You are being annoyingly particular about which situations allow for Rhule to be a good hire.
For example, unless a coach is successful AFTER their stint in the NFL, they don’t count. You counted out Spurrier bc he was at FL before the NFL. You also discount his time at SC bc he didn’t win a conference championships, although had competitive, winning teams. You also left out UMeyer for the same reason lol.
It was mentioned that Pete Carroll was barely a .500 coach when he left NE for USC, where he won nattie.
Your response “Carrol doesn’t count, he’s different”
You make it sound like Lou Holtz was a failure and we should have hired for more, or should have done better.
I can go find more.
On a scale from 1-10, you rated the Rhule hire as a 2. This “context” wouldn’t qualify as being considered a “bad hire”.
Your views are blatantly biased. You are either a troll, have an axe to grind, or are not very intelligent. I can’t find any other logical reasons for your posts.
You sound just as dumb as the people saying “Rhule was barely .500 in college, looks like we hired another Riley” The stupidity in that statement is on another level.
You’re welcome.