Isn't it just a chicken sandwich...a really good chicken sandwich?

You are correct. Liberals can deny it all they want but the general is going to be a tsunami. People that say they won't vote Trump are only saying that to Avoid the Leftist mob.

When the time comes, they will pull Trump and it's showing.

The Left is notoriously lazy voters. They only turn out for a trendy cause and HRC ain't it. Unfathomable one could vote for someone that will more than likely be indicted.

Look at Liberal turnout so far. Trump has more votes by 1/3 than Romney had at this point in 2012 and he hasn't hit anything near critical mass yet.

It. Will. Be. Glorious.

Romney and his pollsters said the same things in the days leading up to Obama's second re-election. In Ohio in particular, they were either way wrong about their polling or outright lying to drum up support.

Trump will either roll or crash, hard to see him being in a neck and neck race in the general.
You are correct. Liberals can deny it all they want but the general is going to be a tsunami. People that say they won't vote Trump are only saying that to Avoid the Leftist mob.

When the time comes, they will pull Trump and it's showing.

The Left is notoriously lazy voters. They only turn out for a trendy cause and HRC ain't it. Unfathomable one could vote for someone that will more than likely be indicted.

Look at Liberal turnout so far. Trump has more votes by 1/3 than Romney had at this point in 2012 and he hasn't hit anything near critical mass yet.

It. Will. Be. Glorious.

Also, the same leftist mob that are pacifist pencil necked anti-gun intellectuals?

I'm sure plenty of people are afraid of guys in tweed, but seriously?

The Dems have the opposite problem of the GOP right now, they have a nominee, unless she's in prison, in which case Sanders is up. They don't have to do anything right now.
Where is Ham and Eggs? His gifs always catch me doing a double take. Who taught me that I like female curves and parts? No one ever taught me, but I have always known what was attractive. I also know that not every one finds the same females as attractive or unattractive as I do.

I find some people attractive and it wasn't something that was ever taught to me, it just is. Don't you dare tell me who is attractive! I couldn't imagine it; and I couldn't imagine telling someone else who they should be sexually attracted to.

To each their own as long as it doesn't compromise the safety or quality of life for my family. Go America!
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You are correct. Liberals can deny it all they want but the general is going to be a tsunami. People that say they won't vote Trump are only saying that to Avoid the Leftist mob.

When the time comes, they will pull Trump and it's showing.

The Left is notoriously lazy voters. They only turn out for a trendy cause and HRC ain't it. Unfathomable one could vote for someone that will more than likely be indicted.

Look at Liberal turnout so far. Trump has more votes by 1/3 than Romney had at this point in 2012 and he hasn't hit anything near critical mass yet.

It. Will. Be. Glorious.

In what way do you justify the Left as lazy voters? They have more policy wins than the GOP does by a long shot in the last 20 years.

Dubya got a decently sized war and a tax cut, but outside of that pretty much every major policy (the Stimulus, bailouts, bank regulation, prescription drugs, same sex marriage, Obamacare, Common Core, Medicare expansion, so on so forth) has been a swing to the left.

If the Right has been a ferrari of a voting block, they certainly haven't been showing it.
...all depends on how much golf he decides to play.

Golf hasn't been a tremendous problem, Dubya had more time off, and quite a bit more war to attend to. Presidents work pretty damn hard, so I don't begrudge them their time off, either side.

The biggest victory of this Administration could have been hatched over a game of golf (when Boehner and Obama famously agreed to 4 trillion in spending cuts) only to have Cantor take out the knees of his GOP leadership and scuttle the deal.

But I believe Cantor is no longer representing anyone.
Don't look now but the DNC and the voters are not entirely on the same page about nominating Hillary and not Sanders. One gets the impression he is a real wrench in their gears.
Don't look now but the DNC and the voters are not entirely on the same page about nominating Hillary and not Sanders. One gets the impression he is a real wrench in their gears.

It is my understanding that due to the super delegate system, Sanders still largely trails Hilary in votes that matter. He can win the social media wars, and maybe even a few state caucuses, and even point out large chinks in Hilary's electability armor, but it would still seem its her nomination to lose.

I could be 100% wrong about that though.
Just wait until the Donald trumps all of this.

One additional point...

I don't think anyone is really very sure what we're going to get out of the Donald. The following quote really sums him up:

"All this has led to this moment: An electorate so angry, they are willing to vote for a conservative of convenience who has spent the majority of his adult life pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-single payer health care and as a financial backer of Democrats."

Trump may well have changed his stripes and is George Will Jr. Or he may be trolling the GOP and the general election process with his showmanship/gamesmanship. Or on the other extreme, (tin foil hats everyone), perhaps he's running as a left wing conspirator who really has no intention of being a "Good Conservative" on many issues.

In any event, his political views don't line up with what most midwestern and southern conservatives traditionally harp on (I don't think we're going to see too much advancement of the evangelical agenda and even if he reforms health care it may be further left than Obamacare already is if he does stick with his remarks about the efficiency of single payer). Right now people are banking a whole lot on the fact that he's able to be sympathetically angry with them. A position that's pretty much the functional equivalent of voting for Obama because he was black.

Edit: Every conservative I ever knew, didn't like Schwarzenegger because "he was basically a Democrat in disguise" because of similar positions as The Donald on those issues. The Donald is basically Arnold with less tact and a potty mouth and he's just killing it at present.
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At first I was sure that he was trolling the GOP and I thought it was incredibly funny and exactly what they deserved for distilling themselves down to only being about who is furthest to the right on wedge issues.

I stopped laughing when I saw the way it empowered his supporters to act. At this point I'm not sure what his motivations still are or whether he actually thought he'd be in it, or what he'd do if he actually got elected.
Because people are sick of what politics has become. You have the "anti-candidate" on each side in Trump and Sanders. The GOP chased out all the electable moderates. The country is in screaming need of at least one more party. I would be VERY in favor of having "center-left" and "center-right" parties.

Clinton is as obvious as Jeb should have been. Career of being active in politics, they've been setting her up to run ever since Bill's second term at the very latest. The ones that don't make sense are guys like Cruz. He's not even close to electable in a general. But the inmates are running the asylum at the GOP and they can't get a moderate through any more.

I could get down with some real, actual fiscal conservatism. But I won't buy a ticket for that when the price of admission is going back to the 1920s on social issues. And the recent GOP presidents have not fixed the economy at all. So I end up in this place of, "Well, they'll both screw the budget, so I guess I'm for the one who isn't trying to sell me on the idea that we need to treat some people worse than others because we can."
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Because people are sick of what politics has become. You have the "anti-candidate" on each side in Trump and Sanders. The GOP chased out all the electable moderates. The country is in screaming need of at least one more party. I would be VERY in favor of having "center-left" and "center-right" parties.

Poor Rand Paul. If race is Trump and Hilary/Sanders, I will probably write in Paul.
Poor Rand Paul. If race is Trump and Hilary/Sanders, I will probably write in Paul.
I've heard this sentiment a lot from people who might otherwise vote Republican. "If Trump is the nominee, I won't vote." or "I will write in Rand."

Which is why I largely suspect that Trump gets buried in the general if he wins the primary. Primary voters are a different animal than people who turn out for the general.
I've heard this sentiment a lot from people who might otherwise vote Republican. "If Trump is the nominee, I won't vote." or "I will write in Rand."

Which is why I largely suspect that Trump gets buried in the general if he wins the primary. Primary voters are a different animal than people who turn out for the general.

Disagree, I think it benefits Trump. More people that stay away all together because they don't like him, is one less vote for somebody else. People keep dismissing Trump, and he keeps gaining momentum. What was once unthinkable, is becoming reality.
Probably useless observation but here goes...

In Parker, CO we have a Chik Fila, don't eat there much but when I do I amazed that there are literally no Hispanic workers there. Any other fast food chain in town has what seems like a majority of Hispanic workers there...ChikFila = zero.
I ate there yesterday and this morning I woke up...all my views have changed. That is one powerful sandwich.
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I've heard this sentiment a lot from people who might otherwise vote Republican. "If Trump is the nominee, I won't vote." or "I will write in Rand."

Which is why I largely suspect that Trump gets buried in the general if he wins the primary. Primary voters are a different animal than people who turn out for the general.
Trump will get obliterated in the general election. IMO, Rubio is the only chance the GOP has to compete for the big chair. Republican voters should wise up and unify if they want a shot to compete against the Democratic party. The problem is that almost every non-trump GOP candidate has been muted by the blowhard. Trump is torpedoing the Republican party, and many Republicans are too stupid to see it.
Disagree, I think it benefits Trump. More people that stay away all together because they don't like him, is one less vote for somebody else. People keep dismissing Trump, and he keeps gaining momentum. What was once unthinkable, is becoming reality.
I don't follow what you're getting at. If the dem voters will vote for Hillary but the rep. voters won't vote for does that benefit him?

You're setting up to split an apathetic GOP vote between Trump and Rand. The Dems aren't gonna write in Rand, and I don't think the DNC will let Sanders happen.
Trump will get obliterated in the general election. IMO, Rubio is the only chance the GOP has to compete for the big chair. Republican voters should wise up and unify if they want a shot to compete against the Democratic party. The problem is that almost every non-trump GOP candidate has been muted by the blowhard. Trump is torpedoing the Republican party, and many Republicans are too stupid to see it.

Doesn't really matter. Many of Trump's supporters have already essentially abandoned the Republican party. I like watching our two party system implode. It's about time.
Trump wins the General in a landslide.
Enjoy that thought while it lasts. In the meantime, tell Santa Claus "hi" for me.

You have absolutely not an iota of a clue of what the rest of the country is thinking. The voting populace, that is. The fact that Trump garners a bunch of hicks who wear 1960's caps with dipsh** slogans is irrelevant to reality.

I will mark this post in order to remind me to check back with you on November 9th to see what you think at that point, gauge your anger, and let you re-hash how this country is going to sh** because of the minorities, and not because of slack-jaws like you. :)
I don't follow what you're getting at. If the dem voters will vote for Hillary but the rep. voters won't vote for does that benefit him?

You're setting up to split an apathetic GOP vote between Trump and Rand. The Dems aren't gonna write in Rand, and I don't think the DNC will let Sanders happen.

I think a lot of Bernie supports won't vote for Hilary. Many of them despise her. So I think if it is a Clinton v Trump situation there will be a lot of people voting 3rd party or for a write-in.
I think a lot of Bernie supports won't vote for Hilary. Many of them despise her. So I think if it is a Clinton v Trump situation there will be a lot of people voting 3rd party or for a write-in.
Sane people would vote for a box of hair before they vote for Trump to be President. Anyone who supports that dolt is truly messed up in the head, and has no concept of the idea of a greater good, and what advances us as a species. Technology, space exploration, making lives better for everyone. Not just for the hacks who gross $50k but hate minorities, but the people who seek true transcendence.

It's pretty much official that Trump is simply saying things to garner attention, and all the passive racists and morons are jumping on the bandwagon. Trump's IQ is average, but his followers are less than average --- and they should all remain in the trailer park and southern slums from which they hail.
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I think a lot of Bernie supports won't vote for Hilary. Many of them despise her. So I think if it is a Clinton v Trump situation there will be a lot of people voting 3rd party or for a write-in.
I don't get the sense they despise Hillary. Here's the sentiment I usually encounter:

Hillary is the candidate better suited for the government we have. She's a politician who will go where the winds are blowing, and she knows how to play the game. Sanders is the candidate for the government we want. It would be a gamble as to whether he could do the things he claims because he's further left than most, but we like his platform.

I think Dems will vote for Hillary, especially if the GOP nominates Trump.
Sane people would vote for a box of hair before they vote for Trump to be President. Anyone who supports that dolt is truly messed up in the head, and has no concept of the idea of a greater good, and what advances us as a species. Technology, space exploration, making lives better for everyone. Not just for the hacks who gross $50k but hate minorities, but the people who seek true transcendence.

It's pretty much official that Trump is simply saying things to garner attention, and all the passive racists and morons are jumping on the bandwagon. Trump's IQ is average, but his followers are less than average --- and they should all remain in the trailer park and southern slums from which they hail.

I don't want Trump, but to call his IQ average I think is wrong. I think he is brilliant. He has been successful in many areas and is now showing that he can manipulate millions into voting for him.

Sane people would vote for a box of hair before they vote for Trump to be President - I think the same about voting for somebody that may (should) be indited federally.
I don't get the sense they despise Hillary. Here's the sentiment I usually encounter:

Hillary is the candidate better suited for the government we have. She's a politician who will go where the winds are blowing, and she knows how to play the game. Sanders is the candidate for the government we want. It would be a gamble as to whether he could do the things he claims because he's further left than most, but we like his platform.

I think Dems will vote for Hillary, especially if the GOP nominates Trump.

I see a lot of hate for Hilary from Bernie supporters on Reddit. A surprising amount for 'left leaning' people (as somebody on the mid-right - I get it). And even a vocal minority of Sanders supporters that say they would vote for Trump over Hilary because they hate the status quo. But of course, it is one website and probably isn't a great barometer for the general public.
I don't get the sense they despise Hillary. Here's the sentiment I usually encounter:

Hillary is the candidate better suited for the government we have. She's a politician who will go where the winds are blowing, and she knows how to play the game. Sanders is the candidate for the government we want. It would be a gamble as to whether he could do the things he claims because he's further left than most, but we like his platform.

I think Dems will vote for Hillary, especially if the GOP nominates Trump.
Absolutely. IMO, amongst Bernie supporters, the hate for all things GOP is stronger than the hate for Hillary.
I don't want Trump, but to call his IQ average I think is wrong. I think he is brilliant. He has been successful in many areas and is now showing that he can manipulate millions into voting for him.

Sane people would vote for a box of hair before they vote for Trump to be President - I think the same about voting for somebody that may (should) be indited federally.
He has been successful because of the bankroll that was handed to him when he barely had pubes. And my definition of success isn't one's worth, but how much that wealth grows, sans inflation, after Johnny Silverspoon has money handed to him or her.

Per the rate of inflation, Trump has actually lost money. Yeah, he is still a billionaire, but economists have proved that he would be worth more money if he just gave his inheritance to a financial planner and invested in a run-of-the-mill Roth IRA, and didn't touch it. If a pickle jar on top of a fridge could accrue interest, he would be worth more. His "savy business decisions" have actually been more detrimental to his wealth than his dumbass vernacular.

In short, inflation literally "inflates" Trumps ego. He's a jackass. And he speaks as if he is some redneck uncle from Missouri who lives on a large acreage, about 150 miles from any sort of college or educated population.
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He has been successful because of the bankroll that was handed to him when he barely had pubes. And my definition of success isn't one's worth, but how much that wealth grows, sans inflation, after Johnny Silverspoon has money handed to him or her.

Per the rate of inflation, Trump has actually lost money. Yeah, he is still a billionaire, but economists have proved that he would be worth more money if he just gave his inheritance to a financial planner and invested in a run-of-the-mill Roth IRA, and didn't touch it. If a pickle jar on top of a fridge could accrue interest, he would be worth more. His "savy business decisions" have actually been more detrimental to his wealth than his dumbass vernacular.

In short, inflation literally "inflates" Trumps aptitude. He's a jackass. And he speaks as if he is some redneck uncle from Missouri who lives on a large acreage, about 150 miles from any sort of college or educated population.

That is such flawed logic. That 'study' is flawed because it didn't take that into account that he inherited a business, not cash. He was given a medium sized business (that was valued at a certain dollar amount, who knows what it would have actually sold for) and turned it into an empire. He also worked for his dad for several years before he died, helping build the company. Again, I am not a Trump fan, but what he has done is impressive. I don't get how people can minimize his accomplishments.
He has been successful because of the bankroll that was handed to him when he barely had pubes. And my definition of success isn't one's worth, but how much that wealth grows, sans inflation, after Johnny Silverspoon has money handed to him or her.

Per the rate of inflation, Trump has actually lost money. Yeah, he is still a billionaire, but economists have proved that he would be worth more money if he just gave his inheritance to a financial planner and invested in a run-of-the-mill Roth IRA, and didn't touch it. If a pickle jar on top of a fridge could accrue interest, he would be worth more. His "savy business decisions" have actually been more detrimental to his wealth than his dumbass vernacular.

In short, inflation literally "inflates" Trumps ego. He's a jackass. And he speaks as if he is some redneck uncle from Missouri who lives on a large acreage, about 150 miles from any sort of college or educated population.
On the contrary. Trump is a brilliant orator. He knows exactly how to play to a crowd, say alot without saying anything and he has absolutely mastered the art of intimidation and manipulating a conversation. He can take any question anywhere he wants to without truly being held accountable. I cant stand that tool, but I am amazed at what he has already accomplished on the campaign trail.
I don't get how people can minimize his accomplishments.

His dad built the empire (with the help of US gov't contracts during the war) not Donnie, Donnie inherited the empire from his dad, he could've sold the real estate put it in a mutual fund and still be a billionaire. His dad gave him a million dollars in 1968 at the time the median income was 7.7k. I'm not saying he is not savvy, but hot dam if you gave me 6.8 million right now I could be a Billionaire too!

His dad gave him tons of money, that is great for him. I don't think that makes him fit to govern solely because of the station he was given based on the wealth of his father. What are we, redcoats?

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