They talk about reducing Social Security, but they won't do it. It's a voting block that will seek their revenge at the polls.
The situation is totally hopeless. For starters, not another penny to Ukraine. Not a penny of foreign aid to any country.
For crying out loud, a couple years ago we had to BORROW $ 43,000,000.00 from China just to PAY China foreign aid.
But, in the overall picture, foreign aid is a drop in the bucket considering the massive debt we have.
Not to be callous, but if you're not a citizen of this country, not a penny for you.
We have moved beyond the point of saving this country. Every citizen owes $ 233,000.00. How many people here have a quarter million just laying around? Not many.
I don't like to be a doomsayer, but I do understand numbers. I also understand what unsustainable means.