Teachers behaving badly

Im not surprised that most educators are democrats. Most educators are highly educated and have experienced/witnessed a lot of social and cultural differences and inequities within their field of work. Same with primary physicians. With that comes a different view of the world around us. With that said I lean conservative in many areas including the pronoun game, boys playing girls sports, restroom usage, humans declaring themselves pets, etc... .

I think your reaching with your numbers of "weirdos" trying to indoctrinate kids. That is all.
I get it. Just wanted to put out something qualitative to try and show beyond a reasonable doubt just how skewed the numbers ACTUALLY are… it’s not as simple as ‘most educators are dems’, it’s more than most. Exponentially so (average, what 9:1 ratio of you so some simple math across the spectrum) to the point that it’s funny when people question it.

I like Math. Simple equation…

If a) the vast (as opposed to simple) majority of teachers are libs, and many of them activist at that, and if b) we can both accept the fact that personal bias WILL OFTEN permeate the classroom (regardless of which way that bias leans), c) dems more often than not support the concept of ‘gender fluidity’ and most conservatives do not, stands to reason that d) …. lol most kids are being exposed to this lunacy, if not having it outright shoved down their throats.

Am SUPER GLAD this isn’t your school. You’re lucky you have some administrators with their heads actually screwed on correctly and a community with a better cross section of society to chose their teachers from. Most kids AREN’T so lucky.
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Living and teaching in somewhat rural Texas, I am pretty conservative when it comes to politics as are good number of my peers. Now if you get into the inner cities, the percentage of liberal minded teachers increases pretty significantly. With that said, even the liberal leaning teachers I know and work with aren't the extreme gender neutral, furries, and shoving CRT down anyone's throat. When you are in a classroom, you barely have time to cover math, science and ELA, let alone time to permeate the classroom with your political biases. Elementary and Secondary education isn't college, where you can set and dictate the curriculum. I have certain things that I have to teach, so my kids can pass the STAAR test. I can promise you, there are no questions about children identifying as cats, needing a place to pee on the STAAR test.
I get it. Just wanted to put out something qualitative to try and show beyond a reasonable doubt just how skewed the numbers ACTUALLY are… it’s not as simple as ‘most educators are dems’, it’s more than most. Exponentially so (average, what 9:1 ratio of you so some simple math across the spectrum) to the point that it’s funny when people question it.

I like Math. Simple equation…

If a) the vast (as opposed to simple) majority of teachers are libs, and many of them activist at that, and if b) we can both accept the fact that personal bias WILL OFTEN permeate the classroom (regardless of which way that bias leans), c) dems more often than not support the concept of ‘gender fluidity’ and most conservatives do not, stands to reason that d) …. lol most kids are being exposed to this lunacy, if not having it outright shoved down their throats.

Am SUPER GLAD this isn’t your school. You’re lucky you have some administrators with their heads actually screwed on correctly and a community with a better cross section of society to chose their teachers from. Most kids AREN’T so lucky.
You seem to keep doubling down on your fake study. I'll say it again. That is not a scientific study.
Lol. I'm coming for your kids next!
You won’t be, no way their school would hire your ilk. Thank God for that. You should apply to teach at somewhere like Stanford. That seems to be way more fitting for someone like you. That way you can defend pedos and not hear from anyone that may have a problem with promoting that kind of mental illness to kids
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You won’t be, no way their school would hire your ilk. Thank God for that. You should apply to teach at somewhere like Stanford. That seems to be way more fitting for someone like you. That way you can defend pedos and not hear from anyone that may have a problem with promoting that kind of mental illness to kids
Jokes on you, I'm not even a teacher!
Living and teaching in somewhat rural Texas, I am pretty conservative when it comes to politics as are good number of my peers. Now if you get into the inner cities, the percentage of liberal minded teachers increases pretty significantly. With that said, even the liberal leaning teachers I know and work with aren't the extreme gender neutral, furries, and shoving CRT down anyone's throat. When you are in a classroom, you barely have time to cover math, science and ELA, let alone time to permeate the classroom with your political biases. Elementary and Secondary education isn't college, where you can set and dictate the curriculum. I have certain things that I have to teach, so my kids can pass the STAAR test. I can promise you, there are no questions about children identifying as cats, needing a place to pee on the STAAR test.
It doesn't seem to matter, non-teachers are experts because they saw a TikTok about a teacher in Vermont that said something they did not agree with.

My down time with my students is spent chatting about college plans or music or movies. But there is still time left in the year to talk about becoming a furry!
Don't worry guys, teacher of the year wont harm your kids. Those kind of teachers just dont exist. And stuff.
That's not the correct way of thinking. What you definitely want to do is take a small percentage of each profession and then apply it broadly to the entire profession to fit a narrative. So if a religious person, say a priest, molests someone, then you want to hate all religious people. Police officers? Same. Bankers? You bet. You can even use it on old people.

It's definitely the way to live.
You seem to keep doubling down on your fake study. I'll say it again. That is not a scientific study.
It wasn’t the only one I looked at. It’s based off of a SURVEY. Wanna ‘Splain me a better ‘scientific method’ for that? There’s no ‘double blinded randomized’ factor here. They mostly cited the same percentages. I actually tried to find one that wasn’t from an activist website (like CNN or Breitbart, Heritage, etc…)

….doesn’t change how ridiculously the numbers are skewed. Doesn’t change how bad the system is rigged. Nevermind the fact (fact) that Lib indoctrination of SPECIFICALLY public education (at all levels) has been planned for a couple generations now… as in it’s freaking printed in every lib Activists’ personal bibles. It’s like reading a recipe in a cookbook…
That's not the correct way of thinking. What you definitely want to do is take a small percentage of each profession and then apply it broadly to the entire profession to fit a narrative. So if a religious person, say a priest, molests someone, then you want to hate all religious people. Police officers? Same. Bankers? You bet. You can even use it on old people.

It's definitely the way to live.
Wait… so we don’t do that with just teachers (who happen to be one of groups that do that the most)? Weird
That's not the correct way of thinking. What you definitely want to do is take a small percentage of each profession and then apply it broadly to the entire profession to fit a narrative. So if a religious person, say a priest, molests someone, then you want to hate all religious people. Police officers? Same. Bankers? You bet. You can even use it on old people.

It's definitely the way to live.
Its definitely the way we've gone, especially the past decade, now isn't it? And sponsored by the Gov, politics, corporations, celebrities. Bandwagons. But now if you call out truth VS the mob, oh boy look out.
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That's not the correct way of thinking. What you definitely want to do is take a small percentage of each profession and then apply it broadly to the entire profession to fit a narrative. So if a religious person, say a priest, molests someone, then you want to hate all religious people. Police officers? Same. Bankers? You bet. You can even use it on old people.

It's definitely the way to live.
Define small.

You think there aren’t people who see religious leaders and police officers and think that very same way to allow themselves to hate them all? There are groups that have been created to do this very thing to police and law enforcement. Also to attack religion.

But I guess it isn’t politics so please go on.
Define small.

You think there aren’t people who see religious leaders and police officers and think that very same way to allow themselves to hate them all? There are groups that have been created to do this very thing to police and law enforcement. Also to attack religion.

But I guess it isn’t politics so please go on.
Yeah I think people think like that.... and they are wrong.
It wasn’t the only one I looked at. It’s based off of a SURVEY. Wanna ‘Splain me a better ‘scientific method’ for that? There’s no ‘double blinded randomized’ factor here. They mostly cited the same percentages. I actually tried to find one that wasn’t from an activist website (like CNN or Breitbart, Heritage, etc…)

….doesn’t change how ridiculously the numbers are skewed. Doesn’t change how bad the system is rigged. Nevermind the fact (fact) that Lib indoctrination of SPECIFICALLY public education (at all levels) has been planned for a couple generations now… as in it’s freaking printed in every lib Activists’ personal bibles. It’s like reading a recipe in a cookbook…
I'm actually just wrapping up my own survey right now as I finish breakfast.
Make sure you include mine when doing your assessment.

I have 12 participants (I needed a bigger pool so I stretched it out to include some teachers I know but I'm not related to or friends with).

So out of these 12 teachers only 1 isn't conservative. So here are my survey results when projected out across the entire country:

91% of teachers lean strongly conservative

100% of teachers are against gender neutrality

100% of teachers are against pedophiles in all forms

Hopefully these results will clear up some of the stereotypes about teachers.
I get it. Just wanted to put out something qualitative to try and show beyond a reasonable doubt just how skewed the numbers ACTUALLY are… it’s not as simple as ‘most educators are dems’, it’s more than most. Exponentially so (average, what 9:1 ratio of you so some simple math across the spectrum) to the point that it’s funny when people question it.

I like Math. Simple equation…

If a) the vast (as opposed to simple) majority of teachers are libs, and many of them activist at that, and if b) we can both accept the fact that personal bias WILL OFTEN permeate the classroom (regardless of which way that bias leans), c) dems more often than not support the concept of ‘gender fluidity’ and most conservatives do not, stands to reason that d) …. lol most kids are being exposed to this lunacy, if not having it outright shoved down their throats.

Am SUPER GLAD this isn’t your school. You’re lucky you have some administrators with their heads actually screwed on correctly and a community with a better cross section of society to chose their teachers from. Most kids AREN’T so lucky.
The reason that most educators are democrats may go back to how teachers are paid. In North Carolina there is no teachers union we are a right to work state, which means our pay is low. North Carolina has the 11th highrst GDP in the country, it spends the least of that GDP on education than any other state. North Carolina is either the #1 or #2 business friendly state in the country. But here is why so many here in NC are Dems. The GOP has taken away masters pay, taken away tenure, taken away teacher fellows, ect ect. So I would guess many states in the southeast are the same as NC. So when you have seemingly one party trying to take things away and in many instances attacking public education you might vote the other way in your best interest.
The reason that most educators are democrats may go back to how teachers are paid. In North Carolina there is no teachers union we are a right to work state, which means our pay is low. North Carolina has the 11th highrst GDP in the country, it spends the least of that GDP on education than any other state. North Carolina is either the #1 or #2 business friendly state in the country. But here is why so many here in NC are Dems. The GOP has taken away masters pay, taken away tenure, taken away teacher fellows, ect ect. So I would guess many states in the southeast are the same as NC. So when you have seemingly one party trying to take things away and in many instances attacking public education you might vote the other way in your best interest.
Found another one
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The reason that most educators are democrats may go back to how teachers are paid. In North Carolina there is no teachers union we are a right to work state, which means our pay is low. North Carolina has the 11th highrst GDP in the country, it spends the least of that GDP on education than any other state. North Carolina is either the #1 or #2 business friendly state in the country. But here is why so many here in NC are Dems. The GOP has taken away masters pay, taken away tenure, taken away teacher fellows, ect ect. So I would guess many states in the southeast are the same as NC. So when you have seemingly one party trying to take things away and in many instances attacking public education you might vote the other way in your best interest.
Wow, the state can take away increased pay for advanced degrees? That is nuts, I would have thought that would have just been at the district level.
Man, we have 2 people here saying teachers are all Dems, another saying theyre all Pubs. I mean, nice deflection Guys/Gals/Attack Helicopters. Way to step on each others toes while downplaying the sickness of another teacher caught diddling a kid. Deflect some more.
Wow, the state can take away increased pay for advanced degrees? That is nuts, I would have thought that would have just been at the district level.
We are state employees. And yes they did take that away about 7 years ago. They also adjusted the top of the pay scale back in 2010 where the top end teachers made $2000 less a year than the previous year. The pay scale in NC starts new teachers at 35K and after 30 years you make 54K. There is a reason that NC has had a teacher shortage for over a decade. Now that the rest of the country is experiencing the shortage people are now just starting to talk about it nation wide. It has been going on in NC for over a decade. And then you get some jagoff talking about teachers behaving badly who has not fu$king clue what is going on and wants to cherry pick a topic on a very very small percentage of teachers
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Man, we have 2 people here saying teachers are all Dems, another saying theyre all Pubs. I mean, nice deflection Guys/Gals/Attack Helicopters. Way to step on each others toes while downplaying the sickness of another teacher caught diddling a kid. Deflect some more.
OK all teachers bad shut down all public education and go back to being three hairs away from a chimp. There happy. Now go get your shine box
We are state employees. And yes they did take that away about 7 years ago. They also adjusted the top of the pay scale back in 2010 where the top end teachers made $2000 less a year than the previous year. The pay scale in NC starts new teachers at 35K and after 30 years you make 54K. There is a reason that NC has had a teacher shortage for over a decade. Now that the rest of the country is experiencing the shortage people are now just starting to talk about it nation wide. It has been going on in NC for over a decade. And then you get some jagoff talking about teachers behaving badly who has not fu$king clue what is going on and wants to cherry pick a topic on a very very small percentage of teachers
Dang, that is crazy.

My theory, if teaching had not be so female dominated for years, especially when females were treated so freaking bad in this country for so long (we have a few posters that wish it would go back to that, you know, the good old days) that the pay scale would look very very different and would almost reflect a firefighter or cop (male dominated) pay scale.

For years, teachers were taken advantage of when it came to pay with no actual reasoning other than...

1. But but, summers off!
2. But but, it is a noble profession and you are doing it for the kids.

Then teachers unions came along and were vilified while unions for cops and firemen continued to gain power. I am not a teacher union fan nor do I technically belong, but if the teachers union could actually work together they would form one of the strongest unions in the the country BUT they would also have to really just work for the good parts, increased pay AND maybe a retirement like firemen and cops. 20 years and you can be done, not the Rule of 85.
Dang, that is crazy.

My theory, if teaching had not be so female dominated for years, especially when females were treated so freaking bad in this country for so long (we have a few posters that wish it would go back to that, you know, the good old days) that the pay scale would look very very different and would almost reflect a firefighter or cop (male dominated) pay scale.

For years, teachers were taken advantage of when it came to pay with no actual reasoning other than...

1. But but, summers off!
2. But but, it is a noble profession and you are doing it for the kids.

Then teachers unions came along and were vilified while unions for cops and firemen continued to gain power. I am not a teacher union fan nor do I technically belong, but if the teachers union could actually work together they would form one of the strongest unions in the the country BUT they would also have to really just work for the good parts, increased pay AND maybe a retirement like firemen and cops. 20 years and you can be done, not the Rule of 85.
Well I am also a football coach and I have not had a summer off in 27 years
As far as teacher shortages go, we have them down here in Texas as well. But it isn't based on pay. Hell a starting teacher in my district makes $62k. The biggest problem with teacher retention here, is the lack of support by administration, especially principals. They don't want to deal with bitchy ass parents so they just let them run roughshod. Little Johnny doesn't do his homework, fails a test but his parents still want him to get at least a B. So they go complain to admin, the teacher must not have taught it right, and low and behold, Johnny gets to retake the test. Parents then talk and the next thing you know, all the kids, with a low test scores, want to retake the test. Once that horse is out of the barn, there is no getting it back. So instead of some parent telling the principal the teacher has no clue what they are doing, the teachers just allow those kids to do corrections. After a few years of this lack of support, teachers leave and the whole process starts over. I don't have exact numbers but I would guess that 40% of the teachers at my school are under 30 and another 40% are within 5 years of retiring. In 5 years, at the current pace, there will be 80% of the teachers under 30, because teachers are quitting before they reach 30, and they are replaced by 23 year olds.
As far as teacher shortages go, we have them down here in Texas as well. But it isn't based on pay. Hell a starting teacher in my district makes $62k. The biggest problem with teacher retention here, is the lack of support by administration, especially principals. They don't want to deal with bitchy ass parents so they just let them run roughshod. Little Johnny doesn't do his homework, fails a test but his parents still want him to get at least a B. So they go complain to admin, the teacher must not have taught it right, and low and behold, Johnny gets to retake the test. Parents then talk and the next thing you know, all the kids, with a low test scores, want to retake the test. Once that horse is out of the barn, there is no getting it back. So instead of some parent telling the principal the teacher has no clue what they are doing, the teachers just allow those kids to do corrections. After a few years of this lack of support, teachers leave and the whole process starts over. I don't have exact numbers but I would guess that 40% of the teachers at my school are under 30 and another 40% are within 5 years of retiring. In 5 years, at the current pace, there will be 80% of the teachers under 30, because teachers are quitting before they reach 30, and they are replaced by 23 year olds.

Shared here recently my wife went thru the same. Johnny wouldn't write out his lesson plan, he is held accountable, parents bitch, and teacher is forced to apologize to Johnny and now she is doing his plan while every other kid manages to do their own. She didn't need the job and left....and in the process they lost an amazing person who wasn't teaching for the dollars but because she had a genuine interest in helping kids.
As far as teacher shortages go, we have them down here in Texas as well. But it isn't based on pay. Hell a starting teacher in my district makes $62k. The biggest problem with teacher retention here, is the lack of support by administration, especially principals. They don't want to deal with bitchy ass parents so they just let them run roughshod. Little Johnny doesn't do his homework, fails a test but his parents still want him to get at least a B. So they go complain to admin, the teacher must not have taught it right, and low and behold, Johnny gets to retake the test. Parents then talk and the next thing you know, all the kids, with a low test scores, want to retake the test. Once that horse is out of the barn, there is no getting it back. So instead of some parent telling the principal the teacher has no clue what they are doing, the teachers just allow those kids to do corrections. After a few years of this lack of support, teachers leave and the whole process starts over. I don't have exact numbers but I would guess that 40% of the teachers at my school are under 30 and another 40% are within 5 years of retiring. In 5 years, at the current pace, there will be 80% of the teachers under 30, because teachers are quitting before they reach 30, and they are replaced by 23 year olds.
Oh yeah, this happens all the time. Like I have said, parents ruin things and the ease of communication doesn't help. Now, Mom can have her 3rd glass of wine and fire off that 9;30pm email to the teacher...the it all starts.
Shared here recently my wife went thru the same. Johnny wouldn't write out his lesson plan, he is held accountable, parents bitch, and teacher is forced to apologize to Johnny and now she is doing his plan while every other kid manages to do their own. She didn't need the job and left....and in the process they lost an amazing person who wasn't teaching for the dollars but because she had a genuine interest in helping kids.
And this is why you get shitty teachers. Districts become desperate and hire a warm body and someone who can fog a mirror because that is all that want the jobs, all the while, good teachers like your wife quit and are productive elsewhere in society.
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Oh yeah, this happens all the time. Like I have said, parents ruin things and the ease of communication doesn't help. Now, Mom can have her 3rd glass of wine and fire off that 9;30pm email to the teacher...the it all starts.
I wouldn’t want to be a teacher and wouldn’t make a very good teacher. But it gets tiring hearing teachers blame parents for the shortfalls in education. As a parent, if I get involved in my child’s education or advocate for them in anyway, then I guess I am part of the problem of making teacher’s job miserable and am at fault for driving down the quality of education. If I am hands off regarding my child’s education than I am raising a disrespectful, “bratty” kid and I am part of the problem of making teacher’s job miserable and am at fault for driving down the quality of education. As a parent, you are damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
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I wouldn’t want to be a teacher and wouldn’t make a very good teacher. But it gets tiring hearing teachers blame parents for the shortfalls in education. As a parent, if I get involved in my child’s education or advocate for them in anyway, then I guess I am part of the problem of making teacher’s job miserable and am at fault for driving down the quality of education. If I am hands off regarding my child’s education than I am raising a disrespectful, “bratty” kid and I am part of the problem of making teacher’s job miserable and am at fault for driving down the quality of education. As a parent, you are damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
I get what you are saying but I think you are looking at it differently then what I am presenting.

I am talking about the parent freaking out over a B+ and demanding answers and/or the parent that says "Well, he is your problem during the school day, not mine"

I would say this...out of 100% of parents 90% are amazing...5% are horrible in that they won't help with their kid and 5% are horrible in that they want to dictate.

So for the most part, parents are great.
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I'm actually just wrapping up my own survey right now as I finish breakfast.
Make sure you include mine when doing your assessment.

I have 12 participants (I needed a bigger pool so I stretched it out to include some teachers I know but I'm not related to or friends with).

So out of these 12 teachers only 1 isn't conservative. So here are my survey results when projected out across the entire country:

91% of teachers lean strongly conservative

100% of teachers are against gender neutrality

100% of teachers are against pedophiles in all forms

Hopefully these results will clear up some of the stereotypes about teachers.
Larger sample size typically helps accuracy, lol…

You LIKE that the average high schooler is become increasingly Pussified the faster our country circles the ol’ toilet bowl… man I get it. We all like our kids to have a certain level of Independence vs Dependence. You do you…

But all BS aside, I’m glad you’re friends with actually ‘conservative’ teachers. I’m pointing out that (seriously go find ANY other published study), they’re in a distinct minority just nationally. Add up ever teacher in the US and divide ‘D’ (lib activist) by ‘X’ (all of em), and it’s gonna be a big number.

You don’t have a leg to stand on here and you’re making yourself look ignorant. Even the flaming libs here know it.
Larger sample size typically helps accuracy, lol…

You LIKE that the average high schooler is become increasingly Pussified the faster our country circles the ol’ toilet bowl… man I get it. We all like our kids to have a certain level of Independence vs Dependence. You do you…

But all BS aside, I’m glad you’re friends with actually ‘conservative’ teachers. I’m pointing out that (seriously go find ANY other published study), they’re in a distinct minority just nationally. Add up ever teacher in the US and divide ‘D’ (lib activist) by ‘X’ (all of em), and it’s gonna be a big number.

You don’t have a leg to stand on here and you’re making yourself look ignorant. Even the flaming libs here know it.
Can I ask, just how conservative should teachers have to be?

And, is it okay for conservative teachers to push their conservative viewpoints? Full disclosure I am a republican.
I get what you are saying but I think you are looking at it differently then what I am presenting.

I am talking about the parent freaking out over a B+ and demanding answers and/or the parent that says "Well, he is your problem during the school day, not mine"

I would say this...out of 100% of parents 90% are amazing...5% are horrible in that they won't help with their kid and 5% are horrible in that they want to dictate.

So for the most part, parents are great.
Agree, but much like most everything in life, it is the 5% that get all of the attention. Similar to the 5% of teachers that are permeating the classroom with their politics. When we read about it, it appears that it is 95% and that it is happening all over. Reality is that the overwhelming majority of teachers are middle of the road, lean slightly one way or the other and aren't extremist pushing agendas, but the squeaky wheel gets all the attention.
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Can I ask, just how conservative should teachers have to be?

And, is it okay for conservative teachers to push their conservative viewpoints? Full disclosure I am a republican.
Students shouldn’t know what a teachers politics feelings are. At all. I teach classes at night and can restrain myself from giving off any hints. But I didn’t have any fancy training, and am teaching because I have a specific knowledge to share with my students that is applicable to their every day jobs. That’s right, I teach adults and can somehow not push any political shit. That’s all anyone is asking. Ignoring the teachers that do it, admit to doing it, and promise to keep doing it isn’t doing your chosen profession any good.

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