The original post had to do with RG being suspended for four games. The NFL is an employer. An employer has every right to expect employees to be sober at work. This is especially true if an employee drives, operates machinery, or handles critical decisions, such as a surgeon. Alcohol is burned off at a rate of approximately 1 oz per hour depending on the person's weight, sex, and liver condition. A blood test accurately reveals the person's state of sobriety. Alcohol is usually no longer in the system after 12 hours. A person can still be affected (hungover, tired, dazed), and employers have to deal with that too, but it is much harder legally to get the person help or fire him or her if he or she is habitually hungover, but tests negative. Cannabis is different since delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is detectable in the system for between 5 days to months depending on frequency of use. It is therefore impossible to tell whether your employee got high before coming to work, or last weekend. It can also be argued that since THC is fat soluble (which is why it stays in the system so long), it releases back into the bloodstream on a "time-delayed" basis, so a habitual user who smokes every night is basically high all the time.They're protecting you.....from you. But people can still drink themselves to death .
There are lots of people like me who don't care about the morality, gateway drug, lung damage, religious, etc. arguments against pot. But we do care about the inability of determining whether employees are high on the job. I assume the NFL still tests for it because of that. Also, I have zero problem with someone torching a doobie or bowl; however, I think someone who gets in an accident or is driving erratically and tests positive for THC should have the same consequences as someone with a BAC over the legal limit for the reason I mention above (don't know whether he smoked last week or last hour).
So - Jimmy Frank, I'm not sure if your post is 1) advocating outlawing drinking 2) Relaxing workplace and motor vehicle rules so people who are drunk don't get in trouble since people who are high don't, or 3) Propose an unequal system where people can be high at work and on the roads, but can't be drunk.