Just to be clear (then I'll try to bow out), the OT was in part about comments made by a Bible believing Christian. He repeated the fact that the New Testament of the Bible says that marriage is between one man and one woman. It also considers homosexuality a sin, in addition to many other sins (adultery, lying, drunkenness, pre-marital sex, etc.)
No sin is greater (worse) than the others, as all serve as a barrier between ourselves and God. Admittedly, MANY Christians choose to ignore this fact, and incorrectly insist their lying or getting drunk is "not nearly as bad of a sin" as the gay guy having sex. To prove this point, the Bible very often speaks of homosexuality within the context of other sinful behaviors, never singling one out over the other. That being said, Bible believing Christians are also not asked to cheer for policies and approve of parades in support of adulterers, lairs, and drunks.
The original topic was about whether or not a restaurant should be allowed on campus if the CEO has certain beliefs. If that is the standard you wish to apply, then Bible believing Christians should unite and demand NO purchases from Amazon.com should be allowed to be delivered to campus, since Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has the opposite belief than that of Chic-fil-A's CEO. Assuming they did, would THAT now vocal minority be given the same respect, power, and response by the university?
To my knowledge, there is nothing about Chic-fil-A's business practices that are immoral, discriminatory, or illegal. If the belief is really that strong on campus, the restaurant will fail miserably very quickly and will move out, "problem" solved the old fashioned, free market, American way...if that way still exists.
Easy there...your condemnation slip is showing..