So according to this goober announcer, the clear helmet-to-helmet hit on the punt return was okay, but Sanford’s hit should have been reviewed for targeting? Where did they find this guy?
Iowa is calling better plays than us. Let that sink in
Iowa is who they are and are comfortable with it. Nebraska’s staff is trying to build what they want it to be. Like it or not, Rhule is going to round peg square hole this thing in hopes it makes us better in the long run
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Iowa is who they are and are comfortable with it. Nebraska’s staff is trying to build what they want it to be. Like it or not, Rhule is going to round peg square hole this thing in hopes it makes us better in the long run
Maybe you’re right but that round peg never goest thru the square hole
So according to this goober announcer, the clear helmet-to-helmet hit on the punt return was okay, but Sanford’s hit should have been reviewed for targeting? Where did they find this guy?
If it’s the ball carrier being hit, helmet to helmet is only a penalty if it’s the crown of the helmet. So ours was close to targeting. Theirs was fine.
First of several Iowa TDs coming. 24-7 Iowa beat down ready to commence.
Offensively we play like we are a great passing team. When it’s 0-0. Please run the ball and pound. Our defense will be wasted by the middle of 3rd qtr the way our offense is performing with out great (not) passing attack. Rhule just doesn’t get it.
Sometimes you just have to wonder how the playcalling can be this bad on accident. Seriously wtf. Pass pass pass and receivers arent even open and the run is absolutely working. Comically stupid. How is it possible a 1.4 million dollar play caller can legitimately be this bad?
Do we have any plays like that…high percentage, TE dragging across in front of the QB? All of our passes seem to be white knuckle time.
Oh well shit didn't know that was the hard and fast rule for late hits. Better remember that for all the late hits not called in football. Give me a break.
A hard driving hit into back of legs, when opponent has a foot out of bounds is a late hit. You think it’s up for debate?
Sooooo, NU recovers a fumble with one hand but Iowa gets the the Iowa QB loses the ball with one hand and they get a TD???

Riddle me this...
How do we not challenge that and how do they not look at it?
Trying to make the B1G championship game a little more glamorous. Like how the SEC props up UGA and Bama by making their opponents ranked way higher than they should be
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Sooooo, NU recovers a fumble with one hand but Iowa gets the the Iowa QB loses the ball with one hand and they get a TD???

Riddle me this...
As soon as the ball breaks the goal line the play is dead, how do people not know this by now?
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hate to say this but so far we’re outcoached. They’ve made adjustments on offense and we’re still trying to prove that we can throw the ball downfield.
If we are content to run it and take 3-4 yards we will be in the game. If not our Defense will be spent by the 4th qtr.
Sometimes you just have to wonder how the playcalling can be this bad on accident. Seriously wtf. Pass pass pass and receivers arent even open and the run is absolutely working. Comically stupid. How is it possible a 1.4 million dollar play caller can legitimately be this bad?
Comically bad on all levels. Looked like the TE stepped out on the long pass play, but refs don’t look?? Satts doing his own thing, being out coached by an OC who got fired. Dumb turnovers. So sick of this program, and I feel awful for the players who literally give away their health for this… just awful.
Dude has heart and will sellout for the stop. We have a great defense but you can't say that for everyone.

I love that kid. He will stick his head in the fan for sure. After last week big hit against Sconsin he ran right back in there today and didn't flinch. Can't teach that shit.

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