I just have a suspicion that real estate is going to tank. When the 10 year Treasury is at 4.07, that is a dangerous sign. It means that foreign countries are no longer buyng US debt, it also means the American citizens are no longer buying our debt either.
Even as early as August 22 when the BRICS nations announce a potential competitor to the USD it could trigger something big. I don't expect it to, but we are talking about foreign countries that would love to farther weaken the US.
If the market tanks, you very well could slide into a really nice home for the right price. People say it's callous to take advantage of developing opportunities, but that's the way of the world.
When you look at the huge numbers of people that are in the arrears for paying their mortgage, it won't take much to put many of them over the top. I don't plan to take advantage of people's misfortune, but there are thousands of younger guys like you waiting for an opportunity to pay a fair price for the home of their choosing.
I like that you're keeping your powder dry, but having a bunch of money in a bank would make me nervous.
By the way, and you already know this, you're doing an awful lot of the right things. I can understand your frustration.