Yes, but how can these QBS be so awful? Never seen anything like this. Oh, and watch the receivers. Terrible, terrible route running. I just watched Kemp do like 20 stutter steps with the defender 5 yards off. WTH is that????
Nowhere to go.
Why are people surprised we are a bad football team? We’ve been bad a long time. Not getting fixed in one year and any expectation it would be is absurd.
Even a "bad" football team would laugh at the number of turnovers this team produces. It's worthy of comment even if it doesn't pass your approval.
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I feel like the last few games the D has been trying to do too much, trying to make up of the offense and ALL their issues, and that’s lead to these army tackles, over running, and all the other crap we’ve been seeing…

It also doesn’t help that I’ve already seen about 2 maybe three block in the backs, calls that have went in Iowas favor, that literally were the same that went against Nebraska last week, like the arm moving forward in the pass, and then toss in the same ol stupid trying to keep a play alive so let’s fumble it play… 🙄 I get sick watching this crap week after week
I understand the criticism of the defense but you have two starts deep in Nebraska territory and a start on the Iowa 49. You are going to give up points in those scenarios.
Time for y'all to acknowledge HH is the only QB on this roster capable of winning games
Yes, but how can these QBS be so awful? Never seen anything like this. Oh, and watch the receivers. Terrible, terrible route running. I just watched Kemp do like 20 stutter steps with the defender 5 yards off. WTH is that????
Was discussing the route running yesterday. I'm assuming the WR's gave up weeks ago because we don't have a QB on the roster capable of spotting an open receiver.
We just can't move the ball but we've got to find a way to get this to 10-3 or, better yet, 10-7 before the half.
Purdy is literally scared to death

Scrambles the second he takes the snap

pants full of poop
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Why in the hell are you going empty backfield into a wind with a QB who has looked like a deer in the headlights?
Can’t wait for Rhule to talk all offseason how he loves where the program is at when he can’t even get the losers to show up for a must win.
No bowl game. F’d around last 3 weeks and now getting stomped today. Lack of focus against final month of the season means we get to discuss transfer portal and coaching right away, who needs a bowl game to look forward to. I’ll say this now, if Rhule doesn’t change approach and take hard look at his offense coaches it will be his downfall here.

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