That's what I'm referring to.Pussies. If they were real men they'd want our Marines to get over to the next place so they can get their limbs blown off!
Exactly. Just the same way that he in the U.S. we don't allow people who would claim to be Christian to do bad things.It's the duty of other Muslims to take their religion back if it truly is a peaceful religion. It's that simple.
Beav, just to humor the normals, choose a number and give us an honest assessment of your participation in this thread?
1) Awesome, I've totally won this thread.
2) I'm the smartest guy in the room like Obama, but I'm capable of a misstep.
3) Meh, I give myself an A for effort but C for execution.
4) Okay, now that I've reread my posts my stomach is starting to gurgle.
5) Oy vey. I need to sue my parents. They really failed in my upbringing.
Exactly. Just the same way that he in the U.S. we don't allow people who would claim to be Christian to do bad things.
That's what a REAL American does. Any time something bad happens, we should scream to get somebody else's kid put on a plane for a year of patrols and see if we can't get him blown up while we pump billions of dollars into a country that hated us before we got there, and will hate us after we leave. If you don't, you hate freedom.That's what I'm referring to.
Beav, how many times a day do you hear the word 'masochist'?
Yeah! Time to go you pile of shit! Let's internet fight about who loves the troops more! How dare you suggest that if we really cared about the troops maybe we'd stop shipping them off to have their lives ruined or ended to see if they can cut the most recent head off this hyrdra! Wanting to keep the troops home so they don't die is what assholes do!Ok seriously you need to shut your mouth. Don't bring our heroes into this in a negative light. You've crossed the line and I think everyone here can now see you for the pile of shit you seriously are. Time to go.
Beav, when you're filling out a job application, do you list anarchist as a skill? Or a hobby?
Beav, if there was a micro-aggression Olympics. Would you see yourself winning the Gold - The Silver - or the Bronze?
That would probably be a family reunion..Ya, and you can start with the residents of the White house.
Nowhere in this thread did I read we should deport any or all muslims that are already here, so you're making stuff up unless I missed it. If I did, set that aside for a minute. Do you really think it's a good idea to bring an ADDITIONAL 100K muslims into our country, from Syria no less? You still think that's the right thing to do? You don't see any problem with that? Your TV broke for the last 12 hours or something?
Get it? Because he was a thing back in 2008 that had to do with Obama, 99% chance Beav and Obama have sex at least as often as every other Tuesday, therefore Beav loves Rev. Wright. Classic transitive property of painfully stupid politics digs. BOOM! TWO POINTS FOR WHOEVER THE HELL YOU ARE!For the record I don't think Beav hates all Christians. Not as long as Reverend Wright is alive.
No, I do that when I look at my bank account.Beav, when you look at your post count, do you ever say to yourself, "Oh my. With a little readjustment in my priorities I could've done something with my life."
Confirm or deny something for me: Is your handle a SUPER clever reference to a butthole? You know, the "brown star"?Beav, when you look at your post count, do you ever say to yourself, "Oh my. With a little readjustment in my priorities I could've done something with my life."
There's no way of knowing that. It will get down to a fundamental life-philosophy difference. I refuse to be intimidated. Same reason I take a lot of the other stances I do. F the "bad guy", I am not going to live my life in fear.Let's say there was a total of 8 bad guys in France yesterday, that works out to less than 1/10th of 1% of 100K. If 8 guys can do that kind of damage, what do you think 20, or 40, or more can do? You understand there is zero vetting process for these people, because there are virtually no records for most or all of these people. You don't think the bad guys have planted some of their own bad guys in the 100K? Yes or no, do you think there will be ISIS sympathizers in that batch of 100K that's coming our way? Yes or no, no fancy disclaimers. 100K, all good guys, or are there some bad ones?
After you answered "yes" there will be some bad one in the bunch, how could you invite them anyway?
You also know the Syrians will open up their jails and toss a bunch of their prisoners into the group just to get rid of them, Cuba did it, Syria will to. You also realize ISIS will pay each family of every bad guy that comes over here and blows us up? You get that their families will be paid handsomely back home when they carry out their mission, and you're OK with this still?
Took you WAY too long to come up with that tired shit. Rough day, or are you always this slow?Beav, is it fair if someone wonders if you're the way you are because Ward was too hard on The Beav?
There's no way of knowing that. It will get down to a fundamental life-philosophy difference. I refuse to be intimidated. Same reason I take a lot of the other stances I do. F the "bad guy", I am not going to live my life in fear.
Would it stop the "next one"? We can't measure that. I understand the concern, but why shorts out my brain is that the same people who are ADAMANT that these 100K have to stay out because they got 100 people in France are the same ones who want to roll out the next wave of deployments. How many of our own die in all that? How do people not get that these kids grow up hating the US in large part because for the last 20 years, we've been dropping ordinance on their villages. It's a tough sell to convince the guy whose family you just splattered with a predator that it was worth it because also we got the #4 ranking assistant to the co-leader of the terrorists.
You're at serious risk of talking much too calmly and reasonably for this thread.
Not claiming it's a right. But it's awfully contrary to the image of America we like to drum up when it suits us, of "Bring us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses..."Don't forget that coming to the USA is a privilege, not a right. You act like it's their right to come here, it isn't.
I'm the arbiter of everything that is good about everything. I think that's pretty obvious. How DARE you understate my grandiosity.Did you just suggest you're the arbiter of calm and reason in this thread? I think everyone on this board needs to buy you a mirror for Christmas. Regardless of whether or not you celebrate it.
I'm the arbiter of everything that is good about everything. I think that's pretty obvious. How DARE you understate my grandiosity.
Oh shit, I almost missed the best part of your post where I don't celebrate Christmas! Let's see, which would be the best reason for me not to celebrate Christmas?Did you just suggest you're the arbiter of calm and reason in this thread? I think everyone on this board needs to buy you a mirror for Christmas. Regardless of whether or not you celebrate it.
Why, you hiring?Is there good money in being a professional troll?
Why, you hiring?
Said the pot to the kettle...That sounds like a troll reply . . . or tool. Multitasker?
Dude, why would you punish yourself with that piss water? Like I said, we come down to a lifestyle disagreement. You have already decided that refugees = guaranteed terrorist attack. So there's no room for a discussion there. I'm not scared of them, and I'm not starting now.Undesirables will make it in, it isn't debatable. You cannot even admit it's going to happen, it's going to happen. There will be people in that bunch who are here for the sole purpose of what happened in France last night, and they'll be successful. Everything I typed about bad guys who's families will get paid after they carry out their terror is true, guaranteed to happen. It will be their way of taking care of their family. I'm not OK with it, surprises me anyone would be. I am gonna go crack some Busch Lights and enjoy some ball, have good rest of your weekend.
Let's see what folks like.
Beav made 37 posts, received 5 likes or 13.5%.
86.5 % of posters disagree with Beav.
Game time! GOD BLESS the USA!
Go Big Red!