OT: Are Chiropractors legit

No they are bullshit (literally)

The man who invented chiropractic was a snake oil salesman in Iowa who claimed a ghost told him to crack someone’s neck and it would cure their deafness (not kidding)

The first chiro school is still named for him

They are not doctors, they are not licensed or accredited by anyone but themselves.

Do yoga and lift weights and stretch and be more active/less sedentary instead
My former chiropractor was excellent. Moved away from him so stopped going but he was worth it. He also educated and informed those who came in about eating and exercise as well.
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No they are bullshit (literally)

The man who invented chiropractic was a snake oil salesman in Iowa who claimed a ghost told him to crack someone’s neck and it would cure their deafness (not kidding)

The first chiro school is still named for him

They are not doctors, they are not licensed or accredited by anyone but themselves.

Do yoga and lift weights and stretch and be more active/less sedentary instead
kong, i disagree with some of this. Above and beyond everything it depends how good he is.

Roger Craig, Evander Holyfield are just a handful who attribute weekly adjustments that added to their longevity and less injuries in their careers.

As I've said many times, my son was a sprinter and a damn fast one. OT, but I'm also a stride counter. (I.E. horses and humans in running events at specific distance, I video frame to frame).
As a 6th grader I took my son for an adjustment cause his stride length and fluidity was not as
I thought it should be.

Sure enough, his pelvis had been tilted 3/4" off dead level, which caused his right stride to be fractionally less than the left. One adjustment later and in less than a week he ran the 100 meter dash in 2 less strides and took .2 off his time. He wasn't faster, per se, he was just more efficient in his strides. So, in the right situation it is helpful.

I'm in total agreement about yoga, stretching and getting up and moving. Even when I get wrapped up on the internet I have my phone alarm set every hour to just get up and stretch and go for a quick walk.
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In short, the spine is linked with your brain ie. the central nervous system. When your spine is working as designed, it can only help your entire body that’s linked to the central nervous system. I believe getting adjustments increases your health and immune system. Our newborns were adjusted. When they were constipated an adjustment would fix that quickly.
In short, the spine is linked with your brain ie. the central nervous system. When your spine is working as designed, it can only help your entire body that’s linked to the central nervous system. I believe getting adjustments increases your health and immune system. Our newborns were adjusted. When they were constipated an adjustment would fix that quickly.
Agree. It is so important, especially for little ones, that they remain straight. We all have or have had kids who take tumbles, sat down way too hard, slip off the chair, etc.

The problem is the bad chiropractors. Typically if a person goes and the dude says, "yeah, you'll need 12 adjustments." It's not much more than a money grab.
If you find the right one. I tried 3 and not much help. All but gave up on chiropractors until a friend told about the one she used. He is awesome and helped a lot. Just have to find the right one. Good luck.

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