Well put, not exactly sure when teachers became the “bad guy” but definitely get that generalized feeling from the public at times. I had good teachers growing up and wanted to coach so became one out of default instead of passion. Just like in most things, you only hear the bad news and very rarely all the positive things happening in public education. Absolutely grateful for my young kids teachers as my kids love school, my 6 year old is able to read me her books at night and is excited for each new day. Like you, I also look forward to being able to chase opportunities in retirement, a ways off yet, but having committed myself and a decent chunk of money to a masters degree, finally at the point where the salary is worth sticking to it until retirement.
I can tell you exactly when us teachers became "the bad guys"
When Covid hit and kids had to learn from home...us teachers were "heroes", there were videos posted all over showing students and parents driving by their teachers house just to wave at them, to honk their horn and thank them for all they did. There were drive by and walk by graduations, just so teachers could once again see their students.
There were thank you videos to teachers and cards sent, all to those "heroes"
That was in March and until May, a few short months of those students learning from home.
Then August his and in American there were still well over 1000 people dying per day and almost all jobs that COULD switch did switch to Work From Home.
But now, those same parents that called us heroes had been stuck at home with their kids, 24/7 since the end of March and they were NOT about to do that again.
When the first group of teachers mentioned that they might be a bit worried about returning to the classroom with students, well, the shit hit the fan.
Those parents realized they hated being at home all day with their kids, not because they don't love their kids but because it is ****ing annoying to be with them 24/7.
So what did they do? They attacked teachers. Now teachers were just being "lazy" because they did not want to have kids in person. Teachers were making it "political" because they did not want to have kids in person. Teachers were attacked for "only working 9 months a year" it was crazy but parents did not care, they just did not want to have their kids home from 730 to 330 5 days a week.
So when it started? It started that August.