1. I am disappointed in Rural America. I would really like to know the thought process that goes through your heads? I know there are some of you on here so please fill me in.
If you can tell me anything positive about him, I really need to hear what it is? I need to hear something to keep my sanity! The only things I hear from Trump supporters is Benghazi and the emails, and the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton and it will just be more of the same.
2. I am sickened by how many people vote on Abortion views alone. Do you really think Trump is going to stop it from happening? Seriously people you use your head, he will not make this a focal point. Abortion clinics will not go away.
These same people that vote against Abortion are the same ones that vote Conservative and don't want to help pay for these baby's being born. It is like you guys are pro birth not pro life
3. I know there is a lot of people that voted for Trump to say F*** the establishment. They want change, and more of the same is not good. The man has been ****ing us for years. Do yourself a favor and do a little research before you go out and vote
4. I teach my kid it is not okay to be a bully, and that he needs to respect people for who they are. What do I tell him now? We have President that does those exact things that I teach my son not to do. How sad is that!
5. Trump has in fact proven out of his own mouth that he is Sexist and Racist. It saddens me that over half of America is okay with that?
I could go on and on about how many things are wrong with what happened last night, but it's not going to change anyone's minds. My Presidential choice was John Kasich, but forget about stability. Hillary should not have been the Democratic Candidate either, but I digress
Not sure why this needs to be explained - but here it goes and try to keep up.
- nobody's owns him. He took money from no one. George Soros, Koch Brothers, Wall Street, special interest of any type. Who does he owe? The American people who voted him in.
- democrat party believes people need to be managed under programs. Trump believes individuals can make better decisions than a centralized institution.
- research most projects Trump has done in his life. They come in under budget, ahead of schedule, and are state of the art. Check out his hotel on Penn Ave near the white house. The gov projects always cost taxpayers more than estimated, are always years past due and are subpar, and serve the needs of lobbyists.
- Trump has been broke by nearly a billion and worked himself through it. Some casualties through bankruptcy laws to bankers. The govt is broke and last POTUS tacked on an additional 10 trillion. Now every single American has a $200,000 IOU stamped on our foreheads. Hilary would continue this trend.
- our foreign policy has no backbone even though we bring all the money to the table and take all the risk. Spineless deals we have done with trading partners are embarrassing. Trump will equalize these for America and likely give us an advantage again.
Trump has built companies, created jobs, and employed thousands of people. Where have Hillary's paychecks come from her entire life?
Believes in term limits in congress to drain the swamp on both sides of the isle.
Have you noticed the terror Europe is experiencing with open borders? He wants to prevent that from happening to us and set up an immigration program that vets people who come through. I know, you think he wants to close the borders because that is what CNN tells you - let's see what happens
Bring back an American identity. When you come into the country, you learn our language, pledge alligence to our flag. Not force us to learn your language and fly your home countries flag.
His companies are more diverse than average American corporations in race and sex.