Multiple terrorist attacks in France

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Since we're just letting everything fly in this one, KC and Tarheel, important question for you:

Can I get the running tally of how many crimes you two have personally halted/prevented in a hail or righteous citizen bullets? I trust it's greater than zero?

Guns will solve all this, you guys. That's why there's never any shootings at a gun range or a military base......ooooooh............too soon?
There it is. A bleeding heart proves what we all know. Even though he knows the 2 he is pissing his pants over are law-abiding gun owners, he believes they should not have the option or right to defend themselves with a right given to them by the founders of the country he lives in, per its constitution. America!
There it is. A bleeding heart proves what we all know. Even though he knows the 2 he is pissing his pants over are law-abiding gun owners, he believes they should not have the option or right to defend themselves with a right given to them by the founders of the country he lives in, per its constitution. America!

You also an accomplished crime fighter? No, you're just a message board troll who waits all day for the chance to call somebody a "bloner"? Cool. You seem super cool in real life.
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You seem upset, and angry at Americans. So sad. When you moving out of this terribly racist, gun-toting, redneck country that you love to hate?

Yep, you got me. I hate America. Don't forget the troops, hate the troops. And cops. I hate all the most patriotic things.
You also an accomplished crime fighter? No, you're just a message board troll who waits all day for the chance to call somebody a "bloner"? Cool. You seem super cool in real life.
It's ok. You be you, and I will be me. I don't see the need to hate libtards, I just feel bad for them.
I really don't know how one can kill an idea or religion for that matter. Radical Islam won't be cured by just killing people, unless you killed them all and removed every bit of literature from the world. I"m not sure that is really feasible.

The next best thing in my opinion, is to keep them isolated, economically poor, and keep them fighting with each other.

I'm pretty sure that has been part of the policy of previous administrations.

Letting these people into our country, like France did is a huge mistake. There are "No Go Zones" in France, local muslim areas controlled by muslims where the police won't even enter. They implement their own Sharia law in these areas.

If you really value your freedom and way of life, you have to take a hard stand against accepting refugees.

The way that religion is structured, you can't have a dialogue and negotiate some sort of agreement.

The problems is THEY are not willing to do that. Obama Sin Laden wasn't poor. He was rich. There are lots of rich muslims who want to kill people. And as we've seen in France, your idea that we can huddle them together and get them to only kill each other is really naive.

Look, FDR wanted to join WW2 but America has a strong isolationist streak. And it goes all the way back to George Washington. And isolationism is like collectivism, it sounds really good when you talk about it in the abstract. But in a world with airplanes, boats and cars people can travel beyond their borders really easily. That's where the geopolitics of isolationism breaks down.
There are people that want to kill people for religion...
What the **** is wrong with this world?

Diversity, it's awesome. J/K diversity is a good thing. But with diversity you open the door to everyone, nut just the gentle peace-loving people in the world. Diversity for humanity means you get to have Amish people and people who think it's cool to strap bombs to their children.

This vvvvvvvvvvv is the real world. And we have to decide where our comfort zone is

KABUL, Afghanistan — In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base.

“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

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Rampant sexual abuse of children has long been a problem in Afghanistan, particularly among armed commanders who dominate much of the rural landscape and can bully the population. The practice is called bacha bazi, literally “boy play,” and American soldiers and Marines have been instructed not to intervene — in some cases, not even when their Afghan allies have abused boys on military bases, according to interviews and court records.
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i don't know how from a policy standpoint the free world reconciles the reality that while the overwhelming majority of people of middle eastern origin are not terrorists, the overwhelming majority of terrorists (as defined by the free world) are of middle eastern origin

something has to give ...
Since we're just letting everything fly in this one, KC and Tarheel, important question for you:

Can I get the running tally of how many crimes you two have personally halted/prevented in a hail or righteous citizen bullets? I trust it's greater than zero?

Guns will solve all this, you guys. That's why there's never any shootings at a gun range or a military base......ooooooh............too soon?

How many do you intend to stop with your bare hands?
Beav either has a really low IQ or is a P.O.S. I hope it's the former but I'm afraid it's the latter. Offended? I hope so, that was my intent. You don't want to do what it takes to protect innocent people and you want to take rights away (or redefine them to mean something they don't). You obviously hate America So GTFO.
You guys are so right. If your first response isn't to be like, "See, this is what happens when you allow people who are not white Christians in the world," then you hate America. Those are the only choices.
I disagree. Inviting these refugees here is naive. They should be sent back to Syria.

Most muslims are poor, and do fine in their traditional country. Let them sit there and fight one another. I don't care if it is kurds, sunni, or shia, fighting one another. As long as they aren't here. You can't bring the towel jockeys here and give them a job and expect them to somehow assimilate into this culture.

The future of wealth in the middle east is not going to be bright either. Oil is becoming less and less important as a resource, and in 50 years, people are not going to care very much about their only exportable resource.

You're mixing your racist slurs. It's not "towel jockey" it's either "camel jockey" or "towel head." You morons can't even get your epithets right.
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You know you've lost beav. Pullin out the old racist Christian card like a well taught brainwashed liberal. I know why you want this thread shut down, because it's full of people who don't agree with you and refuse to be bullied by your leftist pc tactics. GTFO.
I disagree. Inviting these refugees here is naive. They should be sent back to Syria.

Most muslims are poor, and do fine in their traditional country. Let them sit there and fight one another. I don't care if it is kurds, sunni, or shia, fighting one another. As long as they aren't here. You can't bring the towel jockeys here and give them a job and expect them to somehow assimilate into this culture.

The future of wealth in the middle east is not going to be bright either. Oil is becoming less and less important as a resource, and in 50 years, people are not going to care very much about their only exportable resource.

Sending them back? Are they here already? If so, yes, let's send them back. Or, how about we just don't invite them over in the first place.

I wish we could let them sit there and fight each other. But recent events indicate that doesn't satiate their blood lust. Haven't their leaders declared war on the 'infidels'? Since you and I are infidels we might have to respond when they travel to other countries to kill us.
You know you've lost beav. Pullin out the old racist Christian card like a well taught brainwashed liberal. I know why you want this thread shut down, because it's full of people who don't agree with you and refuse to be bullied by your leftist pc tactics. GTFO.

That's what this is really about.
Sending them back? Are they here already? If so, yes, let's send them back. Or, how about we just don't invite them over in the first place.

I wish we could let them sit there and fight each other. But recent events indicate that doesn't satiate their blood lust. Haven't their leaders declared war on the 'infidels'? Since you and I are infidels we might have to respond when they travel to other countries to kill us.
Well Duh, we should not have let them in. I agree.

Recent events are centered around France, and the French were stupid to let the camel heads into their country too.
You know you've lost beav. Pullin out the old racist Christian card like a well taught brainwashed liberal. I know why you want this thread shut down, because it's full of people who don't agree with you and refuse to be bullied by your leftist pc tactics. GTFO.
Right? Typical liberal bullying. Every time somebody is trying to have a good time by denying that racism exists or saying that we should either kick out or eradicate all Muslims, some DICKHEAD liberal comes along and shits all over everything! It's like, ever since Wallace lost out to the federal government and schools were desegregated, it's like it's not cool to be a bigot any more.

OBVIOUSLY when ISIS are a bunch of bigoted, psycho, extremist religious murderers, the ONLY solution is to act just like that except for Jesus though.
You know what, I have the perfect answer. You guys grease up your guns and we'll send you all over there. They'll see what a bunch of bad ass non-pussies you all are, and surrender. They'll be like, "Oh shit, this IS NOT a gun-free zone! I am deterred! Jihad over everyone! I thought we were fighting liberals, but these guys say tough things and they have some guns. This whole thing is just over!"
Well Duh, we should not have let them in. I agree.

Recent events are centered around France, and the French were stupid to let the camel heads into their country too.

Agree. But it appears they also destroyed a Russian airliner and no doubt would like to do that to Airliners from the UK - USA - Israel - etc. I'm just sayin I don't think they're gonna do what would make us happy. I think they have their own agenda and we have to deal with it. Kinda like Spectre. Okay I just thru that in there cuz I'm a Bond nerd.
That's what this is really about.

I'm just here to play the game that's being played. If we're having no rules day, then SPRAY DOWN THAT MUD PIT BUBBA, I'M GON' ROLL AROUND WITH YA! WE GON SOLVE US AN INTERNATIONAL CRISIS BY DOIN SOME NAME CALLIN' ON A MESSAGE BOARD! HEEEEEEEW!!!!!!

Where's the guy who likes Busch Light? That's garbage beer and you're stupid for drinking it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! AMERICA IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just here to play the game that's being played. If we're having no rules day, then SPRAY DOWN THAT MUD PIT BUBBA, I'M GON' ROLL AROUND WITH YA! WE GON SOLVE US AN INTERNATIONAL CRISIS BY DOIN SOME NAME CALLIN' ON A MESSAGE BOARD! HEEEEEEEW!!!!!!

Where's the guy who likes Busch Light? That's garbage beer and you're stupid for drinking it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! AMERICA IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

At the junior college you're attending people actually win debates with this. Am I right?
Right? Typical liberal bullying. Every time somebody is trying to have a good time by denying that racism exists or saying that we should either kick out or eradicate all Muslims, some DICKHEAD liberal comes along and shits all over everything! It's like, ever since Wallace lost out to the federal government and schools were desegregated, it's like it's not cool to be a bigot any more.

OBVIOUSLY when ISIS are a bunch of bigoted, psycho, extremist religious murderers, the ONLY solution is to act just like that except for Jesus though.
another gem from the liberal playbook...putting words into people's mouths!mand another one, add in some random story from the past that has nothing to do with the current discussion. Man you should be their poster child. You're too easy. And also very good at downplaying a very serious situation and making it about skin color. If you ask me you are the racist. I say agin, Gtfo.
You guys are so right. If your first response isn't to be like, "See, this is what happens when you allow people who are not white Christians in the world," then you hate America. Those are the only choices.

Seriously, what a crock of shit statement. When a people believe that it's a blessing to kill the infidel that's a problem.
Seriously, what a crock of shit statement. When a people believe that it's a blessing to kill the infidel that's a problem.
EXACTLY. And which Muslims are the ones that believe that? Can't know, so kick em all out, you know? No Muslims, no problem! America = Great again! Then we can stick to killing each other at a rate that makes all the terrorist attacks combined look like Goddamned child's play because that's our right as Americans!
another gem from the liberal playbook...putting words into people's mouths!mand another one, add in some random story from the past that has nothing to do with the current discussion. Man you should be their poster child. You're too easy. And also very good at downplaying a very serious situation and making it about skin color. If you ask me you are the racist. I say agin, Gtfo.

Liberal playbook:

Pg 1: Hate America
Pg 2: Hate Freedom
Pg 3: Punish hard work
Pg 4: Reward drug addicts
Pg 5: Buy Prius
Pg 6: Encourage robbery/rape/murder by not shooting enough people
Pg 7: Obama
Pg 8: Hillary
Pg 9: Abort ALL the babies
Pg 10: Go back in time, allow Hitler

Did I miss anything?
At the junior college you're attending people actually win debates with this. Am I right?

Right? I totally do attend a junior college and that DOES make me an inferior person, you know? Schools that cost less are for people who are lesser human beings than us...but only up to a point. Really expensive schools are for elitist liberal assholes. They think they're so great, they learn about the world and then they're all like, "It's stupid to be running around the world all the time getting 18 year old kids blown up in countries nobody cares about!"

Pussies. If they were real men they'd want our Marines to get over to the next place so they can get their limbs blown off!
Yes you missed the three you have used. 1. Call everyone racist and make everything about race. 2. Put words into people's mouths as fact. 3. Bring up past events that have nothing to do with the current situation or your target. 4. Try to change the losing conversation into something else.
And all the others you've mentioned. Doing quite well and looking very bad might I add. GTFO
EXACTLY. And which Muslims are the ones that believe that? Can't know, so kick em all out, you know? No Muslims, no problem! America = Great again! Then we can stick to killing each other at a rate that makes all the terrorist attacks combined look like Goddamned child's play because that's our right as Americans!

It's the duty of other Muslims to take their religion back if it truly is a peaceful religion. It's that simple.
Ok seriously you need to shut your mouth. Don't bring our heroes into this in a negative light. You've crossed the line and I think everyone here can now see you for the pile of shit you seriously are. Time to go.
Beav, just to humor the normals, choose a number and give us an honest assessment of your participation in this thread?

1) Awesome, I've totally won this thread.

2) I'm the smartest guy in the room like Obama, but I'm capable of a misstep.

3) Meh, I give myself an A for effort but C for execution.

4) Okay, now that I've reread my posts my stomach is starting to gurgle.

5) Oy vey. I need to sue my parents. They really failed in my upbringing.
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