Ok seriously folks, we are all on here arguing about a small percentage of the people, like they are the majority.
How many people as a percentage are bigots on each racial Group? How many are out and out racists? How many are just grifters that will use race to their advantage when they can?
By comparison, how many in each group are caring and loving to people of all groups because it is their nature and the right thing to do?
If you think all of the first group is even close to the second group, you're either a fool or you live and die by the media and it's mis-education of our nation.
Do these men have the choice to do this, yes. Do I agree with it, no. Think it would be better and be more productive to get into the neighborhoods and work with people to educate and build the trust. Are these men evil for doing it, no. If they are just doing this to get attention and not move the discussion towards solutions then they are still not evil, just totally misguided. You protest to find solutions, you rebel to be a pain in the arse and it feels good at the time. If they are working to get solutions, it would be 1000% better for all of us to get the focus on those ideas and actions.
Not many of us have the fame, fortune, notoriety to speak or act and move many to look at us. But those that do, also carry with them the responsibility to use it for good results. Let's hear some solutions so we can focus on that.
"A spotlight without direction will blind people looking for the way to their destination." -unknown.
We need more leaders willing to step up and talk solutions.