled, independent people. we stand for the anthem, we believe all lives matter, we don't need or want safe spaces, we simply want the government to get the F### out of our business. Freedoms are what make us exceptional and we had a choice between getting more sh## shoved down our throats or taking a chance that the Donald will unbind us and let us f###ing breatheFirst she is not my top choice, so let me get that straight
Your turn
- She is not Racist
- She is someone that I would be able to sit down and have a conversation with without being interupted
- She looks out for the good of the children
- She puts education first
- She seems to have better overall morals(Queue the Bengahzi preachers)
Hillary voted for and approved that action. Bush and Hillary are one in the same - he even voted for her. You have something better than this...don't you???Hey how many people died in the Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist?
1. balanced budget amendment
2. marriage between 1 man and 1 women amendment
them 2 things could save a whole lotta non sence
get er done while all 3 branches are republican!