Teachers behaving badly

I’m happy you keep your political ideology outta the classroom. Unfortunately, most don’t. Unfortunately, the dept of education has an activist agenda that guides what’s taught and not taught. Kids have been systematically turned into a bunch of spineless pussies and public education is in no small part responsible for it.
First, thanks
Secondly, I just told you that MOST do keep their beliefs out of it...99% keep their beliefs out of it. In fact, I can say with certainty that I don't know the political beliefs of any of the people I teach with (60ish or so) except for 1.
First, thanks
Secondly, I just told you that MOST do keep their beliefs out of it...99% keep their beliefs out of it. In fact, I can say with certainty that I don't know the political beliefs of any of the people I teach with (60ish or so) except for 1.
How do you know? Are you in their classes 100% of the time? Are you in every single classroom in America all the time? I mean geez, talk about head in the sand excuses. There is video/audio, paper trails, testimony and yet here we have someone dismissing it all. Almost as if there IS a political motivation to do so. Im sure youre a great person and excellent teacher, I have no reason to believe otherwise. But we're catching attitude that all teachers are like you. Beyond reproach. Because we all know just how infallible humans are. Come on now.
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How do you know? Are you in their classes 100% of the time? Are you in every single classroom in America all the time? I mean geez, talk about head in the sand excuses. There is video/audio, paper trails, testimony and yet here we have someone dismissing it all. Almost as if there IS a political motivation to do so. Im sure youre a great person and excellent teacher, I have no reason to believe otherwise. But we're catching attitude that all teachers are like you. Beyond reproach. Because we all know just how infallible humans are. Come on now.
Yes, I am in their rooms 100% of the time.

And I am not an excellent teacher or a great person. I am you, I am all of us. I am normal.

But I am there, every day and in 20 years of teaching I have never once heard a student mention anything at all about...

Politcal parties

Nothing, ever, not once.

So maybe instead of freaking out, maybe just listen to people that are there that are telling you the facts?
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I’m happy you keep your political ideology outta the classroom. Unfortunately, most don’t. Unfortunately, the dept of education has an activist agenda that guides what’s taught and not taught. Kids have been systematically turned into a bunch of spineless pussies and public education is in no small part responsible for it.
I would argue public schools have been systematically turned into a spineless bunch of pussies and whiny kids with whinier parents and their political opinions with their lawyers are part responsible. System has adapted to its clientele, not the other way around.
I would argue public schools have been systematically turned into a spineless bunch of pussies and whiny kids with whinier parents and their political opinions with their lawyers are part responsible. System has adapted to its clientele, not the other way around.
Your argument is correct

Teachers have not changed. Parents have.

About 20 years ago I had PT conferences, this Dad came in, his son was a moron but a really good FB player for me and wrestler and the Dad knew the kid was/is/could be a **** up. He said "Look, if Andy gives you problems, just call me, I will take your word for it and I will handle it and keep him in line"

Simple, effective and how it should be.
Yes, I am in their rooms 100% of the time.

And I am not an excellent teacher or a great person. I am you, I am all of us. I am normal.

But I am there, every day and in 20 years of teaching I have never once heard a student mention anything at all about...

Politcal parties

Nothing, ever, not once.

So maybe instead of freaking out, maybe just listen to people that are there that are telling you the facts?
Defend what public school in the US compared to the rest of the industrialized world with standardized math and science testing. I mean just put all the other lib activist BS on the shelf and just ignore it… this alone is cause to abolish the Dept of Education.
Defend what public school in the US compared to the rest of the industrialized world with standardized math and science testing. I mean just put all the other lib activist BS on the shelf and just ignore it… this alone is cause to abolish the Dept of Education.

Are you changing the argument?

Let me know if you are, are you now arguing that math and science are lower in American public schools? OR are you still arguing that teachers (all of them, or most of them) are teaching CRT and trans-life?
You god damn right it is. Public education would be a hell of a lot better if the people in charge weren’t all yes men. Do what’s right and fair to all and don’t cater to the bullshit
Exactly and Fair is not the same as equal!

I tell me students that all the time.
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So they talk to you about it.

You have no clue what they do in class, you are just assuming. Is it fair to say that you have never sat in on any of their classes?

Let me give you an example. I am 100% for the death penality and I think it should be use in soooooo many instances and I am also totally okay with pot being legal...I have never once brought up those views in my classes and tried to force my students to believe what I believe.
Don't need to sit in on class. Just open some of the textbooks and read the filth they are indoctrinating children with.

Or, watch the news where they invite transsexuals to read books to children.
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Don't need to sit in on class. Just open some of the textbooks and read the filth they are indoctrinating children with.

Or, watch the news where they invite transsexuals to read books to children.
Which textbook did you recently purchase and open?
Defend what public school in the US compared to the rest of the industrialized world with standardized math and science testing. I mean just put all the other lib activist BS on the shelf and just ignore it… this alone is cause to abolish the Dept of Education.
Your arguments are less meaningful now that you are moving the goal post. You should take a break.
Does anyone else find it strange that people are hating on public schools. While on a message board for a football team for a public university. Where probably 95% of the kids came from public high schools. I hope Dylan Raiola doesn't go to a public school. If he does I'm no longer interested. Probably a tranny. Or do these public school hating people make exceptions?
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Does anyone else find it strange that people are hating on public schools. While on a message board for a football team for a public university. Where probably 95% of the kids came from public high schools. I hope Dylan Raiola doesn't go to a public school. If he does I'm no longer interested. Probably a tranny. Or do these public school hating people make exceptions?
To be fair. I learned less at UNL than I did in k-12 public school, but that was my own fault.

Are you changing the argument?

Let me know if you are, are you now arguing that math and science are lower in American public schools? OR are you still arguing that teachers (all of them, or most of them) are teaching CRT and trans-life?
I’m arguing that public schooling has been an abject failure, our kids are getting dumber by generation, and that policy within the federal dept of education is being written by lib activists, which is directly infecting our culture.

Why else would states with conservative legislatures (most states) be taking active steps to curb what’s being shoved down people’s throats from DC?

Look no further than the state of Nebraska.
I’m arguing that public schooling has been an abject failure, our kids are getting dumber by generation, and that policy within the federal dept of education is being written by lib activists, which is directly infecting our culture.

Why else would states with conservative legislatures (most states) be taking active steps to curb what’s being shoved down people’s throats from DC?

Look no further than the state of Nebraska.
Okay, so you changed topics, that is fine.

Why do you think public ed has gotten "dumber" because we both know the answer.
It is not the students, kids are smarter than ever. It is not the teachers.

It is...go ahead say is the parents.
Okay, so you changed topics, that is fine.

Why do you think public ed has gotten "dumber" because we both know the answer.
It is not the students, kids are smarter than ever. It is not the teachers.

It is...go ahead say is the parents.
Wait… what was the original subject? I think it was on activist policy affecting schools. You said it didn’t exist, not much I can argue there, but you’re obviously not speaking for outside your school. Which is a good thing! Happy there are places that somehow aren’t tainted by the beast. Probably a smaller town.

Why else would NEBRASKA SPECIFICALLY be enacting legislation to curb public school policy? To facilitate private chill vouchers? Hm?
Wait… what was the original subject? I think it was on activist policy affecting schools. You said it didn’t exist, not much I can argue there, but you’re obviously not speaking for outside your school. Which is a good thing! Happy there are places that somehow aren’t tainted by the beast. Probably a smaller town.

Why else would NEBRASKA SPECIFICALLY be enacting legislation to curb public school policy? To facilitate private chill vouchers? Hm?
Your original subject was that all teachers were pushing their personal agendas (CRT and becoming a tranny) on kids. I think we both agree now, that is not the case.

I also agree that private schools do a "better job", mostly because parents essentially let the teachers/admins run the show.
Your original subject was that all teachers were pushing their personal agendas (CRT and becoming a tranny) on kids. I think we both agree now, that is not the case.

I also agree that private schools do a "better job", mostly because parents essentially let the teachers/admins run the show.
Never said ‘all’. Not trying to speak for you, either. Generalities, friend. If CRT/Gender ‘fluidity’ isn’t being pushed on public school kids in the state of Nebraska (again the only two teachers I know well, both LPS, affirm it), Why is specifically the state of Nebraska adopting legislation to curb it? ‘Splain me that.

Do you teach in a smaller town? I’d expect most rural Nebraska schools would stay pretty conservative.
Never said ‘all’. Not trying to speak for you, either. Generalities, friend. If CRT/Gender ‘fluidity’ isn’t being pushed on public school kids in the state of Nebraska (again the only two teachers I know well, both LPS, affirm it), Why is specifically the state of Nebraska adopting legislation to curb it? ‘Splain me that.

Do you teach in a smaller town? I’d expect most rural Nebraska schools would stay pretty conservative.
No, I teach in Omaha

Why is legislations being adopted? Because we live in a country that allows us to do that. It is a good thing.

Enough parents (good ones) are sick of the crazy parents ruining things. Again, parents ruining it, not teachers.

I feel like you literally agree with everything I am saying but that you still are arguing something that doesn't really happen.
Never said ‘all’. Not trying to speak for you, either. Generalities, friend. If CRT/Gender ‘fluidity’ isn’t being pushed on public school kids in the state of Nebraska (again the only two teachers I know well, both LPS, affirm it), Why is specifically the state of Nebraska adopting legislation to curb it? ‘Splain me that.

Do you teach in a smaller town? I’d expect most rural Nebraska schools would stay pretty conservative.
I have 4 teachers in the Omaha metro in my family. Extremely anti-liberal. So I find it odd that you make it sound like it's out of control. The young relatives I have in Lincoln and Omaha sure as hell aren't having a sex change. But they also don't have weird parents.

Why would legislatures get involved in education? Oh, I don't know. Maybe politics? You keep referring to the Department of Education. Is that the federal Department of Education?
I have 4 teachers in the Omaha metro in my family. Extremely anti-liberal. So I find it odd that you make it sound like it's out of control. The young relatives I have in Lincoln and Omaha sure as hell aren't having a sex change. But they also don't have weird parents.

Why would legislatures get involved in education? Oh, I don't know. Maybe politics? You keep referring to the Department of Education. Is that the federal Department of Education?
Like I said before, just like you and your coworkers don't talk about the death penalty and pot and marriages and tranny's...neither do us teachers.

You go in to work, you bitch about your wife, your kids, taxes, the weather and sports. So do we.
No, I teach in Omaha

Why is legislations being adopted? Because we live in a country that allows us to do that. It is a good thing.

Enough parents (good ones) are sick of the crazy parents ruining things. Again, parents ruining it, not teachers.

I feel like you literally agree with everything I am saying but that you still are arguing something that doesn't really happen.
Did you read the article? It specifically cites CRT and gender ‘fluidity’ as being major issues. In the state of Nebraska. And I don’t disagree about the degradation of parental influence. 100%. I know for a fact how it is in LPS. Maybe OPS is run differently. Happy to know it.
Did you read the article? It specifically cites CRT and gender ‘fluidity’ as being major issues. In the state of Nebraska. And I don’t disagree about the degradation of parental influence. 100%. I know for a fact how it is in LPS. Maybe OPS is run differently. Happy to know it.
You are welcome :)
This is the first time we’ve ever seen this happening! Oh, wait… forgot there’s a story from somewhere literally Every Day like this. And guarantee what’s actually being reported upon is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Well, this guy was obviously a predator within the public school system. Encouraging gender confusion (something done within the vast majority of public schools, but for sure not @cavalot ‘s school), ‘grooming’ or whatever you wanna call it, and just by statistics is (probably inadvertently) facilitating the advancement of specifically gender-confused BOYS into sex offenders. It’s been in the news, and guaranteed is a lot more prevalent than what’s been reported on.

Point is that Public Schooling is systematically destroying our kids. Unless you really like the look of these ‘GenZ’ kids as opposed to a generation ago…. IMHO the degradation has been slow & steady, OBVIOUS. It’s a vote for the abolition of public schools and the entire federal dept of Education. Shoulda happened decades ago. Wonder how different our country would look right now.
LOL. Now I know you are MTG. You want to know how different our country would look without public education. Look no further than every third world country for your example. You can start with Columbia and Sudan!
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I see parents that failed. I see kids that failed. Has nothing to do with schools. You act like all these people would be doctors if they had just went to private school. Yeah right. And schools don't determine who my kids are or what they believe. I teach my kids to be independent thinkers. If other people don't, not my problem.
She's typical of the MAGA crowd. All insults, all blame, all negativity, all of the time. Public schools, and teachers are easy targets for these people. What Trump and MAGA have done to the reputation of teachers across America is border line criminal. For every 1 bad teacher, there are 50K good ones. People like her don't want to recognize that.

A decade from now when schools fall woefully short of teachers....and I mean all schools private and public. These people can look in the mirror and see who is at fault. Sad
This is the first time we’ve ever seen this happening! Oh, wait… forgot there’s a story from somewhere literally Every Day like this. And guarantee what’s actually being reported upon is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Yeah, that is weird. Dude should get canned but probably won't.
This is the first time we’ve ever seen this happening! Oh, wait… forgot there’s a story from somewhere literally Every Day like this. And guarantee what’s actually being reported upon is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Florida teacher - ON LEAVE.

I put the part that I think you missed in all caps so maybe you won't miss it next time...
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I did get reminded how much I hate fox news though as I barfed in my mouth a little upon reading the article. Thanks for that.
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LOL. Now I know you are MTG. You want to know how different our country would look without public education. Look no further than every third world country for your example. You can start with Columbia and Sudan!
private school voucher programs, allowing parents to use the tax money they'd otherwise be paying into failing public schooling (or those just intent on Lib Indoctrination), have universally and unequivocally been effective, which is why they're so vehemently hated and feared by teacher's unions and the federal dept. If public schooling were abolished a) the best teachers would be getting the best private jobs, and the hacks would be much more fire-able.... if you mean what you claim, this would be a HUGE advantage for you and b) private school vouchers (as above), WORK.

Dude I give you a shout out every time because it's obvious the national trend hasn't corrupted your school yet. Trends/generalities, not absolutes. Probably more often not untrue amongst Nebraska schools, comparing smaller/less urban (way more) vs. big/urban (more kids).
private school voucher programs, allowing parents to use the tax money they'd otherwise be paying into failing public schooling (or those just intent on Lib Indoctrination), have universally and unequivocally been effective, which is why they're so vehemently hated and feared by teacher's unions and the federal dept. If public schooling were abolished a) the best teachers would be getting the best private jobs, and the hacks would be much more fire-able.... if you mean what you claim, this would be a HUGE advantage for you and b) private school vouchers (as above), WORK.

Dude I give you a shout out every time because it's obvious the national trend hasn't corrupted your school yet. Trends/generalities, not absolutes. Probably more often not untrue amongst Nebraska schools, comparing smaller/less urban (way more) vs. big/urban (more kids).
Until the mega movement I had never even heard of the voucher concept.

Have Private schools faired better than public schools in general with regards to academic performance??...Well yeah...Duh! They get the cream of the crop in students more times than not. I know that our local private school does not fair better than our public school, but I also know that they do not want the public riff/faff coming through their doors unless they are really good athletes or have a lot of money.

I don't want my tax dollars going towards your child's or anyone else's child's education when a viable alternative as in public schools are readily available at very little cost to you per year. I don't believe tax dollars should be go towards private enterprises like that of which people like Betsy Devos are trying to make money off of.

If inner city schools have failed. Look no further than the families and clientele that frequent those school districts and buildings. Blaming schools and teachers is simply picking at the low hanging fruit. You want to fix those schools. You want to fix OPS? Then do something to fix poverty, teen pregnancy, divorce rates, ignorance, etc... essentially all of the things that have led to a decline in urban America.
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LOL. Now I know you are MTG. You want to know how different our country would look without public education. Look no further than every third world country for your example. You can start with Columbia and Sudan!
Columbia, MO is a sh!thole, but I wouldn’t call it a third-world country.

Or did you misspell the country Colombia ?
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I did get reminded how much I hate fox news though as I barfed in my mouth a little upon reading the article. Thanks for that.
You probably should have barfed for a teacher having kids partake in his lefty ticktock videos, but your brain must be misfiring again..
Some of you truly are judgemental and ignorant of the real world these days! SCARY!
private school voucher programs, allowing parents to use the tax money they'd otherwise be paying into failing public schooling (or those just intent on Lib Indoctrination), have universally and unequivocally been effective, which is why they're so vehemently hated and feared by teacher's unions and the federal dept. If public schooling were abolished a) the best teachers would be getting the best private jobs, and the hacks would be much more fire-able.... if you mean what you claim, this would be a HUGE advantage for you and b) private school vouchers (as above), WORK.

Dude I give you a shout out every time because it's obvious the national trend hasn't corrupted your school yet. Trends/generalities, not absolutes. Probably more often not untrue amongst Nebraska schools, comparing smaller/less urban (way more) vs. big/urban (more kids).
National trend. Lol. Sounds like the furry litter box thing people are all worked up about. It's always a couple towns away. Close enough that people have heard of the town but far enough away people won't know anyone to disprove it.

The private school thing is another long line of weird stuff that middle class rural people now support, in direct contrast to how they live. East coast elites sure are good at tricking Midwest rural folks....
Until the mega movement I had never even heard of the voucher concept.

Have Private schools faired better than public schools in general with regards to academic performance??...Well yeah...Duh! They get the cream of the crop in students more times than not. I know that our local private school does not fair better than our public school, but I also know that they do not want the public riff/faff coming through their doors unless they are really good athletes or have a lot of money.

I don't want my tax dollars going towards your child's or anyone else's child's education when a viable alternative as in public schools are readily available at very little cost to you per year. I don't believe tax dollars should be go towards private enterprises like that of which people like Betsy Devos are trying to make money off of.

If inner city schools have failed. Look no further than the families and clientele that frequent those school districts and buildings. Blaming schools and teachers is simply picking at the low hanging fruit. You want to fix those schools. You want to fix OPS? Then do something to fix poverty, teen pregnancy, divorce rates, ignorance, etc... essentially all of the things that have led to a decline in urban America.
they’ve been a thing for a couple decades now. Basic track record - they’re proven to be a success basically anywhere until libs become hysterical enough to legislate their removal. Teachers Unions, as I KNOW you’re aware, typically get what they want eventually just via a certain threshold of Volume and Hysteria.

They are established as an alternative to crap public schools, which AGREE (and as stated) are more often gonna be in bigger cities (keeping also in mind there are a LOT of smaller blue jurisdictions with equally shitty schools- LPS being an example)… the majority of students in the US are in cities. The majority of those schools are lib indoctrination factories.

School vouchers do NOT cost the taxpayer (you) anymore money, as far as I know. I’ll be wrong on that if anyone here wants to prove otherwise; wouldn’t change my opinion otherwise. Saving kids doesn’t have a price, IMHO. They’re just removing the money from the public coffers and giving it as a voucher that parents can spend at a better, private school.

I went to public and then private for part of HS (1980s/90s)… it wasn’t expensive. I just had to drive. Basically changed my life by learning some very basic good study habits that I’d NEVER have gotten from public school. Fact. Better habits, better prepped for college = better chance higher education turns out to be a good investment. Look how often parents/kids waste money on college degrees anymore? (Woke studies don’t pay for shit, ever…)

Yeah it’s harder for inner city kids. Parenting sucks, good teachers don’t wanna teach there… if nothing else privatization would allow what basically becomes a business to get rid of ineffective teachers or those with a political axe to grind, and replace them for someone with their shit together and pay them WHAT THEY’RE WORTH, which is I’m sure a helluva lot MORE than what they’d be getting from Gubmint. What good teachers are getting paid is a travesty. What shitty teachers are getting paid is a true waste of taxpayer money, and should be a crime.