Multiple terrorist attacks in France

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BHO wants to bring 100,000+ of these liberty loving lads over here. Time to sacrifice a large number of 'Mericans to atone for Vietnam. Amiright Kerry?
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Keep on sprinkling stupid on this thing til you get it solved boys, I see you've got this well in hand.

We've been going down the road for this since 1979. There will be no peaceful solution to this. There's two factions of Muslims, sunni and shia, and they hate each other and have for centuries. So they really hate non-muslums.

So hate to say it, but this won't end without a lot bloodshed, and it appears due to actions in recent days, ISIS is picking a fight with everybody, including Russia.
Unfortunately this was potentially French born and raised terrorists who did this.

The actual quote from the book is from page 261 and is as follows: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." -

Yes, it is a bastardized quote mauls. I'll stand corrected. The leader of the Choom Gang is still the biggest mistake this country has ever seen! FBHO


Obama did not say he would side with "the Muslims," which could easily be read as meaning he would side with the world’s Muslim population even if it meant working outside the best interests of the United States. He said he would side with "them," referring back to his mention of immigrant communities and specifically to "Arab and Pakistani Americans." Furthermore, he was speaking of an "ugly direction" like the mass internment of Japanese Americans.

This false quote goes hand in hand with the equally false rumor that Obama is a Muslim.
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it would be nice if the so called moderates of that 'religion' would be more defiant towards their fundys and keep their own house in order, but what could you expect? they all cut and ran before to the west to escape the repressive regimes of the mideast creating soft landing places for the undesirables that have followed.
it would be nice if the so called moderates of that 'religion' would be more defiant towards their fundys and keep their own house in order, but what could you expect? they all cut and ran before to the west to escape the repressive regimes of the mideast creating soft landing places for the undesirables that have followed.

Couldnt agree more
This world would be a better place if there was no religion at all ...its all nonsense
Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater. I don't like the extremes of Islam either, or those who kill under the (false) label of Christianity or any other religion. But our morals, penal codes, "rights & wrongs" in dealing with people primarily originated from the Bible and that's the "baby" to me. Of course, that's my opinion and I'm not trying to jam it down anyone's throat.
The facepalm is strong with you lot of twits. How's that last war work out? Get em all? Terrorism over yet? Oh, not even close? Our kids are still over there and a fresh crop of extremists rolls off the line under a different name every 10 years? 10-4 on that. Lock this ****ing mess.
The facepalm is strong with you lot of twits. How's that last war work out? Get em all? Terrorism over yet? Oh, not even close? Our kids are still over there and a fresh crop of extremists rolls off the line under a different name every 10 years? 10-4
Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater. I don't like the extremes of Islam either, or those who kill under the (false) label of Christianity or any other religion. But our morals, penal codes, "rights & wrongs" in dealing with people primarily originated from the Bible and that's the "baby" to me. Of course, that's my opinion and I'm not trying to jam it down anyone's throat.
I dont understand how any rational adult can hear religious fables and believe much of any of it but I respect the stance in bold so I will shut up about religion
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This world would be a better place if there was no religion at all ...its all nonsense

It is your privilege (in this country) to consider "all religion" nonsense, but that attitude is part of the reason we are in this fix with Islam. Far better to realize that some religious views are much better than others and point people away from the more toxic ones, like Islam.
The facepalm is strong with you lot of twits. How's that last war work out? Get em all? Terrorism over yet? Oh, not even close? Our kids are still over there and a fresh crop of extremists rolls off the line under a different name every 10 years? 10-4

We might not have to do a thing...The dots need to be connected in a few different ways but it could happen.
No need for ground troops, the French are prepared.

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Yep, likely at the same time that a large sporting event or concert is going on. Divide the resources of whatever agency has to respond.

I've been through a simulated multipronged attack simulation/training, and it is just flat out scary to even think about. I'm not surprised at all by the events.
God help us all. Even
The facepalm is strong with you lot of twits. How's that last war work out? Get em all? Terrorism over yet? Oh, not even close? Our kids are still over there and a fresh crop of extremists rolls off the line under a different name every 10 years? 10-4
I take it you are ok with 180,000 refugees moving in next door in Obamas Chicago. That should work. I am sure that hole will improve when they get there, and all 180,000 are truly just refugees.
I have no problem with actual refugees, but again, to just blindly accept it on good will is just plain idiotic.
Horrible situation. Pray that the hostages and the city can get out. What a terrible deal.

I always joke about disliking the French, but I sure feel for them now.
This is horrific, but it was just a matter of time under their policies. Hopefully these terrible events lead to a clearer thinking and more practical world.
The facepalm is strong with you lot of twits. How's that last war work out? Get em all? Terrorism over yet? Oh, not even close? Our kids are still over there and a fresh crop of extremists rolls off the line under a different name every 10 years? 10-4
Lets see, how did the that last war work out? Seems it went fairly well and things were fairly stable until our coward in chief and his allies decided that we had to prematurely leave the conflict. There were a lot of military people as well as statesmen who predicted that the US leaving would destabilize Iraq and they were completely right.
Did we get em all? No but we were doing much better then than we are now. At least we had boots on the ground and a motivated force willing to try.
Terrorism over yet? Nope but our current strategy of pretending like it doesn't exist or that we can somehow control it with airstrikes and drones is ridiculous.
Our kids are still over there but in insufficient numbers to make any difference and our kind hearted liberals aren't willing to let us fight to win. We have to fight with one arm behind our backs because we need to fight a kinder, gentler war without injuring the innocents these cowards hide behind!
The facepalm is strong with you lot of twits. How's that last war work out? Get em all? Terrorism over yet? Oh, not even close? Our kids are still over there and a fresh crop of extremists rolls off the line under a different name every 10 years? 10-4 on that. Lock this ****ing mess.

^^^^ This is what you get when you can't debate and your IQ is below plant life.
BTW, Obama's killed more Muslims with his drone program than anyone, so if you despise Muslims, you should love Obama. But yeah, sorry, you can't blame an entire religion for the BS wars governments start, unless you believe everything you see on your TV news or just an irrational a$$hole. ISIS is an Al-Qaeda re-brand that was created, funded, and armed by the U.S. to keep the perpetual "War On Terror" going. Overthrowing Assad is the goal and ISIS and your mainstream media will help the U.S. accomplish just that. After this event, get ready for your "freedom" and "democracy" Syria.
The facepalm is strong with you lot of twits. How's that last war work out? Get em all? Terrorism over yet? Oh, not even close? Our kids are still over there and a fresh crop of extremists rolls off the line under a different name every 10 years? 10-4 on that. Lock this ****ing mess.

So leave the people alone who want to kill anyone who's not like them. I'm sure if we did they'd leave everybody alone, stop destroying ancient relecs, and condemning everything that doesn't fit the way they think life is supposed to be lived.

These hardcores don't need a war to encourage them. All they need is the knowledge that people live in a way they don't approve. To them IF they give you a choice, it's convert or die. That's what the "Give Peace a Chance" group still doesn't get.

Most of us want to live. These radicals want to die, for that gives them a glorious afterlife. Kind of hard to negotiate with that.

I don't want war, but sometimes the other side doesn't care. The only difference is this time the war is against an idea, and that idea isnt going away any time soon. And it wont, because this is pretty much based on the interpretation of a verse in the Koran, that radicals use as justification to kill. We can't go rip that page out of all the Korans.
BTW, Obama's killed more Muslims with his drone program than anyone, so if you despise Muslims, you should love Obama. But yeah, sorry, you can't blame an entire religion for the BS wars governments start, unless you believe everything you see on your TV news or just an irrational a$$hole. ISIS is an Al-Qaeda re-brand that was created, funded, and armed by the U.S. to keep the perpetual "War On Terror" going. Overthrowing Assad is the goal and ISIS and your mainstream media will help the U.S. accomplish just that. After this event, get ready for your "freedom" and "democracy" Syria.

Alex Jones wants his talking points back.

But seriously, you think the people on this board want to kill every Muslim?
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Russian involvment was brought up...this is not a bad thing, not at all. If you have ever had the chance or the stomach to read how they deal with groups like ISIS it is amazingingly brutal.

As far as I know, no group has claimed they were the ones that took down the plane a few weeks on out there wants to see what the Russians will back in the 80s when a few groups tried...they ended up with their dick and balls cut off and place in their mouths.

Russia don't play

Apparently you missed the front page of the news just 24 hours ago when ISIS said they were coming after Russia.

Russia don't play, but it has bought them little or no deterrence. They didn't even do as well as we did in Afghanistan, and they had no scruples about killing women and maiming children killing some million innocents.
We will always be infidels to Moslems (I read somewhere they don't like to be called Moslem).

One American dies, I would kill 1,000 Moslems, man, woman or child.

If this is truly what you believe then you are a horrible person and very much like the horrible people who committed the heinous act today. Just thought I would let you know.
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Never understood why wanting to fight Muslim Extremism means I hate Muslims. I fully support any Muslim that stands up and says murdering innocent civilians is unacceptable. I just don't see many of them with the courage to stand up and say that. Strange how in all the news coverage tonight I have not seen any Muslim leaders interviewed because they want to denounce this act of terrorism.
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