For all of my "woke" white brethren, I share this.....

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Meet Brandon Tatum
Brandon Tatum is a former Tucson Police Officer and served as the Director of Urban Outreach at Turning Point USA. He is the Founder and CEO of The Officer Tatum, LLC.
His open letter :
“Woke” white people, I’d like to ask you a favor:
Please stop asking for forgiveness for your “white privilege.”
You’re not fooling anybody. You’re not helping black people—or any other minority. And your public confessions don’t make you look virtuous. They make you look disingenuous, which is a really nice way of saying fake, phony, and fraudulent.
For starters, what is “white privilege” anyway? Because you were born with white skin, you have all these advantages that I don’t have?
Like what?
Like, you can get a mortgage loan that I can’t get?
Hmm. I got a loan—at a great rate, by the way—and I got the house. Why would a banker not give a loan to someone who met the loan requirements? He doesn’t want to make money? I’ve never heard of such a banker.
Or, how about this: You can enter a store and not be looked upon with suspicion, but I—a black person—cannot. Except...that has never happened to me.
But if I was a young dude with my pants hanging down to my butt, I could understand why a store owner would be concerned. I used to be a cop. Believe me, I understand. If I owned the store, I’d be tracking that kid, too—whether he was black, white, or anything else.
Or, what if I had a store that had a history of being shoplifted by young black women, and a young black woman with a bad attitude walked in. Would I be suspicious? Yeah, I would. Who wouldn’t?
I call that common sense, not bigotry.
But there’s another way of looking at this: In many ways, in today’s America, blacks have more privilege than whites. It’s been my experience that whites bend over backwards to give blacks every possible advantage.
If two people are equally qualified for a job, the black person will usually get it. Big companies and prestigious universities fall all over one another trying to sign up talented black people.
If you deny this, you are denying reality.
Which is what the person who dreamed up this whole thing did—a professor of women’s studies at Wellesley College by the name of Peggy McIntosh. She wrote an article in 1988 about all the “white privilege” she thought she had. She listed 46, including this one: “I can choose…bandages in ‘flesh’ color and have them more or less match my skin.” Wow, that’s some kind of privilege!
Soon others took up the cause.
Today, these so-called progressives dominate our colleges and universities, imposing this absurd notion of white privilege on their students. That’s too bad. Because it does nothing good for white students. And it does nothing good for black students. But of the two, ironically, the white students get the better of the deal.
Let me explain:
To acknowledge your white privilege is supposed to make you feel bad. Only it doesn’t. It makes you feel good because by acknowledging your white privilege, you’re declaring yourself to be enlightened. And as a virtue-bonus, it also makes you a better person than those whites who don’t acknowledge their privilege.
White privilege, which is supposed to make you feel bad, ends up making you feel good. Meanwhile, the real damage is to blacks. What makes whites feel good makes blacks angry.
More than 50 years after the start of the Civil Rights movement, the message is: “You’re still oppressed.” How can this not create a victim mentality? And anyone—of any color—who sees himself as a victim gets angry.
Now, I wouldn’t deny for a second that there are privileges in life. They’re all over the place. There’s two-parent family privilege (that’s huge); there’s being lucky to be born in America privilege; there’s good gene privilege. But white privilege? Doesn’t it depend on the person?
Let’s take this, for example: A black lawyer and his wife have a baby. And a meth addict, single white woman has a baby. Which kid has privilege? The white one? Because he’s white?
Come on now.
And here’s the kicker: Even if it were true—all those claims about white privilege, so what? Would it change a single thing I did? If white people apologize for being white, is that supposed to help me? In what way?
So, let’s be real: White privilege is an attempt by the left to divide Americans by race.
It’s all theory and all nonsense. If you want to fall for it, go ahead—it’s a free country. But don’t try to sell it to me.
I’m an American who deals with my fellow Americans one-on-one.
Try it. It works.
I’m Brandon Tatum for Prager University

***** I will not engage in or tolerate ANY negative comments. I will delete any comments in opposition.... this is offering a new and different perspective from a BLACK MAN... you will not change anyone’s heart by posting defensive opinions ******. There are A lot of people who need to hear this!!
*PS I told yeah there isn’t such a thing! It’s literally a divide and conquer tactic to make whites people feel guilty for the color of their skin! Stop with the racism! Let’s come together and love one another that’s what the establishment is really afraid of!

Since HOL is going politics free starting tomorrow, I thought I would share this with all y'all.

Love yourself and each other. only from now on.....

(unless provoked, then I will defend myself)

That was bad and you should feel bad. Let yourself figure out why.
Meet Brandon Tatum
Brandon Tatum is a former Tucson Police Officer and served as the Director of Urban Outreach at Turning Point USA. He is the Founder and CEO of The Officer Tatum, LLC.
His open letter :
“Woke” white people, I’d like to ask you a favor:
Please stop asking for forgiveness for your “white privilege.”
You’re not fooling anybody. You’re not helping black people—or any other minority. And your public confessions don’t make you look virtuous. They make you look disingenuous, which is a really nice way of saying fake, phony, and fraudulent.
For starters, what is “white privilege” anyway? Because you were born with white skin, you have all these advantages that I don’t have?
Like what?
Like, you can get a mortgage loan that I can’t get?
Hmm. I got a loan—at a great rate, by the way—and I got the house. Why would a banker not give a loan to someone who met the loan requirements? He doesn’t want to make money? I’ve never heard of such a banker.
Or, how about this: You can enter a store and not be looked upon with suspicion, but I—a black person—cannot. Except...that has never happened to me.
But if I was a young dude with my pants hanging down to my butt, I could understand why a store owner would be concerned. I used to be a cop. Believe me, I understand. If I owned the store, I’d be tracking that kid, too—whether he was black, white, or anything else.
Or, what if I had a store that had a history of being shoplifted by young black women, and a young black woman with a bad attitude walked in. Would I be suspicious? Yeah, I would. Who wouldn’t?
I call that common sense, not bigotry.
But there’s another way of looking at this: In many ways, in today’s America, blacks have more privilege than whites. It’s been my experience that whites bend over backwards to give blacks every possible advantage.
If two people are equally qualified for a job, the black person will usually get it. Big companies and prestigious universities fall all over one another trying to sign up talented black people.
If you deny this, you are denying reality.
Which is what the person who dreamed up this whole thing did—a professor of women’s studies at Wellesley College by the name of Peggy McIntosh. She wrote an article in 1988 about all the “white privilege” she thought she had. She listed 46, including this one: “I can choose…bandages in ‘flesh’ color and have them more or less match my skin.” Wow, that’s some kind of privilege!
Soon others took up the cause.
Today, these so-called progressives dominate our colleges and universities, imposing this absurd notion of white privilege on their students. That’s too bad. Because it does nothing good for white students. And it does nothing good for black students. But of the two, ironically, the white students get the better of the deal.
Let me explain:
To acknowledge your white privilege is supposed to make you feel bad. Only it doesn’t. It makes you feel good because by acknowledging your white privilege, you’re declaring yourself to be enlightened. And as a virtue-bonus, it also makes you a better person than those whites who don’t acknowledge their privilege.
White privilege, which is supposed to make you feel bad, ends up making you feel good. Meanwhile, the real damage is to blacks. What makes whites feel good makes blacks angry.
More than 50 years after the start of the Civil Rights movement, the message is: “You’re still oppressed.” How can this not create a victim mentality? And anyone—of any color—who sees himself as a victim gets angry.
Now, I wouldn’t deny for a second that there are privileges in life. They’re all over the place. There’s two-parent family privilege (that’s huge); there’s being lucky to be born in America privilege; there’s good gene privilege. But white privilege? Doesn’t it depend on the person?
Let’s take this, for example: A black lawyer and his wife have a baby. And a meth addict, single white woman has a baby. Which kid has privilege? The white one? Because he’s white?
Come on now.
And here’s the kicker: Even if it were true—all those claims about white privilege, so what? Would it change a single thing I did? If white people apologize for being white, is that supposed to help me? In what way?
So, let’s be real: White privilege is an attempt by the left to divide Americans by race.
It’s all theory and all nonsense. If you want to fall for it, go ahead—it’s a free country. But don’t try to sell it to me.
I’m an American who deals with my fellow Americans one-on-one.
Try it. It works.
I’m Brandon Tatum for Prager University

***** I will not engage in or tolerate ANY negative comments. I will delete any comments in opposition.... this is offering a new and different perspective from a BLACK MAN... you will not change anyone’s heart by posting defensive opinions ******. There are A lot of people who need to hear this!!
*PS I told yeah there isn’t such a thing! It’s literally a divide and conquer tactic to make whites people feel guilty for the color of their skin! Stop with the racism! Let’s come together and love one another that’s what the establishment is really afraid of!

Since HOL is going politics free starting tomorrow, I thought I would share this with all y'all.

Love yourself and each other. only from now on.....

(unless provoked, then I will defend myself)

Provoke this, Taco.
Here’s a good checklist to start. If you can answer “yes” to most of these then you experience “privilege”
  1. I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.
  2. I can avoid spending time with people whom I was trained to mistrust and who have learned to mistrust my kind or me.
  3. If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area which I can afford and in which I would want to live.
  4. I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.
  5. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.
  6. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.
  7. When I am told about our national heritage or about "civilization," I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.
  8. I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race.
  9. If I want to, I can be pretty sure of finding a publisher for this piece on white privilege.
  10. I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only member of my race.
  11. I can be casual about whether or not to listen to another person's voice in a group in which s/he is the only member of his/her race.
  12. I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and find the staple foods which fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdresser's shop and find someone who can cut my hair.
  13. Whether I use checks, credit cards or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of financial reliability.
  14. I can arrange to protect my children most of the time from people who might not like them.
  15. I do not have to educate my children to be aware of systemic racism for their own daily physical protection.
  16. I can be pretty sure that my children's teachers and employers will tolerate them if they fit school and workplace norms; my chief worries about them do not concern others' attitudes toward their race.
  17. I can talk with my mouth full and not have people put this down to my color.
  18. I can swear, or dress in second hand clothes, or not answer letters, without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, the poverty or the illiteracy of my race.
  19. I can speak in public to a powerful male group without putting my race on trial.
  20. I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.
  21. I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group.
  22. I can remain oblivious of the language and customs of persons of color who constitute the world's majority without feeling in my culture any penalty for such oblivion.
  23. I can criticize our government and talk about how much I fear its policies and behavior without being seen as a cultural outsider.
  24. I can be pretty sure that if I ask to talk to the "person in charge", I will be facing a person of my race.
  25. If a traffic cop pulls me over or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven't been singled out because of my race.
  26. I can easily buy posters, post-cards, picture books, greeting cards, dolls, toys and children's magazines featuring people of my race.
  27. I can go home from most meetings of organizations I belong to feeling somewhat tied in, rather than isolated, out-of-place, outnumbered, unheard, held at a distance or feared.
  28. I can be pretty sure that an argument with a colleague of another race is more likely to jeopardize her/his chances for advancement than to jeopardize mine.
  29. I can be pretty sure that if I argue for the promotion of a person of another race, or a program centering on race, this is not likely to cost me heavily within my present setting, even if my colleagues disagree with me.
  30. If I declare there is a racial issue at hand, or there isn't a racial issue at hand, my race will lend me more credibility for either position than a person of color will have.
  31. I can choose to ignore developments in minority writing and minority activist programs, or disparage them, or learn from them, but in any case, I can find ways to be more or less protected from negative consequences of any of these choices.
  32. My culture gives me little fear about ignoring the perspectives and powers of people of other races.
  33. I am not made acutely aware that my shape, bearing or body odor will be taken as a reflection on my race.
  34. I can worry about racism without being seen as self-interested or self-seeking.
  35. I can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having my co-workers on the job suspect that I got it because of my race.
  36. If my day, week or year is going badly, I need not ask of each negative episode or situation whether it had racial overtones.
  37. I can be pretty sure of finding people who would be willing to talk with me and advise me about my next steps, professionally.
  38. I can think over many options, social, political, imaginative or professional, without asking whether a person of my race would be accepted or allowed to do what I want to do.
  39. I can be late to a meeting without having the lateness reflect on my race.
  40. I can choose public accommodation without fearing that people of my race cannot get in or will be mistreated in the places I have chosen.
  41. I can be sure that if I need legal or medical help, my race will not work against me.
  42. I can arrange my activities so that I will never have to experience feelings of rejection owing to my race.
  43. If I have low credibility as a leader I can be sure that my race is not the problem.
  44. I can easily find academic courses and institutions which give attention only to people of my race.
  45. I can expect figurative language and imagery in all of the arts to testify to experiences of my race.
  46. I can chose blemish cover or bandages in "flesh" color and have them more or less match my skin.
  47. I can travel alone or with my spouse without expecting embarrassment or hostility in those who deal with us.
  48. I have no difficulty finding neighborhoods where people approve of our household.
  49. My children are given texts and classes which implicitly support our kind of family unit and do not turn them against my choice of domestic partnership.
  50. I will feel welcomed and "normal" in the usual walks of public life, institutional and social.
  51. Source:

35 is my favorite.
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The color green has mattered more than black or white for over 50+ years in black kids have it just as good as rich white kids.

You can't have white privilege when 95% of your community is white and poor. There are no handouts. Trust me I've seen it first hand. There are no more laws that keep colored people down - that has been gone for quite some time.

Police reform and investing in poor communities is the only way this gets better. It can never be perfect.
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So about that Covid lockdown that you were either for, or you were a selifsh prick that didn't care how many people you killed and were to stupid to understand the science if you were not for it safe to say exceptions for rioting and burning down your city and assault and murder are being made? ....and that mom and pop coffee shop owner, or salon or gym owner(s) who tried to open before all the riots started are still bad?
Meet Brandon Tatum
Brandon Tatum is a former Tucson Police Officer and served as the Director of Urban Outreach at Turning Point USA. He is the Founder and CEO of The Officer Tatum, LLC.
His open letter :
“Woke” white people, I’d like to ask you a favor:
Please stop asking for forgiveness for your “white privilege.”
You’re not fooling anybody. You’re not helping black people—or any other minority. And your public confessions don’t make you look virtuous. They make you look disingenuous, which is a really nice way of saying fake, phony, and fraudulent.
For starters, what is “white privilege” anyway? Because you were born with white skin, you have all these advantages that I don’t have?
Like what?
Like, you can get a mortgage loan that I can’t get?
Hmm. I got a loan—at a great rate, by the way—and I got the house. Why would a banker not give a loan to someone who met the loan requirements? He doesn’t want to make money? I’ve never heard of such a banker.
Or, how about this: You can enter a store and not be looked upon with suspicion, but I—a black person—cannot. Except...that has never happened to me.
But if I was a young dude with my pants hanging down to my butt, I could understand why a store owner would be concerned. I used to be a cop. Believe me, I understand. If I owned the store, I’d be tracking that kid, too—whether he was black, white, or anything else.
Or, what if I had a store that had a history of being shoplifted by young black women, and a young black woman with a bad attitude walked in. Would I be suspicious? Yeah, I would. Who wouldn’t?
I call that common sense, not bigotry.
But there’s another way of looking at this: In many ways, in today’s America, blacks have more privilege than whites. It’s been my experience that whites bend over backwards to give blacks every possible advantage.
If two people are equally qualified for a job, the black person will usually get it. Big companies and prestigious universities fall all over one another trying to sign up talented black people.
If you deny this, you are denying reality.
Which is what the person who dreamed up this whole thing did—a professor of women’s studies at Wellesley College by the name of Peggy McIntosh. She wrote an article in 1988 about all the “white privilege” she thought she had. She listed 46, including this one: “I can choose…bandages in ‘flesh’ color and have them more or less match my skin.” Wow, that’s some kind of privilege!
Soon others took up the cause.
Today, these so-called progressives dominate our colleges and universities, imposing this absurd notion of white privilege on their students. That’s too bad. Because it does nothing good for white students. And it does nothing good for black students. But of the two, ironically, the white students get the better of the deal.
Let me explain:
To acknowledge your white privilege is supposed to make you feel bad. Only it doesn’t. It makes you feel good because by acknowledging your white privilege, you’re declaring yourself to be enlightened. And as a virtue-bonus, it also makes you a better person than those whites who don’t acknowledge their privilege.
White privilege, which is supposed to make you feel bad, ends up making you feel good. Meanwhile, the real damage is to blacks. What makes whites feel good makes blacks angry.
More than 50 years after the start of the Civil Rights movement, the message is: “You’re still oppressed.” How can this not create a victim mentality? And anyone—of any color—who sees himself as a victim gets angry.
Now, I wouldn’t deny for a second that there are privileges in life. They’re all over the place. There’s two-parent family privilege (that’s huge); there’s being lucky to be born in America privilege; there’s good gene privilege. But white privilege? Doesn’t it depend on the person?
Let’s take this, for example: A black lawyer and his wife have a baby. And a meth addict, single white woman has a baby. Which kid has privilege? The white one? Because he’s white?
Come on now.
And here’s the kicker: Even if it were true—all those claims about white privilege, so what? Would it change a single thing I did? If white people apologize for being white, is that supposed to help me? In what way?
So, let’s be real: White privilege is an attempt by the left to divide Americans by race.
It’s all theory and all nonsense. If you want to fall for it, go ahead—it’s a free country. But don’t try to sell it to me.
I’m an American who deals with my fellow Americans one-on-one.
Try it. It works.
I’m Brandon Tatum for Prager University

***** I will not engage in or tolerate ANY negative comments. I will delete any comments in opposition.... this is offering a new and different perspective from a BLACK MAN... you will not change anyone’s heart by posting defensive opinions ******. There are A lot of people who need to hear this!!
*PS I told yeah there isn’t such a thing! It’s literally a divide and conquer tactic to make whites people feel guilty for the color of their skin! Stop with the racism! Let’s come together and love one another that’s what the establishment is really afraid of!

Since HOL is going politics free starting tomorrow, I thought I would share this with all y'all.

Love yourself and each other. only from now on.....

(unless provoked, then I will defend myself)

I pray for this guy, that his voice may be heard.
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Even if there is no "white privilege" that doesn't mean there isn't still a big racism problem in this country
Context is not your strong point is it?

If you include all of my post, and include the post I was commenting on, you will see were weren't at all discussing the George Floyd event. But don't let that stop you from chiming in.
Tuco... It all ties together that as where you are blind. "White Privilege" stems from the BLM matter movement. Don't tell me context isn't my strong point. All this started from the murders of Armaud Arbery and George Floyd. It also stemmed from the girl in Central Park, saying she was going to tell the police she was being attacked by a large African American man? <- We didn't hear her say "I am being threatened my a 150 pound white man who looks like a meth head!" Why is that exactly? Why did she have to say large "African American" man and not just large man?

That is the problem (some) police officers hear "African American man" and it triggers them. It has been caught on camera how many times now? Personally I can't believe it has taken this long for people to wake up.

It is not that we have more opportunities, it's about white people aren't judged just for the way are skin looks. That is what you don't get, this isn't about being rich or poor. It's not about being Democrat or Republican. It's not about our life choices. White Privilege doesn't mean we have to be sorry for being "White". White Privilege is the privilage of being able to walk down the street with out being judged for the color of our skin.
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Currently dating (and i'm for realz, i'm not bragging at all...well maybe a little) a natural blonde hair blue eyed very attractive 5'10" hippie chick who grew up in Boulder...she lived in various areas of the south for much of the last two decades...she chose to do social work, counselor at a elementary school, etc...and worked amongst mostly African Americans...she can tell you stories for hours about racism, because she was the victim of it. She was never accepted by most, constantly got dirty looks or all out ignored, verbal insults...etc. When do we address that kind of racism?
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The color green has mattered more than black or white for over 50+ years in black kids have it just as good as rich white kids.

You can't have white privilege when 95% of your community is white and poor. There are no handouts. Trust me I've seen it first hand. There are no more laws that keep colored people down - that has been gone for quite some time.

Police reform and investing in poor communities is the only way this gets better. It can never be perfect.
Was listening to a podcast with Scott Van Pelt and Damien Woody. Woody told a story about getting pulled over in his own neighborhood late at night. Was coming back from espn. Cops pull him over ask all kinds of insulting questions.. How can you afford this car, what do you do , are you sure you live here etc. He said when he got home he had to sit in the garage for 20 minutes to not bring the anger he had inside. That type of stuff happens all the time he said. He is a big dude and known as a teddy bear and he said that's on purpose. Being big and black in America you need to make others feel Ok with your presence and its like putting on a show every day.
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Currently dating (and i'm for realz, i'm not bragging at all...well maybe a little) a natural blonde hair blue eyed very attractive 5'10" hippie chick who grew up in Boulder...she lived in various areas of the south for much of the last two decades...she chose to do social work, counselor at a elementary school, etc...and worked amongst mostly African Americans...she can tell you stories for hours about racism, because she was the victim of it. She was never accepted by most, constantly got dirty looks or all out ignored, verbal insults...etc. When do we address that kind of racism?
pics or it didnt happen, i mean of the girlfriend.
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The color green has mattered more than black or white for over 50+ years in black kids have it just as good as rich white kids.

You can't have white privilege when 95% of your community is white and poor. There are no handouts. Trust me I've seen it first hand. There are no more laws that keep colored people down - that has been gone for quite some time.

Police reform and investing in poor communities is the only way this gets better. It can never be perfect.
Look I think the hysteria of BLM is just nuts BUT a rich black kid still might get profiled and harassed even by black cops just due to the problems the knuckleheads cause. It's just the way life is and I don't think there's any way to change that. There's a reason that even black cops view young black males differently. They're tired of getting shot at by kids and arresting the same knuckleheads week after week.
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Anybody concerned about threads like this and how they are viewed by potential recruits or parents?
Tuco... It all ties together that as where you are blind. "White Privilege" stems from the BLM matter movement. Don't tell me context isn't my strong point. All this started from the murders of Armaud Arbery and George Floyd. It also stemmed from the girl in Central Park, saying she was going to tell the police she was being attacked by a large African American man? <- We didn't hear her say "I am going to tell them I am being threatened my a white man who looks like a meth head". Why is that exactly? Why did she have to say large "African American" man and not just large man?

It is not that we have more opportunities, it's about white people aren't judged just for the way are skin looks. That is what you don't get, this isn't about being rich or poor. It's not about being Democrat or Republican. It's not about our life choices. White Privilege doesn't mean we have to be sorry for being "White". White Privilege is the privilage of being able to walk down the street with out being judged for the color of our skin.
I take it you've never walked around some areas of inner Kansas City or Saint Louis let alone Chicago. Hell take a stroll in north Omaha. See how many stares a whitey will get.,,,, I understand the point but racism is not limited to white people
Tuco... It all ties together that as where you are blind. "White Privilege" stems from the BLM matter movement, so don't tell me context isn't a strong point. Which started from the murders of Armaud Arbery and George Floyd. It also the girl is Central Park saying see was going to tell the police she was being attacked by a large African American man? <- Didn't hear her say "I am going to tell them I am beating threatened my a white man who looks like a meth head". Why is that exactly? Why did she have to say large "African American" man and not just large man?

It is not that we have more opportunities, it's about we are judged just for the way are skin looks. That is what you don't get. White Privilege doesn't mean we have to be sorry for being "White". White Privilege is the privilage of being able to walk down the street with out being judged for the color of our skin.

Judged because of the color of our skin? The killing of George was immediately labeled a racist killing because, wait for it, the cop on top of him was white. Black men in these posts have explicitly demeaned other black people because they associate with white people. There is all kinds of stereotyping going on, and if you judge someone based solely on the color of their skin, that’s on you.

True story, and a test (jr loves tests). In NE, circa 2012, Guy 1 pulls into his driveway at home. He gets out of his car. Guy 2, a neighbor from across the street, comes from his yard, crosses the street, pointing and threatening Guy 1. Guy 1 opens the trunk of his car and pulls out a rifle and puts it under his armpit and pointed to the ground. Guy 2 stops at about the sidewalk, continues for the next 3 or 4 minutes to yell at and threaten Guy 1, and then slowly goes back across the street to his house. Guy 2 goes into his house. Cops are called by Guy 2, alleging Guy 1 threatened him, pointed the gun at him and threatened to shoot him. Guy 2 is arrested without incident in his home, his gun is taken by cops, he is charged with serious felonies, and his name And photo are put in the news. Cops interview neighbors. Guy 3 says “I saw the whole thing” and for the most part reiterates what Guy 2 tells the cops. Guy 2 and 3 eventually give depositions, again, saying the same thing. Only problem for them is Guy 1 had a security camera, which clearly showed Guy 2 and Guy 3 lied through their teeth. Charges were eventually dropped against Guy 1, but no big story about it, the publication was a one-liner about the charges being dropped.

Guy 2 and Guy 3 fabricated a story to cops (a crime) and lied under oath (a crime). Without the video, no chance Guy 1’s life isn’t completely ruined. No charges ever filed against Guy 2 or Guy 3.

Test time: guess the race of each Guy, and the race of the prosecutor.

Edit: no guesses as of yet, so here’s a hint: Guy 1 and prosecutor are the same race, and Guy 2 and 3 are the same race.

Next edit: still no guesses? Ok, one more hint, Guy 1 and prosecutor would be classified as “privileged,” and Guy 2 and 3 would not.
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I take it you've never walked around some areas of inner Kansas City or Saint Louis let alone Chicago. Hell take a stroll in north Omaha. See how many stares a whitey will get.,,,, I understand the point but racism is not limited to white people
I went to school in North Omaha... Yeah I get what you saying here, but that doesn't change the fact that you are judging in this post. Poor areas have more crime, understood. That doesn't mean all poor black people deserve to be judged for where they live.
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Tuco... It all ties together that as where you are blind. "White Privilege" stems from the BLM matter movement. Don't tell me context isn't my strong point. All this started from the murders of Armaud Arbery and George Floyd. It also stemmed from the girl in Central Park, saying she was going to tell the police she was being attacked by a large African American man? <- We didn't hear her say "I am being threatened my a 150 pound white man who looks like a meth head!" Why is that exactly? Why did she have to say large "African American" man and not just large man?

That is the problem (some) police officers hear "African American man" and it triggers them. It has been caught on camera how many times now? Personally I can't believe it has taken this long for people to wake up.

It is not that we have more opportunities, it's about white people aren't judged just for the way are skin looks. That is what you don't get, this isn't about being rich or poor. It's not about being Democrat or Republican. It's not about our life choices. White Privilege doesn't mean we have to be sorry for being "White". White Privilege is the privilage of being able to walk down the street with out being judged for the color of our skin.

so in your world a conversation about opportunity automatically turns into George Floyd was killed by police? I feel sorry for you.

My original post was about a man talking about opportunity, to which the @jmliehr fellow responded about how this guy was different based on his upbringing.

then you chimed in with a black man was killed by a cop. Again that wasn’t the conversation, wasn’t the topic, you wanted to tie it all together. So you can show everyone just how woke you are.

So if I don’t see things your way, I’m racist and just don’t get it. Which is the furthest thing from the truth. You am sound like a typical liberal that sits on high and judges everyone, feels superior And talks down to others because you “understand” the plight of the black man. Which you don’t, because you can’t.
He ignores the historical significance of Redlining and Steering had on communities but other than that I agree.

Nothing more pathetic than seeing a white person apologize for white privilege.
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Tuco... It all ties together that as where you are blind. "White Privilege" stems from the BLM matter movement. Don't tell me context isn't my strong point. All this started from the murders of Armaud Arbery and George Floyd. It also stemmed from the girl in Central Park, saying she was going to tell the police she was being attacked by a large African American man? <- We didn't hear her say "I am being threatened my a 150 pound white man who looks like a meth head!" Why is that exactly? Why did she have to say large "African American" man and not just large man?

That is the problem (some) police officers hear "African American man" and it triggers them. It has been caught on camera how many times now? Personally I can't believe it has taken this long for people to wake up.

It is not that we have more opportunities, it's about white people aren't judged just for the way are skin looks. That is what you don't get, this isn't about being rich or poor. It's not about being Democrat or Republican. It's not about our life choices. White Privilege doesn't mean we have to be sorry for being "White". White Privilege is the privilage of being able to walk down the street with out being judged for the color of our skin.
I know what happened in Central Park. The lady was off base. However, to your point...

We didn't hear her say "I am being threatened my a 150 pound white man who looks like a meth head!" Why is that exactly? ...because she wasn’t.

Why did she have to say large "African American" man and not just large man?...because not doing so wouldn’t give a complete description of who she was trying to describe. If he would’ve driven off in a red Ford pickup, would it make sense for her to just say “he just drove off in a vehicle”. The answer is no.

One small comment... evoking race doesn’t automatically insinuate something negative. It could be just a matter of fact. Those that do bring negative connotation to race should probably take a close look at their motives for doing so.
Police reform and investing in poor communities is the only way this gets better. It can never be perfect.

I agree with 90% of your post . . . but . . . .

It's a nice dream isn't it. Reform: Miranda rights (60s) Police force integration (70s/80s/90s) ... internal affairs . . . citizen commissions . . . putting (D)s in charge of all big cities . . . we've had the reform.

Investing: over 20 trillion in direct transfer payments (welfare) that mostly ended up in the hands of those communities . . . enterprize zones everywhere . . . we've invested.

So why don't things get better? Well we learned something from welfare. If you ask 100% of the people if they'd be willing to live in crappy conditions if it meant they wouldn't have to be accountable for their own decisions, it turns out approx. 15-20% of them say "yes". A dangerous crappy place to live but I don't have to pay for anything and I get to have drugs, sex, an iphone and a flat screen TV? Sure I'll take that deal.

You might be thinking, "Let's just write them a check so they can buy a house in a middle class neighborhood." Problem is they would be right back in a crappy setting in less than 4 years (1 presidential cycle). How do we know this?

Around 20% of the human race can't take care of themselves under any circumstances. About 20% never become functioning adults. And that number is probably a conservative one.
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And this has nothing to do with being poor? A black man was "killed" for using a fake $20. Is the cop going to kneel on a 150 pound white meth head for nine minutes? No, the cops did what they did and it had nothing to do with being poor. They are protesting, because the police have killed too many black people for no other reason than the way they look. It's sad and it has nothing to do with politics and/or being poor

Are you sure about that?

Edit: None of the officers involved in this incident were charged with a crime.
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I know what happened in Central Park. The lady was off base. However, to your point...

We didn't hear her say "I am being threatened my a 150 pound white man who looks like a meth head!" Why is that exactly? ...because she wasn’t.

Why did she have to say large "African American" man and not just large man?...because not doing so wouldn’t give a complete description of who she was trying to describe. If he would’ve driven off in a red Ford pickup, would it make sense for her to just say “he just drove off in a vehicle”. The answer is no.

One small comment... evoking race doesn’t automatically insinuate something negative. It could be just a matter of fact. Those that do bring negative connotation to race should probably take a close look at their motives for doing so.

Kinda like Jussie Smollett right?

Smollett grew emotional in the TV interview and became teary. He said: “I will never be the man that this did not happen to. I am forever changed.”

On January 29, 2019, Smollett told police that he was attacked outside his apartment building by two men in ski masks who called him racial and homophobic slurs, and said "This is MAGA country", referencing President Donald Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again" and used their hands, feet, and teeth as weapons in the assault.

On February 11, 2020, after further investigation by a special prosecutor was completed, Smollett was indicted again by a Cook County grand jury on six counts pertaining to making four false police reports.
Or Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley?
It was 1987 when a black teenager, Tawana Brawley, said she had been raped and kidnapped by a group of white men in Dutchess County, N.Y. On October 6, 1988, the grand jury released its 170-page report concluding Brawley had not been abducted, assaulted, raped or sodomized, as Brawley and her advisers said. The report further concluded that the "unsworn public allegations against Dutchess County Assistant District Attorney Steven Pagones" were false and had no basis in fact.​

....I mean we can do this back n forth all day.
They are race pimps, they get wealthy from the racism game. Jesse Jackson perfected it, he extorts money from corporations to not publicly call them out. I work in IT and we are DESPERATE to hire black people with the skills we need. Instead of going to every black high school and every black college and preaching about the opportunities ($$$) available he'd rather extort the Googles and the like for cash. Fredrick Douglass talking about these types a long time ago so they aren't new.

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Meet Brandon Tatum
Brandon Tatum is a former Tucson Police Officer and served as the Director of Urban Outreach at Turning Point USA. He is the Founder and CEO of The Officer Tatum, LLC.
His open letter :
“Woke” white people, I’d like to ask you a favor:
Please stop asking for forgiveness for your “white privilege.”
You’re not fooling anybody. You’re not helping black people—or any other minority. And your public confessions don’t make you look virtuous. They make you look disingenuous, which is a really nice way of saying fake, phony, and fraudulent.
For starters, what is “white privilege” anyway? Because you were born with white skin, you have all these advantages that I don’t have?
Like what?
Like, you can get a mortgage loan that I can’t get?
Hmm. I got a loan—at a great rate, by the way—and I got the house. Why would a banker not give a loan to someone who met the loan requirements? He doesn’t want to make money? I’ve never heard of such a banker.
Or, how about this: You can enter a store and not be looked upon with suspicion, but I—a black person—cannot. Except...that has never happened to me.
But if I was a young dude with my pants hanging down to my butt, I could understand why a store owner would be concerned. I used to be a cop. Believe me, I understand. If I owned the store, I’d be tracking that kid, too—whether he was black, white, or anything else.
Or, what if I had a store that had a history of being shoplifted by young black women, and a young black woman with a bad attitude walked in. Would I be suspicious? Yeah, I would. Who wouldn’t?
I call that common sense, not bigotry.
But there’s another way of looking at this: In many ways, in today’s America, blacks have more privilege than whites. It’s been my experience that whites bend over backwards to give blacks every possible advantage.
If two people are equally qualified for a job, the black person will usually get it. Big companies and prestigious universities fall all over one another trying to sign up talented black people.
If you deny this, you are denying reality.
Which is what the person who dreamed up this whole thing did—a professor of women’s studies at Wellesley College by the name of Peggy McIntosh. She wrote an article in 1988 about all the “white privilege” she thought she had. She listed 46, including this one: “I can choose…bandages in ‘flesh’ color and have them more or less match my skin.” Wow, that’s some kind of privilege!
Soon others took up the cause.
Today, these so-called progressives dominate our colleges and universities, imposing this absurd notion of white privilege on their students. That’s too bad. Because it does nothing good for white students. And it does nothing good for black students. But of the two, ironically, the white students get the better of the deal.
Let me explain:
To acknowledge your white privilege is supposed to make you feel bad. Only it doesn’t. It makes you feel good because by acknowledging your white privilege, you’re declaring yourself to be enlightened. And as a virtue-bonus, it also makes you a better person than those whites who don’t acknowledge their privilege.
White privilege, which is supposed to make you feel bad, ends up making you feel good. Meanwhile, the real damage is to blacks. What makes whites feel good makes blacks angry.
More than 50 years after the start of the Civil Rights movement, the message is: “You’re still oppressed.” How can this not create a victim mentality? And anyone—of any color—who sees himself as a victim gets angry.
Now, I wouldn’t deny for a second that there are privileges in life. They’re all over the place. There’s two-parent family privilege (that’s huge); there’s being lucky to be born in America privilege; there’s good gene privilege. But white privilege? Doesn’t it depend on the person?
Let’s take this, for example: A black lawyer and his wife have a baby. And a meth addict, single white woman has a baby. Which kid has privilege? The white one? Because he’s white?
Come on now.
And here’s the kicker: Even if it were true—all those claims about white privilege, so what? Would it change a single thing I did? If white people apologize for being white, is that supposed to help me? In what way?
So, let’s be real: White privilege is an attempt by the left to divide Americans by race.
It’s all theory and all nonsense. If you want to fall for it, go ahead—it’s a free country. But don’t try to sell it to me.
I’m an American who deals with my fellow Americans one-on-one.
Try it. It works.
I’m Brandon Tatum for Prager University

***** I will not engage in or tolerate ANY negative comments. I will delete any comments in opposition.... this is offering a new and different perspective from a BLACK MAN... you will not change anyone’s heart by posting defensive opinions ******. There are A lot of people who need to hear this!!
*PS I told yeah there isn’t such a thing! It’s literally a divide and conquer tactic to make whites people feel guilty for the color of their skin! Stop with the racism! Let’s come together and love one another that’s what the establishment is really afraid of!

Since HOL is going politics free starting tomorrow, I thought I would share this with all y'all.

Love yourself and each other. only from now on.....

(unless provoked, then I will defend myself)
This guy hit the nail on the head.

The reason there is so much confusion and anger today is because we now have two generations of kids who have been educated the following way:

-If you are white, you have privilege and look at all these horrible things white people do/have done
-If you are black, you are a victim, and everybody, including America, hates you for it. You have no control over your life.

What do we expect when we raise both white and black kids to hate themselves, for different reasons? It's absurd. Education is failing this nation, as is obvious when even the 54th Mass. monument is getting vandalized.
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