Thanks dingle. Some folks, you and I both know some, grew up dirt poor, became successful and then managed to outgrow their money. Others maintained their roots and built something meaningful. I've said in other threads, nice cars do nothing for me, a bigger house wouldn't represent who my wife and I are.
She grew up in a family of 7 kids, her dad put up grain bins for a living and her mom was a housewife. they lived in a 2 bedroom house and they got by just fine. I grew up living in every cockroach den in this city. To me, my home is a castle.
My wife is awesome, she won't waste money, even though we could waste a lot of money. My old man was a drunk, died when I was 12 and like I said, I've been supporting myself since I was 14 years old. Nobody gave us a penny.
I wanted to, and have, changed the narrative for my entire family. I'm not a greedy guy, I don't care to be the richest guy in the cemetery. I love to give gifts to my loved ones. I never wanted to wait till my kids are 60 years old. We had the wherewithall, so we began gifting them money a long time ago.
But to have to defend an entire generation seems a bit much when dealing with Tampa. The dude doesn't know anything about me or the path I took to get to this point. When you're on your own at 14 and become a successful person, it gives me the right to tell Tampa to eff off because I don't owe him anything.
I hope he gets it together because victimhood worsens with time. I coulda been a victim. I coulda been a worthless drunk like my old man and old lady. I chose not to. I'm proud of what my wife and I have accomplished, and when I get incoming like that, his attempt to diminish what I've actually accomplished, pissed me off. I hope he lightens up.