I agree with your statement. The scientists study and make observations based on the current environment, and then make predictions. It's just my guess, we may be pretty close to agreeing in principle on the subject of global warming. At least close enough to not argue about it. I wouldn't consider myself an armchair climatologist, I just find the subject interesting.
It misses the point of my post though. Not a fact, just my opinion, the general masses are presented with a pie chart of man-made pollution and a graph of greenhouse gases vs earth temperature and told "see what you are doing to our planet". We are left to infer that all temperature changes are a direct result of the greenhouse gases, and that all greenhouse gases are our fault.
I did follow some of your posted links, thank you. TwinsRRUs posted a video from an IPCC scientist and it seems rational to me, but it follows my line of thinking. It's easy to agree with someone who says what you're thinking. Here's TwinsRRUs post: