Gilmore is calling the game?

If this is who I am thinking of, will listen to the radio for the audio. She sounds like shit....
Mike Patrick used to be the best in the business. He and Mike Gottfried were a helluva team.
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Every time Ed Cunningham says "targeting" take a drink...and I bet you'll be unconscious by halftime
Mike Patrick is good. Always liked him. Miss him doing the Thursday ESPN games. Aside from the experience Cunningham had with Nebraska, he's not horrible. His opinions just are.
Respectfully, they are complete dolts. I did my best to listen to them last week, and the amount of moron that comes out of their mouths is astonishing. CB's hand goes into receivers facemask and pulls it down and no facemask is called, and Cunningham says good no call. Patrick misses about 50% of the calls on the play by play.