Well, nationally over 90% of public educators who donate to political campaigns donate to Libs. 95% is admittedly high for SOME subclassifications of educators…
Did a little research for ya.
This is a pretty fun and very telling (and seemingly well-designed) study. Scroll down a couple sections to ‘teacher’ and link it. Breaks down specific Types of teachers. English and ‘health’ teachers are like 97-99% D, music teachers are literally on the other end of the spectrum, goes down to ~70%.
Evidently it depends on several factors (you and I have agreed that REGION and just urban/rural certainly play a role there), but the numbers are hard to refute. I don’t doubt what you say about yourself or your particular school, will take you at your word. You’re just irrefutably in a very small minority. Nebraska’s a red state. I’m sure the numbers are skewed there.
EDIT- look @ physicians. Super interesting… I fall under ‘surgical practice’. Have stared repeatedly here that ‘most of my colleagues’ were Covid/Vax skeptics and this is supported here. Most primary care physicians (internist/peds/fam) are Libs.
*****Look at ‘physician/scientist’!!!! ‘bout the same as f*cking English teachers. Any wonder the ‘EVIDENCE’ looks like it does?