I'm sorry, that's just incorrect.Come on buddy. HH was full on Jeff Sims on Friday and lucked out that he wasn't picked more. Hell he about threw three picks on three straight throws. He's very lucky and has been that way in a few games. Yes HH was a decent shot in the arm and I think he brings the leadership aspect that Sims lacks, but you are crazy if you think they aren't basically at the same level. They both suck throwing the ball and seeing the field. They both don't make great reads on the option and both are very dangerous with their feet.
If Haarberg was so much better than Sims our offense shouldn't be the level of garbage it is. Because of how bad our QBs are in the pass game teams will continue to just have folks in the box to stop the run.
I'll agree to disagree. I was hopeful after watching Haarberg play at Michigan, but Friday he was bad.
Sims had a healthy backfield and still only mustered 2 TDs over 2 games. I'm not convinced he even knew Fidone existed. His turnovers single handedly demoralized the defense and emboldened opposing teams
It was like watching a worse Adrian Martinez. Sure, flashes of athleticism were there, but I'm not willing to believe he has a football IQ above room temperature.