OT: Are Chiropractors legit

No they are bullshit (literally)

The man who invented chiropractic was a snake oil salesman in Iowa who claimed a ghost told him to crack someone’s neck and it would cure their deafness (not kidding)

The first chiro school is still named for him

They are not doctors, they are not licensed or accredited by anyone but themselves.

Do yoga and lift weights and stretch and be more active/less sedentary instead
No they are bullshit (literally)

The man who invented chiropractic was a snake oil salesman in Iowa who claimed a ghost told him to crack someone’s neck and it would cure their deafness (not kidding)

The first chiro school is still named for him

They are not doctors, they are not licensed or accredited by anyone but themselves.

Do yoga and lift weights and stretch and be more active/less sedentary instead
kong, i disagree with some of this. Above and beyond everything it depends how good he is.

Roger Craig, Evander Holyfield are just a handful who attribute weekly adjustments that added to their longevity and less injuries in their careers.

As I've said many times, my son was a sprinter and a damn fast one. OT, but I'm also a stride counter. (I.E. horses and humans in running events at specific distance, I video frame to frame).
As a 6th grader I took my son for an adjustment cause his stride length and fluidity was not as
I thought it should be.

Sure enough, his pelvis had been tilted 3/4" off dead level, which caused his right stride to be fractionally less than the left. One adjustment later and in less than a week he ran the 100 meter dash in 2 less strides and took .2 off his time. He wasn't faster, per se, he was just more efficient in his strides. So, in the right situation it is helpful.

I'm in total agreement about yoga, stretching and getting up and moving. Even when I get wrapped up on the internet I have my phone alarm set every hour to just get up and stretch and go for a quick walk.
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In short, the spine is linked with your brain ie. the central nervous system. When your spine is working as designed, it can only help your entire body that’s linked to the central nervous system. I believe getting adjustments increases your health and immune system. Our newborns were adjusted. When they were constipated an adjustment would fix that quickly.
In short, the spine is linked with your brain ie. the central nervous system. When your spine is working as designed, it can only help your entire body that’s linked to the central nervous system. I believe getting adjustments increases your health and immune system. Our newborns were adjusted. When they were constipated an adjustment would fix that quickly.
Agree. It is so important, especially for little ones, that they remain straight. We all have or have had kids who take tumbles, sat down way too hard, slip off the chair, etc.

The problem is the bad chiropractors. Typically if a person goes and the dude says, "yeah, you'll need 12 adjustments." It's not much more than a money grab.
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If you find the right one. I tried 3 and not much help. All but gave up on chiropractors until a friend told about the one she used. He is awesome and helped a lot. Just have to find the right one. Good luck.
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No they are bullshit (literally)

The man who invented chiropractic was a snake oil salesman in Iowa who claimed a ghost told him to crack someone’s neck and it would cure their deafness (not kidding)

The first chiro school is still named for him

They are not doctors, they are not licensed or accredited by anyone but themselves.

Do yoga and lift weights and stretch and be more active/less sedentary instead
There's a long thread on this topic from a few years ago. I was put off by the practice of chiropractors trying to solicit my wife with "Come back, we missed you" and "You're due for another adjustment" emails and texts. Instead of fixing anything, their business model was to come in regularly and pay them big bucks for temporary help.
Cracking one’s back and calling it an adjustment does nothing. It’s purely psychological.

That being said a chiropractor did help ease my sciatic never pressure a few years back. He took more of a physical therapy approach, but of course did his obligatory back crack and said I’d have to come twice a week for the rest of my life which was total bs
In short, the spine is linked with your brain ie. the central nervous system. When your spine is working as designed, it can only help your entire body that’s linked to the central nervous system. I believe getting adjustments increases your health and immune system. Our newborns were adjusted. When they were constipated an adjustment would fix that quickly.

You’re lucky you didn’t kill your kids

Big time moron alert

You’re lucky you didn’t kill your kids

Big time moron alert
That's just a stupid comment kong.

There are great mechanics and there are lousy mechanics, great doctors and lousy doctors, great football coaches and lousy football coaches, great comments and lousy comments.

My, and a couple others telling you we had good experiences isn't gonna influence you any more than what you say will influence those who've had success.

Anyone convinced against their will, remains unconvinced still. (true that).
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That's just a stupid comment kong.
no, it's not.

it's a fact- and data-backed comment.

here's one of many, many sources if you'd like to learn more about how idiots who believe hocus pocus pseudoscience are actively harming - including death and paralyzation - their kids by taking them to chiros

if your infant is backed up, give him/her an ounce of apple juice, don't take them to a fake medical professional whose "practices" are based on the work of a mental patient's paranormal ravings. please, for the love of God
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no, it's not.

it's a fact- and data-backed comment.

here's one of many, many sources if you'd like to learn more about how idiots who believe hocus pocus pseudoscience are actively harming - including death and paralyzation - their kids by taking them to chiros

if your infant is backed up, give him/her an ounce of apple juice, don't take them to a fake medical professional whose "practices" are based on the work of a mental patient's paranormal ravings. please, for the love of God
I don't give a fcck what the data shows, I'm speaking from personal experience. I'm talking about myself, my wife, daughter, son and my 2 grandsons have all had nothing but good results. It all depends on the chiropractor.

You don't care what I have to say about this, and ditto for me on your thoughts.

Peace out.
I don't give a fcck what the data shows, I'm speaking from personal experience. I'm talking about myself, my wife, daughter, son and my 2 grandsons have all had nothing but good results. It all depends on the chiropractor.

You don't care what I have to say about this, and ditto for me on your thoughts.

Peace out.
I'm sure Stalin was nice to a few people on the street, too.

there are personal anecdotes for everything.

your feelings are not a substitute for fact.
no, it's not.

it's a fact- and data-backed comment.

here's one of many, many sources if you'd like to learn more about how idiots who believe hocus pocus pseudoscience are actively harming - including death and paralyzation - their kids by taking them to chiros

if your infant is backed up, give him/her an ounce of apple juice, don't take them to a fake medical professional whose "practices" are based on the work of a mental patient's paranormal ravings. please, for the love of God
Really, you talk about a parent and should be glad the chiropractor didn't kill his kid and then call him a moron? Give it a rest. In his situation, it all worked out fine.

Amything you or I say isn't gonna have the slightest impact on whether people go or don't go to a chiropractor.
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My former chiropractor was excellent. Moved away from him so stopped going but he was worth it. He also educated and informed those who came in about eating and exercise as well.
I went to a chiropractor for years, I would go in lay on my stomach for him to adjust my lower back, And just wait for the adjustment from hell, I got tired of that so now I can lay on my side and push on the lower vertebre and gently do it myself.
Really, you talk about a parent and should be glad the chiropractor didn't kill his kid and then call him a moron? Give it a rest. In his situation, it all worked out fine.

Amything you or I say isn't gonna have the slightest impact on whether people go or don't go to a chiropractor.
it's my hope that when presented with facts, a logical, rational person will react accordingly.

however, given my experience here, I understand there are very, very few objective individuals who don't hold tight to their dogma about just about everything, facts be damned.

and I'm often labeled "the emotional one" by these same folks. LMAO.

OP asked, I answered. sorry if this offends.
I'm sure Stalin was nice to a few people on the street, too.

there are personal anecdotes for everything.

your feelings are not a substitute for fact.
My FIRST HAND results trumps your non attendance at a chiropractor, right?

Feel free to respond, cause I'm done now.
My FIRST HAND results trumps your non attendance at a chiropractor, right?

Feel free to respond, cause I'm done now.
no, your personal experience is 1 in a data set of tens of millions.

it is yours and yours alone. I'm glad it worked out. many can't say the same.

chiropractic is pseudoscience proven to accomplish - literally - nothing in terms of health benefits.
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it's my hope that when presented with facts a logical, rational person will react accordingly.

however, given my experience here, I understand there are very few objective individuals who don't hold tight to their dogma about just about everything, facts be damned.

OP asked, I answered. sorry if this offends.
I'm not offended because I'm not relying on you for the health of my family.

Some of us are dogmatic, perfect is example of you last year with HH, right? I'm done now.

I don't want to get pissed off and throw you back on Ignore, cause I think you and I can be really good allies in the upcoming football wagering campaign.
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I went to a chiropractor for years, I would go in lay on my stomach for him to adjust my lower back, And just wait for the adjustment from hell, I got tired of that so now I can lay on my side and push on the lower vertebre and gently do it myself.
Glad you found a self help method for you.

If I end up going again now that I’m in my later years, I’d go back to the guy I did before. Total care, not just a crack and see ya next week.
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I'm sure Stalin was nice to a few people on the street, too.

there are personal anecdotes for everything.

your feelings are not a substitute for fact.
Yeah, let's compare a guy who intentionally starved 6 million people to chiropractors. My comments are based on personal experience, not feelings.
I'm not offended because I'm not relying on you for the health of my family.

Some of us are dogmatic, perfect is example of you last year with HH, right? I'm done now.

I don't want to get pissed off and throw you back on Ignore, cause I think you and I can be really good allies in the upcoming football wagering campaign.
I was right about Haarberg - he was our best QB by far and both his record and retention proves it.

thanks for not blocking me for the crime of *checks notes* presenting facts.
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I was right about Haarberg - he was our best QB by far and both his record and retention proves it.

thanks for not blocking me for the crime of *checks notes* presenting facts.
Being the best QB among HH, Purdy and Sims isn't saying much.

**Edited** So far in this thread you've had 10 likes and I've had 14, so we'll call it a wash. LOL
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I agree.

which is why such a visceral reaction from so many to me saying it was a bit of a surprise.

especially since it was correct.

oh well.
kong, because you have this nasty habit of calling people names, denigrading them, pissing them off, trying to get a rise out of them for the sake of getting under their skin. It becomes easier to argue with you when you start to make things personal. If that were not the case you wouldn't be working on your 3rd or 4th name in here.

When you get rid of all the rhetoric, things go much smoother for you. My lawn awaits. Ciao.
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No they are bullshit (literally)

The man who invented chiropractic was a snake oil salesman in Iowa who claimed a ghost told him to crack someone’s neck and it would cure their deafness (not kidding)

The first chiro school is still named for him

They are not doctors, they are not licensed or accredited by anyone but themselves.

Do yoga and lift weights and stretch and be more active/less sedentary instead
What kind of yoga do you do?
Athletes use chiropractic care a ton. Know a guy who treats the U of Wyoming athletes or at least he did at one time. I am going to guess that Nebraska has several available to athletes.

I have been to several over my lifetime - some are better than others. But then, there are some MD's that are better than other and I wouldn't take my cat to them. How many MD's were quacks during covid?

I have had headaches for years and chiropractic adjustments by the right person can eliminate a headache almost instantly. I do a lot of stretching, exercise and it all does help but the body does get out of sorts.

I have been through the "you need to come back twice a week" drill before as well. I guess think of the problem as a minor dislocation and the muscles adapt. The muscles want to keep pulling the joint the wrong way if it has been that way for a while. Once everything is straight and pulling together, things work.

Is there such a thing as a pinched nerve? What kinds of problems can that cause? Did it happen all at once or over time? One adjustment isn't going to compensate for something that been ongoing for a long time.

When asked I tell people to NOT go to the same chiropractor all of the time. If you do, you will tend to get the same adjustment over and over and while it may help, he knows what worked in the past. They adjust differently, so what one does the other might not.

That popping sound is air escaping the joint.
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I used to be a non-believer. One of the guys I ski with is a chiropractor. Where my right shoulder and neck come together, I sometimes get an excruciating pain. It feels like a spear is being forced downward and I can't function at all. I can barely move my head. One time it happened when I was back in Nebraska visiting. On the night before I l was set to leave it happened. It wasn't the first or the last time. I got no sleep at all. I was miserable. As soon as I got home, I went to my friend's office and in seconds he relieved the pain. So, I definitely think they are worth going to. I know chiropractors get a bad rap, but my friend has also helped me when a physical therapist could not. I had a really sore left hip (If I ever get a replacement joint it will be my left hip. Skiing doesn't help). My doctor sent be to physical therapy. I must have gone to them every week over a 6-8 week period. I felt great while I was getting treatment, but just a few short hours afterwards my hip felt as if I hadn't got any treatment at all. My chiropractor friend suggested I go see him. His treatment provided me with much more relief.
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I would also add that people assume all chiropractors do is crack joints. The good ones will work on soft tissue. If things are really out of place, imagine the extra pressure on muscles. Sometimes it is really painful to work those muscles but in the end it feels great!