I guess what bothers me about the protest is that it is a protest against "police brutality", and in reality, police brutality is way way down the list of problems in America. Police are now more sensitized and psychologized and scrutinized than at any time in history. And while there is occasional needless brutality, the number of such incidents as a percentage of all police contacts with the public in general, or even blacks in particular, is low. And much of the protesting is against a straw man, stuffed by "activists." What did the police even do wrong in Ferguson, or Baltimore, or Charlotte? Nothing proved in any courts, but the neighborhoods burned anyway. These athletes would be just as useful kneeling to protest "mob rule and looting" in various cities in the last year, but they aren't. The team has been all unified this year, I'm hearing, but now Rose-Ivey and company want to inject something non-football into the scene every week, to protest a non-issue. Why don't they do something in their free time to help with the issue if they think it is important?