Scholarship #s don’t matter


May 2, 2006
I’m guessing some of these guys are getting enough NIL Money to pay their own way, as part of the deal, if you know what I mean!!
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For those who are worried about getting down to 85, why? Are you concerned we will get in trouble with the NCAA? Are you worried the players who don't make the cut will get their feelings hurt? honestly curious
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Numbers matter. Scholarships are worth a lot as well as the all the other stuff (meals, board, books, etc.). Probably 100k or more per year, nil would that plus more if its taxed.
Don’t you think it could be built into a NIL deal through donations, other (made up) scholarships etc.? This NIL stuff has made all the old illegal stuff we used to hear rumors about, are now legal. Remember Cam Newton’s Dad getting a new church?
It would be better if they didn’t even make them go to class. They just need to focus on football. If you want to get a degree you can. If not just play football and live in Lincoln.
I'm down with that if they simply remove intercollegiate sports from institutions of higher learning and just have intramural sports for the students. The problem is that is it wasn't associated with the University, all of the other sports except maybe men's basketball would die.
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I'm down with that if they simply remove intercollegiate sports from institutions of higher learning and just have intramural sports for the students. The problem is that is it wasn't associated with the University, all of the other sports except maybe men's basketball would die.
Volleyball pays for itself and adds dollars to the general athletics budget.
For those who are worried about getting down to 85, why? Are you concerned we will get in trouble with the NCAA? Are you worried the players who don't make the cut will get their feelings hurt? honestly curious
For me personally, I’m not worried about getting down to 85. I am worried a little about the balance of the roster though.

Mostly I just want to know the rules, parameters, deadlines and such that they have to deal with(other than just the 85 number) so that I can follow this time of year with an educated opinion…as opposed to just rooting for literally every transfer to join the team like I basically am now.
Volleyball pays for itself and adds dollars to the general athletics budget.
No one would care about volleyball if it wasn't part of the University. How many pro volleyball teams are there that bring in any measurable fans? How many people go to the Lincoln Salt Dog games? Shoot, the Omaha Storm Chasers only draw about 5,800 fans a game, and many of these guys are future MLB players?
some times I wonder if it would be better to let the bama's, georgia's, usc's, ohio states etc. start their own nfl farm club league, where you just have to fill in a coloring book to join.

then Nebraska could get back to college football with the other schools
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It would be better if they didn’t even make them go to class. They just need to focus on football. If you want to get a degree you can. If not just play football and live in Lincoln.
That's what it is coming to. Just like basketball, play basketball for a year, never go to a class and turn pro the next year. Assume one could also do the same in football, play one year and transfer the next year. Sad but that is how it is going.