Reviewed the Game...


Oct 22, 2019
Rewatched the game frame by frame to try come away with some more solid takeaways upon closer review. This will be "tldr" for folks who come here to read anything other than an in-depth analysis. This is not a projecting of starters for the season, but more so, below analysis will include probable depth charts for each position based solely on spring ball. With that being said...where to begin? Let's start with Offense!


Sims - clearly did the best for the day, presumed starter pending CT rehab and fall camp performance. Still reminds me so much of Armstrong, which I love.

Out of all QBs NOT named Sims, Torres truly was the best. I could see the coaches ultimately going with him at #3, as we all know who our top two guys are (barring transfer, which I don't see either Sims or CT leaving). Literally the ONLY QB that completed 2 or 3 passes in a row. Love his poise in the pocket, shows relative escape skills, great awareness as he throws the ball away to live another day (perhaps better than CT even, who struggled to avoid the sack last season). Purdy would be okay in an offense that primarily runs the ball first, otherwise options, rpos, and screens only (no conventional passing game). Rhule's offense is NOT that however, so I'm really "meh" on the guy. Just can't read a defense in either passing game or run game. If we're trying to run a conventional passing game with him, all the defense needs to do is rush 3 and keep a spy on him. Offense becomes shut down immediately.

After reviewing HH's film, he did even poorly than I had initially thought. He's better than Purdy only in the sense that IF we ran a similar offense as what I described Purdy would do better in, HH would be better at THAT. Maybe. Winds up too much, and throws at the ground. Just not a natural QB (reminds me a LOT of Jamal Lord) but again, Rhule's offense demands more than that from a QB. I've been pulling for him and really like his intangibles, but imho those would transfer over to another position for him better than hoping he might SOMEDAY develop before he graduates out. Smothers is out, but I'd rather put him at 4th string over Purdy or HH.

Sims OR CT
Smothers - if he's not gonna transfer, then he might at well own the 4th spot
HH should change positions (maybe TE or receiver?)
Purdy - should maybe transfer?
Woche -

Grant seems like the #1 guy still, but not by much (that's the bad news - no true #1 back in the room as of yet). Otherwise, Johnson could really push him for play time after how improved he looked after spring. Added about 7lbs of muscle and hasn't lost speed - good on him! Ervin is okay...seems to lack vision, which is what I said about him since his FR season. Bonner was surprisingly pretty effective at FB, but I'd love to see Ervin switch to FB. Either that or else his best use is goaline or short yardage back with his rare combo of size and speed. Best ran up the middle, which usually only gains a couple or few yards anyway (which would be more ideal as carries from the FB spot). Allen still looks promising, but still quite a top back yet for us NOW. The fumble didn't help him, and he seemed a tad bit hesitant. Could be still getting back into full form from injury. Still tons of potential, future top back if he sticks it out and continue improving/healing. EJ was meh, but he's still young.

Grant OR Johnson
Ervin - should switch to FB and acquire blocking skills
Leuben - good spell back if we experience a bunch of injuries to the more premier backs ahead of him

Bonner - surprisingly effective, just needs to better understand when he's getting the rock or if he's blocking. Easy fix over the summer/fall
Nobody else seemed "there" yet otherwise tbh. I'd hope for Ervin to switch, or hopefully that Ternus dude who will be coming here in the summer will prove to be another worthy option!

Fidone clear #1 even though he had a limited number of reps. Likely our best blocker at the position as well, although Gilbert's large size gives him an advantage to be solid as a blocker. Hopefully Fidone is good to go fully come season time, and stays healthy for us. Bonner'a hybrid role somewhat puts him in this category, as he stayed in many times even if the formation didn't have a true FB (wing TE). Clear drop off after him just going off of the spring game unless Gilbert can improve those hands, which is possible. I've seen solif practice footage of him before the game, so there's hope for that 5 star talent to be just that for us in time. Boerkircher is decent for being likely the #2 or #3 TE...better in the passing game than as a blocker though. But he's serviceable. After those three, nobody stood out much tbh. John Goodwin seemed to be the next guy in line, and was just okay.

Gilbert OR Boerkircher
Bonner - more FB or wing TE though
John Goodwin? - tbd

Group looked okay...not as much of a strength as I had imaged going into the spring game. Kemp is SOLID at slot...could be a gamebreaker type in that role with Fleeks as backup without much dropoff. Washington will lock down one of the perimeter receiver spots, but who fills the other? This is where I'm hoping Coleman comes in, learns the playbook FAST, and injects himself into the conversation at that spot opposite of Washington. Otherwise maybe Betts...he did okay and didn't get much opportunity with Sims at QB. IGC should be pretty good out there as well. Victor Jones worth keeping an eye on as well...lots of potential and he was out there open several times. The rest of the guys are okay at backup.

Washington - IGC
Betts OR Coleman?
Kemp - Fleeks

The group overall looks improved from last year, which was expected as they started coming on towards the final couple of games last season. Benhart honestly seems better at tackle than Corcoran at this time. We could REALLY use Prochazka back and hopefully in tip top form. I'd rather see Corc at guard over Piper. Piper just has a ceiling and I'm not so sure he hasn't reached it already tbh. Piper would be a nice backup/utility player, but is just NOT a starter at this time. Hood seemed decent, but could stand to lose a few lbs so he can be more mobile/flexible. I'm sure he will with time, training, and nutrition. Nouli is still our best overall pass blocker, and he's decent in the run game but can be inconsistent. I actually kinda liked him at tackle...could be worth the coaches exploring since he is technically our best in pass pro.

Little I saw of Lutovsky, I'd say he's better than Piper as well. Hate to knock the dude, but we gotta get serious about who our starters up front are going to be. Ben Scott at center is a DUDE. I think I only saw one bad play from him, and he recovered but lack of help around him the play was blown up regardless. Backups weren't too impressive, but I do think Gottula will be right in the conversation as an immediate backup.Jenkins okay at center...I honestly think Piper would be best in the backup role at that position specifically but I haven't seen him snapping balls yet to really judge that aspect of the game for him there. Cautiously optimistic, but boy do we need more/better depth!

Starters listed first on left, then backups on right:
Nouli - Corc OR Gottula
Corcoran - Piper?
Scott - Jenkins (though Piper might be better here?)
Lutovsky - Piper or Corcoran
Benhart - Hood


Looked MUCH better than anticipated...a very HAPPY surprise! Hopefully that doesn't reflect a weak oline, but I know we all have our suspicions in that regard. Wynn and Polar Bear on the interior look much improved from last season, much more aggressive and in control. Wynn is athletic for a bug dude, and he is disruptive. Might not be our next Suh, but could be our next Crick or Carricker though. Jeudy was a welcome addition out there and seems to have potential for rushing the passer from a true dline position, which is rare in any 3 front defense. Of course there's Ty Robinson whose coming back from injury. He better step up or else he'll be demoted to more of a rotational role behind those dudes. Buckley is finally serviceable and made some nice plays, but not a gamechanger.

I thought Gunnerson was damn fine at end...really cements an edge on outside runs. Got after the passer a bit even though he never got home in the game. CAN YOU SAY YOUTH MOVEMENT AT THE END POSITION??? Umielmalen is a star in the making (as is Lenhardt) as both have nice size for youngins, motors like Nelson had, and premier athleticism to boot. Include Noonan in that category as well, as he was all over the place (in a good way). I really enjoyed Tagaloa as well...very under the radar guy but made some damn plays! Kai Wallin was surprisingly good as well and made some fine plays. Rollins surprisingly good as well.

Gunnerson - Umiemalen OR Tagaloa
Polar Bear OR Wynn (our two TRUE nose guys) - Jeudy OR Robinson (hybrid nose/passing downs)
Jeudy OR Robinson - Wallin OR Lenhardt


Hard to put a finger on this group...not due to performance, but lots of different body types in the position room. I assume Reimer is one starter once he gets back form injury, and he should enjoy more rotation this season with guys like Stenger and Snodgrass showing really well at the position this spring. Heinrich will come back from injury as well, but he's never been overly impressive. He's rather slow, but was asked to do too much in pervious system. MJ Sherman is a damn DUDE, and looks to be a disruptive starter at the "Jack" position. Super high on this guy, and I think he might be our next DUDE on defense. Really unimpressed with Butler though...he seemed lost most of the game sadly. Potential transfer watch with young guys seemingly already ready to jump him on the depth chart. Didn't realize Kaine Williams was switched to LB (was DB). He kept showing up and making plays! Plays big for a small LB. Really impressed with Buda and Demma...good rotational guys that I hope we don't lose to portal, because they could be starters at other programs no doubt. Gbayor made some plays as well. Full room...I expect to see some unfortunate losses to the portal here :(

Reimer - Kaine Williams
Stenger OR Snodgrass OR Heinrich
Sherman - Butler?


This is probably where more transfers will come from. Full room for sure. Buford likely comes back from injury and is in the discussion for regular play time. Brown was unimpressive...just wiffed on too many tackles and got lost in coverage. Singleton probably a little better than him at this point. Collier was kinda "meh" from what I saw of him, which is unfortunate. Hopefully he grows and lives up to potential. Syncere Suffalah or whatever his name is just kept. showing. up. Had to look up his number because his name wasn't even on his jersey! I expect that to change...he's earned it. Sanford was all over the place and impressive as always (I liked him lots in years past). Gifford had some rough moments, but often recovered and made up for with some decent plays. Farmer still looks tentative with contact in the box...sheesh. Newsome is our dude at corner, and Hartzog is as well, but who backs them up in rotation if needed? Clark or Lynum from what I could tell, but harder to see the perimeters from the camera angles.

Newsome - Lynum
Hartzog - Clark
Sanford - Suffalah
Gifford - Singleton
Farmer OR Buford

Special Teams:

Hard to gauge much here other than coverage units did their jobs well, and coaching seems more focused on this phase of the game than past coaches (duh). The coaches are also wanting more from it i.e. not taking the easy fair catch but TRYING TO ACTUAL RETURN KICKS AND PUNTS. That alone is a huge improvement. But kicking still leaves much to desire...awesome for Bleekrode to hit that 49 yarder, but that was with wind at their backs...inconsistent overall.

Here's to hoping Alvano can REALLY push for the role and do it well and consistently. Buschini was okay with his one or two punts, could've been better, but he was solid overall last season. Shouldn't run on fake punts...LOL! I'd rather see him throw to someone wide open on fakes instead if/when we try the fake.


I don't see why this team as is can't win 7-8 games this season. I expect the defense to actually surprisingly be a strength we lean on early as our offense builds chemistry with all the moving parts and schemes. Calling it now - BACK TO A BOWL GAME. If coaches can get guys to come along more, especially 1's and 2's on offense and keep the defense improving with lots of rotational guys, we could very well win the West. Go Big Red!
Torres and Victor Jones gone... Scratch my rights on those. I had started on working on this just before those announcements came out. Guess we'll see who all walks over the next few days... 😅
Rewatched the game frame by frame to try come away with some more solid takeaways upon closer review. This will be "tldr" for folks who come here to read anything other than an in-depth analysis. This is not a projecting of starters for the season, but more so, below analysis will include probable depth charts for each position based solely on spring ball. With that being said...where to begin? Let's start with Offense!


Sims - clearly did the best for the day, presumed starter pending CT rehab and fall camp performance. Still reminds me so much of Armstrong, which I love.

Out of all QBs NOT named Sims, Torres truly was the best. I could see the coaches ultimately going with him at #3, as we all know who our top two guys are (barring transfer, which I don't see either Sims or CT leaving). Literally the ONLY QB that completed 2 or 3 passes in a row. Love his poise in the pocket, shows relative escape skills, great awareness as he throws the ball away to live another day (perhaps better than CT even, who struggled to avoid the sack last season). Purdy would be okay in an offense that primarily runs the ball first, otherwise options, rpos, and screens only (no conventional passing game). Rhule's offense is NOT that however, so I'm really "meh" on the guy. Just can't read a defense in either passing game or run game. If we're trying to run a conventional passing game with him, all the defense needs to do is rush 3 and keep a spy on him. Offense becomes shut down immediately.

After reviewing HH's film, he did even poorly than I had initially thought. He's better than Purdy only in the sense that IF we ran a similar offense as what I described Purdy would do better in, HH would be better at THAT. Maybe. Winds up too much, and throws at the ground. Just not a natural QB (reminds me a LOT of Jamal Lord) but again, Rhule's offense demands more than that from a QB. I've been pulling for him and really like his intangibles, but imho those would transfer over to another position for him better than hoping he might SOMEDAY develop before he graduates out. Smothers is out, but I'd rather put him at 4th string over Purdy or HH.

Sims OR CT
Smothers - if he's not gonna transfer, then he might at well own the 4th spot
HH should change positions (maybe TE or receiver?)
Purdy - should maybe transfer?
Woche -

Grant seems like the #1 guy still, but not by much (that's the bad news - no true #1 back in the room as of yet). Otherwise, Johnson could really push him for play time after how improved he looked after spring. Added about 7lbs of muscle and hasn't lost speed - good on him! Ervin is okay...seems to lack vision, which is what I said about him since his FR season. Bonner was surprisingly pretty effective at FB, but I'd love to see Ervin switch to FB. Either that or else his best use is goaline or short yardage back with his rare combo of size and speed. Best ran up the middle, which usually only gains a couple or few yards anyway (which would be more ideal as carries from the FB spot). Allen still looks promising, but still quite a top back yet for us NOW. The fumble didn't help him, and he seemed a tad bit hesitant. Could be still getting back into full form from injury. Still tons of potential, future top back if he sticks it out and continue improving/healing. EJ was meh, but he's still young.

Grant OR Johnson
Ervin - should switch to FB and acquire blocking skills
Leuben - good spell back if we experience a bunch of injuries to the more premier backs ahead of him

Bonner - surprisingly effective, just needs to better understand when he's getting the rock or if he's blocking. Easy fix over the summer/fall
Nobody else seemed "there" yet otherwise tbh. I'd hope for Ervin to switch, or hopefully that Ternus dude who will be coming here in the summer will prove to be another worthy option!

Fidone clear #1 even though he had a limited number of reps. Likely our best blocker at the position as well, although Gilbert's large size gives him an advantage to be solid as a blocker. Hopefully Fidone is good to go fully come season time, and stays healthy for us. Bonner'a hybrid role somewhat puts him in this category, as he stayed in many times even if the formation didn't have a true FB (wing TE). Clear drop off after him just going off of the spring game unless Gilbert can improve those hands, which is possible. I've seen solif practice footage of him before the game, so there's hope for that 5 star talent to be just that for us in time. Boerkircher is decent for being likely the #2 or #3 TE...better in the passing game than as a blocker though. But he's serviceable. After those three, nobody stood out much tbh. John Goodwin seemed to be the next guy in line, and was just okay.

Gilbert OR Boerkircher
Bonner - more FB or wing TE though
John Goodwin? - tbd

Group looked okay...not as much of a strength as I had imaged going into the spring game. Kemp is SOLID at slot...could be a gamebreaker type in that role with Fleeks as backup without much dropoff. Washington will lock down one of the perimeter receiver spots, but who fills the other? This is where I'm hoping Coleman comes in, learns the playbook FAST, and injects himself into the conversation at that spot opposite of Washington. Otherwise maybe Betts...he did okay and didn't get much opportunity with Sims at QB. IGC should be pretty good out there as well. Victor Jones worth keeping an eye on as well...lots of potential and he was out there open several times. The rest of the guys are okay at backup.

Washington - IGC
Betts OR Coleman?
Kemp - Fleeks

The group overall looks improved from last year, which was expected as they started coming on towards the final couple of games last season. Benhart honestly seems better at tackle than Corcoran at this time. We could REALLY use Prochazka back and hopefully in tip top form. I'd rather see Corc at guard over Piper. Piper just has a ceiling and I'm not so sure he hasn't reached it already tbh. Piper would be a nice backup/utility player, but is just NOT a starter at this time. Hood seemed decent, but could stand to lose a few lbs so he can be more mobile/flexible. I'm sure he will with time, training, and nutrition. Nouli is still our best overall pass blocker, and he's decent in the run game but can be inconsistent. I actually kinda liked him at tackle...could be worth the coaches exploring since he is technically our best in pass pro.

Little I saw of Lutovsky, I'd say he's better than Piper as well. Hate to knock the dude, but we gotta get serious about who our starters up front are going to be. Ben Scott at center is a DUDE. I think I only saw one bad play from him, and he recovered but lack of help around him the play was blown up regardless. Backups weren't too impressive, but I do think Gottula will be right in the conversation as an immediate backup.Jenkins okay at center...I honestly think Piper would be best in the backup role at that position specifically but I haven't seen him snapping balls yet to really judge that aspect of the game for him there. Cautiously optimistic, but boy do we need more/better depth!

Starters listed first on left, then backups on right:
Nouli - Corc OR Gottula
Corcoran - Piper?
Scott - Jenkins (though Piper might be better here?)
Lutovsky - Piper or Corcoran
Benhart - Hood


Looked MUCH better than anticipated...a very HAPPY surprise! Hopefully that doesn't reflect a weak oline, but I know we all have our suspicions in that regard. Wynn and Polar Bear on the interior look much improved from last season, much more aggressive and in control. Wynn is athletic for a bug dude, and he is disruptive. Might not be our next Suh, but could be our next Crick or Carricker though. Jeudy was a welcome addition out there and seems to have potential for rushing the passer from a true dline position, which is rare in any 3 front defense. Of course there's Ty Robinson whose coming back from injury. He better step up or else he'll be demoted to more of a rotational role behind those dudes. Buckley is finally serviceable and made some nice plays, but not a gamechanger.

I thought Gunnerson was damn fine at end...really cements an edge on outside runs. Got after the passer a bit even though he never got home in the game. CAN YOU SAY YOUTH MOVEMENT AT THE END POSITION??? Umielmalen is a star in the making (as is Lenhardt) as both have nice size for youngins, motors like Nelson had, and premier athleticism to boot. Include Noonan in that category as well, as he was all over the place (in a good way). I really enjoyed Tagaloa as well...very under the radar guy but made some damn plays! Kai Wallin was surprisingly good as well and made some fine plays. Rollins surprisingly good as well.

Gunnerson - Umiemalen OR Tagaloa
Polar Bear OR Wynn (our two TRUE nose guys) - Jeudy OR Robinson (hybrid nose/passing downs)
Jeudy OR Robinson - Wallin OR Lenhardt


Hard to put a finger on this group...not due to performance, but lots of different body types in the position room. I assume Reimer is one starter once he gets back form injury, and he should enjoy more rotation this season with guys like Stenger and Snodgrass showing really well at the position this spring. Heinrich will come back from injury as well, but he's never been overly impressive. He's rather slow, but was asked to do too much in pervious system. MJ Sherman is a damn DUDE, and looks to be a disruptive starter at the "Jack" position. Super high on this guy, and I think he might be our next DUDE on defense. Really unimpressed with Butler though...he seemed lost most of the game sadly. Potential transfer watch with young guys seemingly already ready to jump him on the depth chart. Didn't realize Kaine Williams was switched to LB (was DB). He kept showing up and making plays! Plays big for a small LB. Really impressed with Buda and Demma...good rotational guys that I hope we don't lose to portal, because they could be starters at other programs no doubt. Gbayor made some plays as well. Full room...I expect to see some unfortunate losses to the portal here :(

Reimer - Kaine Williams
Stenger OR Snodgrass OR Heinrich
Sherman - Butler?


This is probably where more transfers will come from. Full room for sure. Buford likely comes back from injury and is in the discussion for regular play time. Brown was unimpressive...just wiffed on too many tackles and got lost in coverage. Singleton probably a little better than him at this point. Collier was kinda "meh" from what I saw of him, which is unfortunate. Hopefully he grows and lives up to potential. Syncere Suffalah or whatever his name is just kept. showing. up. Had to look up his number because his name wasn't even on his jersey! I expect that to change...he's earned it. Sanford was all over the place and impressive as always (I liked him lots in years past). Gifford had some rough moments, but often recovered and made up for with some decent plays. Farmer still looks tentative with contact in the box...sheesh. Newsome is our dude at corner, and Hartzog is as well, but who backs them up in rotation if needed? Clark or Lynum from what I could tell, but harder to see the perimeters from the camera angles.

Newsome - Lynum
Hartzog - Clark
Sanford - Suffalah
Gifford - Singleton
Farmer OR Buford

Special Teams:

Hard to gauge much here other than coverage units did their jobs well, and coaching seems more focused on this phase of the game than past coaches (duh). The coaches are also wanting more from it i.e. not taking the easy fair catch but TRYING TO ACTUAL RETURN KICKS AND PUNTS. That alone is a huge improvement. But kicking still leaves much to desire...awesome for Bleekrode to hit that 49 yarder, but that was with wind at their backs...inconsistent overall.

Here's to hoping Alvano can REALLY push for the role and do it well and consistently. Buschini was okay with his one or two punts, could've been better, but he was solid overall last season. Shouldn't run on fake punts...LOL! I'd rather see him throw to someone wide open on fakes instead if/when we try the fake.


I don't see why this team as is can't win 7-8 games this season. I expect the defense to actually surprisingly be a strength we lean on early as our offense builds chemistry with all the moving parts and schemes. Calling it now - BACK TO A BOWL GAME. If coaches can get guys to come along more, especially 1's and 2's on offense and keep the defense improving with lots of rotational guys, we could very well win the West. Go Big Red!
Really nice post! Even if a couple of your takes were overtaken by events:) You didn't mention John Bullock at LB. He was one of the guys I kept noticing and seemed to have a real nasty streak. I assume Rhule and Raiola are high on Piper because he is a smart player and has a bit of nasty about him on the field.
Really nice post! Even if a couple of your takes were overtaken by events:) You didn't mention John Bullock at LB. He was one of the guys I kept noticing and seemed to have a real nasty streak. I assume Rhule and Raiola are high on Piper because he is a smart player and has a bit of nasty about him on the field.
Ahhh shoot, I meant mention Bullock! He was solid and is another guy to keep an eye on if he stays. I see some potential in Piper, but man is he inconsistent. Got blow up when pulling by Kaine Williams 😂
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