Global Warming

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But......but....what happened to the defenders of the scheme? Easily dispersed with a bit of TRUTH and facts...of course if your a 'denier' you loss grant proceeds and get sent home from school for "questioning" our brilliant, and we'll educated pipe suckers....;)
The "consensus" in science has been wrong MANY times through history. They change Global Warming to Climate Change because temps stopped rising but the need for power and money did not. The idea that you can apply a linear model to something that runs in cycles in CLUELESS. EVERYTHING in nature runs in cycles yet we have created linear models to scare the people. Worse yet the move to criminalize those who have the nerve to question the science is frightening.
WELL; on our beautiful flat world steamrolled by their shining opinions, they can surely find some spanish inquisitive enough to get the answers they want. Most of this is a rehash from the reporters at the southern Minnesota/ northern Iowa glacial melting scare 10,000 years ago.
The "consensus" in science has been wrong MANY times through history. They change Global Warming to Climate Change because temps stopped rising but the need for power and money did not. The idea that you can apply a linear model to something that runs in cycles in CLUELESS. EVERYTHING in nature runs in cycles yet we have created linear models to scare the people. Worse yet the move to criminalize those who have the nerve to question the science is frightening.
It's sad we have state officials willing to jail others just for what they think and say.
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Without getting into the debate too far, I'll just point out one misrepresentation that the anti-global man-made warming (AGMMW) people rely on. As represented by the cover of the Time machine in 1976 posted earlier, AGMMW people claim that scientists can't get it right: first it was global cooling, not it's global warming. That is a misrepresentation of the facts.

In the mid-70's while most climatologists agreed that man was affecting the climate there was a significant disagreement as to the nature of the effect. Some said that the main effect was caused by particulate pollution, which would result in a significant cooling like a longer term nuclear winter. Others said the main effect was caused by greenhouse gases, which would result in long-term warming. Based on the papers published and the numbers of conference presenters, the scientists who believed that the greenhouse gases were the main contributor outnumbered the particulate pollution proponents at roughly 3-1. But there was a wild card in the deck. Those of you who are older recall Carl Sagan, the god of science in the 70's. He, although not a climatologist, was on the side of the particulate pollution as the main factor group and was very vocal about it. Back then, when any publication like Time wanted quotes on anything science, they went to Sagan. He propounded the global cooling theory to the media and they sucked it up as if that was the only theory. The greenhouse gas proponents got no hearing in mass media, even though they were in the majority by a landslide and more and more scientists were turning to their side yearly. So while the global cooling proponents were in the minority by a wide margin from the beginning, based on fast-food media they appeared to be the only voices out there on global warming in the 70's and into the 80's.
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My scientific side makes me consider that if you change some of the variables you can change the outcome. Particulate pollution, gaseous pollution, CO2, landscape changes, etc. all kinds of variables that we can affect.

My pragmatic side makes me consider that the earth has went through many hot and cold cycles, and we have made scientific observations for just a relative few.

I don't know if we are experiencing a man-made global warming.
The "consensus" in science has been wrong MANY times through history. They change Global Warming to Climate Change because temps stopped rising but the need for power and money did not. The idea that you can apply a linear model to something that runs in cycles in CLUELESS. EVERYTHING in nature runs in cycles yet we have created linear models to scare the people. Worse yet the move to criminalize those who have the nerve to question the science is frightening.
Who is criminalizing those who question climate change? We know Florida has criminalized state employees who attempt to discuss climate change. Not endorsing necessarily, just even discussing it:
I'm not qualified enough to scientifically weigh in on this debate.

But I do laugh at the hypocrisy of celebs like Leo DiCaprio, who cries about the environment while he flies around the world in his private jet, lives in a huge mansion, and often rents some of the largest yachts in the world for his parties. It's similar to the Hollywood actors who condemn guns but continue to make blockbuster movies full of explosions and violence.

People say they want change in the world, yet they aren't willing to change their own lifestyles. They just want other people to make sacrifices so that they don't have to.
The data shows that the Earth has clearly been warming up over the last century or so.

What is the cause of this?
Combination of things. It is complicated. All the planets are warmer, CO2 emissions, cyclical effect, melting permafrost, Sparky sauce-induced farts, etc...
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I'm more concerned with the oil, power, and mining companies completely destroying places, such as the many tributaries in the Amazon river.
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I'm more concerned with the oil, power, and mining companies completely destroying places, such as the many tributaries in the Amazon river.
Now this is something I can get onboard with. We need to be good stewards of the land as any good farmer. If you take care of the land the land will take care of you.
If you go back 500 million years, the earth is now much cooler than it was then.
In fact, it was on average roughly 14 degrees Celsius warmer than the average temperatures today.

Dinosaurs lived from about 248 million years ago until about 65 million years ago.
The earth has continued on a cooling trend since about 50 million years ago.
Our species of humans evolved about 200 thousand years ago


Click on the image to enlarge it.

If you are near-sighted and go back only 30 years, the earth is getting much warmer...enough to call it a man-made problem...if you choose to ignore everything prior to the last 30 years and the fact that earth has large temperature swings up and down over time.


Click on the image to enlarge it.

There are ups and downs throughout Earth's existence. Look at the spike from just before 1700AD to just after 1700AD.
It is similar to the one from about 1900 to about 1950 on the picture above, yet that was before the Industrial Revolution.

1200AD to 1700AD was a trend of a colder climate that maps show as a "Little Ice Age".

We happen to be living during an upswing in temperature. What if the industrial revolution happened in 1200AD instead of the late 1800's? Would there not have been a "Little Ice Age"? Would we be claiming that man was causing global cooling?

Is man CAUSING the current global warming, HELPING the current warming trend, or having no effect?
We probably won't know for a couple hundred more years or even after that.

All we can do is adapt to the changes as they happen. According to history, changes will come, but we know not what they will be and can only use history in an attempt to guess what it will be before it happens. Humans have adapted to survive and always will until we can no longer adapt to the changes.

Remember, Earth is 4.6 billion years old. Humans have only been here for 0.0043% of earth's existence.
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Global warming is a liberal conspiracy. I know its not true because it snowed this past winter. If it snowed, how can there be global warming?

On a similar note, the earth is flat, the sun orbits the earth, and man will never fly.
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Im ok with the global warming hypothesis as long as there is no false taxes related to it.
Now this is something I can get onboard with. We need to be good stewards of the land as any good farmer. If you take care of the land the land will take care of you.
I think it was farmers that burned the rain forest.

Relative to being good stewards that has been trendy to say for the past 30 or so years but I am not convinced giant center pivot irrigation and stripping the land for it's use is all that great.
Global warming is a liberal conspiracy. I know its not true because it snowed this past winter. If it snowed, how can there be global warming?

On a similar note, the earth is flat, the sun orbits the earth, and man will never fly.

Go back and answer my questions...why has nobody done that?
I posed some very simple questions initially. Questions that should be able to be answered considering this particular science is supposed to be based in fact. The standard line "the science is settled" seems to be code for "I don't have the answers so don't ask, just accept".

I haven't seen answers to any of these yet.

People can post all the contrarian stuff they want but until the baseline questions have been posed and answered, nobody is arguing from the same position.

I'm still waiting for @OkeyDokeyNU to either complete his Cersei Walk of Shame or answer the questions posed there as well. They weren't anything particularly complex...just simple first thoughts that should cross one's mind.
The earth's surface is 197,000,000 square miles big (14,035 x 14,035 miles). All 7 billion humans could stand shoulder to shoulder on a piece of land ~400 square miles big (20 x 20 miles). The rest of the earth would be empty of humans.

Given the insignificance of 400:197,000,000 (.0002%), one wonders just how powerful we humans must be to have produced such widespread impact on the great mass beyond. Hint: We aren't and we haven't.
The earth's surface is 197,000,000 square miles big (14,035 x 14,035 miles). All 7 billion humans could stand shoulder to shoulder on a piece of land ~400 square miles big (20 x 20 miles). The rest of the earth would be empty of humans.

Given the insignificance of 400:197,000,000 (.0002%), one wonders just how powerful we humans must be to have produced such widespread impact on the great mass beyond. Hint: We aren't and we haven't.

I know, right? Then...when you factor in the enormity of the atmosphere around the earth it becomes even more insane. Maybe if, somehow, there was ZERO dissipation of any of said pollutants.

The argument is akin to putting a drop of cyanide in an Olympic sized pool and saying don't swim or you will die.

Spock would go batshit over the illogical arguments they pose.
I thought the U.N. settled this concern years ago: unfettered livestock flatulence & German beer drinkers during Octoberfest.

The UN...a bunch of 3rd World Countries that can't manage their own, trying to dictate to us. Ok, maybe some 2nd World.

Nonetheless...there is a saying that will do you well to follow...Never take financial advice from anyone with less than you. I find that to work pretty well so far...
The earth's surface is 197,000,000 square miles big (14,035 x 14,035 miles). All 7 billion humans could stand shoulder to shoulder on a piece of land ~400 square miles big (20 x 20 miles). The rest of the earth would be empty of humans.

Given the insignificance of 400:197,000,000 (.0002%), one wonders just how powerful we humans must be to have produced such widespread impact on the great mass beyond. Hint: We aren't and we haven't.

For even greater effect...take a look at the pictures of the Earth from space. Then locate some Coal Burning Plant on said Earth and imagine how much it would have to pump to even register anything at all.

It would seem that to fill the atmosphere with enough of all this bad stuff that we would all die of inhalation issues BEFORE there could be any effects on the Climate.
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I keep waiting for Bill Callahan to join the Board and post that "it's too technical for us to understand".

Actually, that other Bill...the fake scientist guy. Bill Nye(?) already DID say that, I think.
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Who is criminalizing those who question climate change? We know Florida has criminalized state employees who attempt to discuss climate change. Not endorsing necessarily, just even discussing it:

16 or 17 State AGs had a press conference recently where they compared companies questioning climate change to tobacco companies and their studies to support smoking. They want that any such speech criminalized for company speech. That's where it starts and sets the trend.
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I'm more concerned with the oil, power, and mining companies completely destroying places, such as the many tributaries in the Amazon river.

Nature reclaims the land, any damage is temporary and a blip in time. Of course that means we are less than a clip of time.
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