Good call…
Ratings agency says its also watching some of nation's biggest lenders for possible cuts amid ongoing financial strain.
In California, some people are now being De-banked. Folks have been receiving letters from their bank(s) which read:
"We are writing to inform you that we will no longer be able to serve you.
As a result of this decision your account will be closed within 14 days from the date of this letter.
Any remaining account balances will be sent by check to the address we have on file."
And what makes it worse is those people are having a hard time finding any other bank to take them as customers. It's almost like a "no-fly" policy, where you get de-banked from one bank and none of the other banks wants to jump into the crosshairs of the powers that are issuing these de-bank notices.
Which kinda leads me to my next statement about those who own stocks. I've already stated a couple times, I'm not a believer in stocks and only own 3K shares of a junior mining stock. But, for those that have stocks, and especially if they have or intend to hold them for a long time, in my case, I prefer to have the actual Stock Certificate in my hands. It's irrelevant how little I own, the fact is, I own it, and I took measures to have proof that I do own the stock.
When you do business with a broker or an E-Trade, AmeriTrade, etc., they are reluctant to order for you actual physical Stock Certificates. The problem with "some brokers", and I'm not saying all brokers, but they may tend to have that order in a street account. No question, the vast majority are ethical operators, but as in all aspects of life, there's a fine line between morality and legality.
The brokerage firm my son was working with gave him the run around when he ordered the Stock Certificates be sent to him. I told my son to contact the Stock company to see if they would send the physical certificates and we would pay a normal, nominal fee. I told him to make sure to write down the state the company was registered in. So, then I had my son contact the Secretary of State for that state and ask them to suggest to the transfer agent for the company to send out the certificates we ordered, and of course, they complied.
This was all done because I wanted to have physical certificates that he could show our grandsons, they each own 750 shares, and begin to introduce them to the concept of stocks and other financial "things." It wasn't a big deal, but showing a 10 year old and a 5 year old an actual Certificate, they thought it was pretty cool that they owned a stock. It's one thing to show young kids a stock rating, etc, on a computer screen, it's another to show them the actual certificate.
This may seem petty, but it all goes back to my philosophy in precious metals. I don't want to look on a computer screen and see I own something, I like to have it in my own hands.
Thanks for indulging.