Home schooling...

Nebraska has good public schools if you take out OPS and LPS. Both are very liberal and lost causes. Public Education has gotten a really bad name in the past years due to National Teachers Union and big city schools that are a disaster. It has caused people to think the woke agenda is present in all public schools, IT IS NOT. I would say besides OPS and LPS it is very small, most public schools in this state have no desire to teach woke concepts period. OPS and LPS were absolute jokes during COVID like many big school districts across the country. Most Nebraska Schools kept on going with education and most stayed open and full operation besides a few months the initial spring.
I don't know. Whatever it is from 75th and rokeby to Lincoln southwest, that's how far it is.

It doesn't matter though, it just feels too far, and I hate all the traffic. My biggest issue is the roundabouts and other cars. If it weren't for those, it wouldn't be a big deal.
Ah, roundabouts rears its ugly head again. Epic! Some folks here will understand.
This board is full of stupid people with badass bikes, and stupid people who sleep with doctors, and stupid people who own bars and can therefore speak for every CEO in the country. There are fewer hiding places for these people in our society and that is why they are getting desperate. So they are hiding out in the mountains, suburbs, exburbs, or in the middle of the sandhills and going on college football message boards to show their knowledge and experience of nothing. This entire thread is about privileged people with minimal skills attempting to hide from the real world while disparaging those who wish they could hide from the real world but aren't privileged enough to do so.
I know my stupid privileged self enjoys "hiding out" in the middle of no where because I generally have to deal less with stupid privileged people like you who generally seem to infect and ruin cities. And oh look, we still vote and oh look who's been elected in this state. Its not changing anytime soon, so if that scares you as it obviously does....move. There are plenty of literal shit ridden holes out there ruled by your people of choice. Maybe get in where you fit in. Nebraska, it aint for everybody.
On the Norris topic, I have not heard bad things about it, none of those schools, Ashland-Greenwood, Wahoo, Elmwood-Murdock...never really heard anything bad about them but I only know people at Ashland.
Poverty, cultural inequities, ignorance, generational failures within family structures etc... . You and others are all about personal responsibility but expect schools to pick up the pieces where family and society has failed. You want to blame the very people who are working day in and day out to change the very problems that you cited above. You see educators as the root of the problem, I see them as the front line troops trying to rectify it. I could give you countless stories of teachers who have positively impacted hundreds of future American citizens who were susceptible to a future less bright then they ended up reaching.

The problem with people like you is that you offer no real solutions..Only blame, hysteria, generalizations, negativity, etc.. The answer isn't to defund public education or disparage teachers. It's the opposite. You want to fix America, It starts at home, in communities, in outreach programs, etc... and of course education plays an important role in developing a society that doesn't dwell in cultural and societal ignorance.
Oh no, I blame parents too, moral decay, single parenting, there are a LOT of factors that go into ‘why kids suck’ anymore, but you CANNOT discount, refute or ignore the OBVIOUS intention of public education from the federal level… and it’s no longer about educating kids. It’s about indoctrinating them. You may disagree from the perspective of where YOU teach, but you’re describing the happy side of the bell curve.

I’d eliminate the department of Education. Like immediately, day one, and mandate PARENTS in individual communities get a big say in what’s included/excluded from curriculum, and take politics completely out of it. Focus on math and science above ANY other subjects, and expel kids who refuse to learn. Privatize the entire thing and hold teachers accountable for performance the same way every other non-Gubmint industry does. Shitty ones with an axe to grind can either conform, or find another line of work.
So good to see you posting Jae. Your outlook on stuff is uber interesting, in a good way.

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The Covid break did the kids no favors socially at all. We have a group of 10-15 kids that just wander campus. Never go to class. Are usually high. Aren't allowed to force them to go either. It's madness the realities of what kids can get away with on campus and that's even before entering the classroom. Personally the public schools in Nebraska are pretty legit and it seems homeschooling would limit most socially and developmentally as a whole. Saw a post about teaching Islam. We have an entire unit dedicated to teaching what they believe and practice but it's no different than when I cover the Roman Empire and Jesus and the growth of Christianity. Same in the spring when the Reformation and Crusades are covered. It's pretty well rounded. Kids seem to be interested in Inquisition torture.
The Covid break did the kids no favors socially at all. We have a group of 10-15 kids that just wander campus. Never go to class. Are usually high. Aren't allowed to force them to go either. It's madness the realities of what kids can get away with on campus and that's even before entering the classroom. Personally the public schools in Nebraska are pretty legit and it seems homeschooling would limit most socially and developmentally as a whole. Saw a post about teaching Islam. We have an entire unit dedicated to teaching what they believe and practice but it's no different than when I cover the Roman Empire and Jesus and the growth of Christianity. Same in the spring when the Reformation and Crusades are covered. It's pretty well rounded. Kids seem to be interested in Inquisition torture.
Amen, what we "CAN'T" do to students anymore is insane. But of course, parents got what they wanted when they bitched to the school boards!

A lot of schools you can't even take their phone because it is "part of their body"
The complaining about how terrible public schools are reminds me alot of when people said get rid of the police. People said they could do it better. Amazingly they couldn't.
The complaining about how terrible public schools are reminds me alot of when people said get rid of the police. People said they could do it better. Amazingly they couldn't.
Oh my god! Yes, I already made that comparison.

I mean, we saw a small sample size during (real) covid, you know, the 6 weeks of it when kids had to stay home and parents basically got divorced, turned into raging drinkers and realized they hated their kids and teaching.
Amen, what we "CAN'T" do to students anymore is insane. But of course, parents got what they wanted when they bitched to the school boards!

A lot of schools you can't even take their phone because it is "part of their body"
Phones should be relegated to lockers. Available between classes. Problem solved. Separate division for gender-confused sports. Problem solved. But no one in charge of policy-making will do a damned thing, because there’s zero accountability higher up. Common sense would derail their need to completely reinvent ‘normal’, and what constitutes ‘truth’. It’s hard to watch, but can’t say I’m surprised.
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Amen, what we "CAN'T" do to students anymore is insane. But of course, parents got what they wanted when they bitched to the school boards!

A lot of schools you can't even take their phone because it is "part of their body"
I currently have a few he she’s or Shims. Ludicrous, jr high kids. It’s bullshit, they want to be the opposite sex, have to address them by their new name but are not allowed to call them boy or girl. They haven’t decided yet and we must respect their privacy on the matter. I’m about 1 more wtf moment from hanging it up and putting my tool belt back on. Most teachers are good people who are now being forced to become robots out of fear of offending literally anyone at anytime.
Phones should be relegated to lockers. Available between classes. Problem solved. Separate division for gender-confused sports. Problem solved. But no one in charge of policy-making will do a damned thing, because there’s zero accountability higher up. Common sense would derail their need to completely reinvent ‘normal’, and what constitutes ‘truth’. It’s hard to watch, but can’t say I’m surprised.

But...parents won't go for that and so they freak out at school board meetings "That is MY phone, I gave it to my kid, YOU can't take it from them"
I currently have a few he she’s or Shims. Ludicrous, jr high kids. It’s bullshit, they want to be the opposite sex, have to address them by their new name but are not allowed to call them boy or girl. They haven’t decided yet and we must respect their privacy on the matter. I’m about 1 more wtf moment from hanging it up and putting my tool belt back on. Most teachers are good people who are now being forced to become robots out of fear of offending literally anyone at anytime.
Yep...because that kids parent will run to social media and ruin that teachers life.
I just got an email yesterday from Lincoln public schools, which told me the god awful news that Standing Bear High School will not be taking juniors and seniors.

This means that my daughter would still have to go all the way to southwest. That is just way too far from my home, standing Bear is basically my backyard.

Anyway, due to this development, I will be homeschooling my daughter instead. Any suggestions for the best way to home school? I'm not trying to do the church thing or any of that.
Move … seriously . Unless your highly educated Home schooling your daughter through her JR & SR years of High School would be very challenging. Think of all the activities and social development she will miss out on.
Move … seriously . Unless your highly educated Home schooling your daughter through her JR & SR years of High School would be very challenging. Think of all the activities and social development she will miss out on.

Is it a good time to move? I'm locked in at a solid 2.85%. I don't really want to jeopardize that.
Move … seriously . Unless your highly educated Home schooling your daughter through her JR & SR years of High School would be very challenging. Think of all the activities and social development she will miss out on.
There is a lot of truth to this, most parents, even ones that did well in school and in life, can't really "teach" past about 8th/9th grade.
Is it a good time to move? I'm locked in at a solid 2.85%. I don't really want to jeopardize that.
Man, I remember thinking 4.25 was we won't see 2.85% again for 10 years.
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Most private schools do it better.
Actually they don’t The teaching is worse in most cases because they pay shittyso they are not great quality but they don’t have to put up with all the turds so their numbers look better. If you give the majority of public school teachers the same clientele, their numbers would be better and I would bet a hell of a lot of money on that
Phones should be relegated to lockers. Available between classes. Problem solved. Separate division for gender-confused sports. Problem solved. But no one in charge of policy-making will do a damned thing, because there’s zero accountability higher up. Common sense would derail their need to completely reinvent ‘normal’, and what constitutes ‘truth’. It’s hard to watch, but can’t say I’m surprised.
We don't have lockers at my school. I mean we do but they haven't been used since maybe the 80s. Too many weapons and drugs stored.
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Actually they don’t The teaching is worse in most cases because they pay shittyso they are not great quality but they don’t have to put up with all the turds so their numbers look better. If you give the majority of public school teachers the same clientele, their numbers would be better and I would bet a hell of a lot of money on that
Well Done Reaction GIF
I currently have a few he she’s or Shims. Ludicrous, jr high kids. It’s bullshit, they want to be the opposite sex, have to address them by their new name but are not allowed to call them boy or girl. They haven’t decided yet and we must respect their privacy on the matter. I’m about 1 more wtf moment from hanging it up and putting my tool belt back on. Most teachers are good people who are now being forced to become robots out of fear of offending literally anyone at anytime.
Thanks for the honesty

But...parents won't go for that and so they freak out at school board meetings "That is MY phone, I gave it to my kid, YOU can't take it from them"
Privatize schools and they make their own regulations without bureaucratic oversight. Let parents make the policy and schools enforce it.
Actually they don’t The teaching is worse in most cases because they pay shittyso they are not great quality but they don’t have to put up with all the turds so their numbers look better. If you give the majority of public school teachers the same clientele, their numbers would be better and I would bet a hell of a lot of money on that

Sounds like a good argument for school choice.

Then add some kind of trade school path for the "turds" who are obviously not on track for the 4 year college route. Get them away from the kids who actually want to learn so that they don't disrupt their learning, and try to teach them some kind of useful skill to keep them out of jail/poverty.
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Sounds like a good argument for school choice.

Then add some kind of trade school path for the "turds" who are obviously not on track for the 4 year college route. Get them away from the kids who actually want to learn so that they don't disrupt their learning, and try to teach them some kind of useful skill to keep them out of jail/poverty.
I have said it for years, public HS's should team up with local unions and do/create a pre-apprentice program.
Sounds like a good argument for school choice.

Then add some kind of trade school path for the "turds" who are obviously not on track for the 4 year college route. Get them away from the kids who actually want to learn so that they don't disrupt their learning, and try to teach them some kind of useful skill to keep them out of jail/poverty.
Ha. The turds won’t take trades seriously either. You’re talking about kids that lack guidance and discipline. Send them ****ers to the US military where they own your ass. But there are some schools that can send kids who want to work in trades down the right path for sure.
I’m not afraid of offending people here
Seems like the tone of the thread, we could use a lot more of that attitude in public schools, instead of being scared.
I mean… I’m sure they know their Union really super seriously has their backs, right?
We don't have lockers at my school. I mean we do but they haven't been used since maybe the 80s. Too many weapons and drugs stored.
So you’re a teacher… do you have the authority to keep kids from being on their phones in your class?
Sounds like a good argument for school choice.

Then add some kind of trade school path for the "turds" who are obviously not on track for the 4 year college route. Get them away from the kids who actually want to learn so that they don't disrupt their learning, and try to teach them some kind of useful skill to keep them out of jail/poverty.
I agree but good luck with that....private have an unfair playing field over public’s as they dont have to take everybody and follow public guidelines. The best thing is too get rid of dept of Ed. And state dep of Ed. Most of Neb dept of Ed refuses to come to work and want to work from home but have the balls to represent schools that have been face to face for a long damn time.
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I agree but good luck with that....private have an unfair playing field over public’s as they dont have to take everybody and follow public guidelines. The best thing is too get rid of dept of Ed. And state dep of Ed. Most of Neb dept of Ed refuses to come to work and want to work from home but have the balls to represent schools that have been face to face for a long damn time.
Oh have I got a story for you called state and federal government
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Seems like the tone of the thread, we could use a lot more of that attitude in public schools, instead of being scared.
I mean… I’m sure they know their Union really super seriously has their backs, right?
Teacher unions are a joke, in Neb besides Lincoln and omaha they don’t have much support due to their views