And I don't buy that past results mandates future performance. Just because we put a few RBs in the NFL over last few years doesn't mean that one or more of our current RBs is NFL caliber.
We don't suck all of the sudden. We sucked last year too, but Ameer was good enough to make the result look better. Ameer was a special back, and I didn't see anything special out of our RBs on Saturday. Wilbon appears to be the only one with an outside chance of growing into special.
Things have been sliding for a few years, but we've managed to keep it mostly covered. But once the special playmaker is no longer around to bail everyone out, then the weaknesses that were there all along are now readily apparent for all to see. During Crouch's SR year, I remember noticing how QB-dominant our run game was. That worked well when that QB is a Heismann winner, but not so much the next year when you had a mere human at the helm. Then it was suddenly obvious that we had real problems, and that they had been masked by Crouch's stellar play.