I found this in the Randy Gregory thread:
CC_Lemming said:
And people in this thread an even worse one.
Saturday at 6:15 PM
How so?
Because he said so.
I think that sums it up pretty well and I really don't even know what defensible position you are looking to find. Your overall approach is that, you are right because you think it and you say it. As I said above, you take your thought / opinion as fact and dismiss others opinions because they don't jibe with your opinion.
You wish I had taken a class on logic or critical thinking? My degree and my profession are centered around use of logic and critical thinking. Just because I choose not to continue to engage you,
a person who, as far as I am concerned, selectively uses critical thinking, doesn't mean that I lack in logic or critical thinking. In fact, it is my logic and critical thinking that told me to get the hell out of the conversation after spending several minutes going back and forth with you. There doesn't seem to be a debate with you, especially on this topic, there are only your facts and then everyone else's opinion. I didn't shy away from anything. I simply realized it would go nowhere, no matter what I said. Good luck with your dissertation.
I have 4.6.3 on ignore, as like you, I find that he rarely has anything worthwhile to say, and once he criticized another member on this forum for being a bad parent - not knowing anything about how said person is as a parent - I figured that was all I needed to ignore him. So I was completely unaware of him replying to me, and by design. I replied to Husker.Wed last night. And I offered
reasons for my saying that. I quote:
"Some people keep saying weed is addictive. They don't specify what they mean. Do they mean physiologically or psychologically? My understanding is that it is far from clear that weed is physiologically addicting in the way cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol are. If what they mean is psychologically addicting, do they mean to say that it is worse than, say, pornography and video games? These also have the potential to be psychologically addicting. I am tempted to think that most people don't think these things ought to be outlawed because their existence runs the risk of addiction. If that's the case, they're employing a double standard.
Yesterday at 8:08 PM"
Notice how when I was called to justify my opinion I offered some evidence in support of it? The initial claim was that people in that thread had a poor understanding of addiction, I then clarified what I meant and offered some support for it. Anyone is free to disagree with me. I did not belittle Husker.Wed, I did not take offense at his questioning me. And if he offers a response, I will take such disagreement seriously,
so long as he does what I did and supports his opinion. Can you point to one thing you've said in this thread against me that qualifies as doing
that? Can you? Please, show me, I will shut up.
You still do not get it. I do not
selectively use logic and critical thinking. My profession, I am willing to bet, relies on their use
far more than does yours. My profession
teaches classes on logic and critical thinking. Does yours?
I have taught classes on logic and critical thinking (I am teaching intro to logic right now). Have you? You've now made yet another claim and offered no defense of it. Please tell me
why you think I selectively use logic and critical thinking. Your referencing that other thread is no evidence - as I have demonstrated.
It was not your training in logic and critical thinking that told you to avoid a debate with me. From all that you've offered, I can only infer that it is your
lack of reasons. What else do you want me to think when your only reply to my drawing some distinction that supports one of my claims, is to accuse me of "living under power lines"? That is an obvious attempt on your part to
avoid using the logical and critical thinking skills you profess to possess.