Covid Cases & College Football

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I do this a lot, but you have to be really covert. I normally buy 1 or 2 and then drink like 6 or 7, but got in trouble on one flight and they were threatening all kinds of action.

LOL I once handed them to a flight attendant at the end of the flight and she got all bothered. Said I needed to hide them in the future. So that's what I do.
D. Clay Ackerly, MD, MSc, is an internal medicine and primary care physician practicing in Washington, DC. He has served both as a faculty member of Harvard Medical School and as assistant chief medical officer at Massachusetts General Hospital. He has also held positions in the government and private sector, including the White House, the Food and Drug Administration, and, most recently, as chief medical officer of Privia Health.

Seems to be well credentialed and he is saying that he thinks one of his patients may have caught covid-19 a second and distinct separate time. He then talks about potential implications, but also states that there aren't enough cases yet to know what is going on. And somehow he manages to avoid bashing Republicans and Trump at the same time. Disregard it if you want, but others might find it an interesting read.
"THINKS" and "MAY" are not scientific evidence of re-infection but you go right ahead and promote the theory.
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On the plus side, if we all get the wuflu from football games there should be plenty of hospital space.
IF 95,000 people packed the stadium and that number included a large number of people from the age of 70 and up. AND we had a bunch of people with serious comorbidities there also, AND ALL of them got exposed to COVID,..... 3 people would die from COVID from that excercise.
IF 95,000 people packed the stadium and that number included a large number of people from the age of 70 and up. AND we had a bunch of people with serious comorbidities there also, AND ALL of them got exposed to COVID,..... 3 people would die from COVID from that excercise.
you mean 3 people who attended the game. but those 95,000 people would then go home and be around others and those other people would be around even more people leading to more infections and potentially a few more deaths.
nothing is done in a bubble. except pro sports
I'm glad MLB is starting up again and I certainly hope there's a football season. But as for crowds, I find it hard to believe that most countries are requiring sports to be played in empty stadiums or with drastically reduced attendance for no Earthly reason other than to perpetuate a grand conspiracy.

Hell we have people on this board who break out the Astroglide and a box of Kleenex at the very sight of a Swedish flag, and even Sweden isn't allowing fans at sporting events. They didn't even allow fan-less sporting events until mid-June:
Public Gatherings in Sweden
you mean 3 people who attended the game. but those 95,000 people would then go home and be around others and those other people would be around even more people leading to more infections and potentially a few more deaths.
nothing is done in a bubble. except pro sports
sure. Then maybe 12 more people would die assuming all of the people became clinically ill. At this point it appears that over 90% of people don't become clinically ill though and it turns out the CDC scientist who was shouted down for saying that asymptomatic transmission is rare, was correct. The point was that a 95,000 person stadium is a convenient size to illustrate how really small the number of people are that die from this thing.
I think Trump's admission that this is going to get worse before it gets better isn't going to have a positive impact on college football decision makers who have clearly said the general public case count is a key benchmark for a season.
My concerns are with MIS-C and how it is related to COVID-19.
The Kawasaki syndrome like illness you're worried about is extremely rare. You do realize that this type of syndrome has occurred for years in children most commonly associated with the flu. Other bugs have been incriminated in causing this similar inflammatory reaction.

A child has a MUCH MUCH higher risk of dying from influenza right now than COVID. The state of Minnesota has had 14 cases of MIS-C so far with ZERO deaths. They've had 3 confirmed pediatric deaths from Influenza already since January 1. I used their stats because they are readily available. Reporting on this is difficult to follow so far. Rochester Regional Health in June reported 190 cases for the hardest hit state in the country, New York, with 3 deaths.

According to the CDC there's been an estimated 320 reported cases of MIS-C since the middle of May with just 6 deaths in the U.S. There's likely been at least several million kids infected with COVID during that time if you believe the CDC's estimates. Apparently the CDC wasn't even tracking MIS-C before the middle of May. The CDC reported 185 influenza related deaths of children for this past flu season. That's within what is considered the usual range of annual pediatric deaths from influenza.

MIS-C is extremely rare and very treatable if your child gets it. The key is having a Dr that recognizes what it is and who is able to start treatment early. Millions of kids have been infected with COVID by now and there's only been a handful of deaths from it. It still is terrible if it's your child but man there's so many other things that have a much better chance of killing a child than COVID. We really don't have any idea either what other health factors may have contributed to death in those kids. Unfortunately I'm afraid that many of the deaths from MIS-C may have been preventable with earlier recognition and better medical care.
"THINKS" and "MAY" are not scientific evidence of re-infection but you go right ahead and promote the theory.
Bizarre. All I do is post a few articles here and there that I find interesting, not promote any theories. We've all read your personal theory on the subject about a million times now however. By the way, thanks for restating what the author already said himself.
Bizarre. All I do is post a few articles here and there that I find interesting, not promote any theories. We've all read your personal theory on the subject about a million times now however. By the way, thanks for restating what the author already said himself.
Considering that >90% of people don't open links on this board, I think it's important to point out the facts of the situation that your post fails to mention. We wouldn't want anybody to jump to conclusions now would we? Not that that has ever happened on this board before. Winking BTW, IF I post something that is my personal theory, I try to preface it by using, IMO.
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Bizarre. All I do is post a few articles here and there that I find interesting, not promote any theories. We've all read your personal theory on the subject about a million times now however. By the way, thanks for restating what the author already said himself.

How much is that swampland ya got for sale?
Story from psypost
New research has found that people with “dark” personality characteristics, such as psychopathy and narcissism, are less likely to comply with efforts to impede the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and more likely to stockpile goods such as food and toilet paper.
Story from psypost
New research has found that people with “dark” personality characteristics, such as psychopathy and narcissism, are less likely to comply with efforts to impede the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and more likely to stockpile goods such as food and toilet paper.
Looks like a great scientific website. :rolleyes: Some people stockpiled some food because THEY WERE TOLD TO go to the store as infrequently as possible. It's funny because I just read a story somewhere today where psychologists said that psychotic people were most likely to be trolls on social media. They apparently get pleasure from making other people angry with their attacks.:D
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Story from psypost
New research has found that people with “dark” personality characteristics, such as psychopathy and narcissism, are less likely to comply with efforts to impede the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and more likely to stockpile goods such as food and toilet paper.

That's just silly. Why would I worry about stockpiling food or toilet paper when all you good little sheep do it already? As a psychopath I could just come take it from you.

Not that we're promoting any theories...
That's just silly. Why would I worry about stockpiling food or toilet paper when all you good little sheep do it already? As a psychopath I could just come take it from you.
In fact, narcissists are more likely to stockpile and psychopaths less likely to comply with efforts is the point of the paper.
Lots of US adults living with chronic conditions.

About 47% of US adults have an underlying condition strongly tied to severe COVID-19 illness, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found
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this is the one and only reason its been worse here than elsewhere

fat on the hog for far, far too long

Exactly. Americans are fat.. If we were a country with decent overall health, we probably wouldn't have the numbers we do. We as a country should be looking for ways to live a healthier lifestyle and build our immune systems vs. just being lazy and eating and watching tv all day.
Exactly. Americans are fat.. If we were a country with decent overall health, we probably wouldn't have the numbers we do. We as a country should be looking for ways to live a healthier lifestyle and build our immune systems vs. just being lazy and eating and watching tv all day.
Yeah, smoking pot will help that I bet. I'm hearing that smoking cigarettes helps you lose weight so now I guess they're good for you now....
IF 95,000 people packed the stadium and that number included a large number of people from the age of 70 and up. AND we had a bunch of people with serious comorbidities there also, AND ALL of them got exposed to COVID,..... 3 people would die from COVID from that excercise.
Just for interest’s sake. How many lives is a football game worth? Just curious?
Just for interest’s sake. How many lives is a football game worth? Just curious?

Every football player knows the next play could put them in a wheelchair for life, or worse, and everyone who decides to attend a game knows one of several different things could kill them before they get back home, and we all decide to take the risk every Saturday. Soooooo, drama much?
What would be worse? Going to a football game and having people freely being able to breath in your vicinity or having a bunch of people with a contaminated bandana?

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What would be worse? Going to a football game and having people freely being able to breath in your vicinity or having a bunch of people with a contaminated bandana?

well that study doesn't answer your question or provide any evidence for what you want to try and prove. wearing masks inside a hospital around sick people is different than wearing masks in social settings outside the hospital. Completely different environments. You keep bringing trash data to try to prove a point that can't be proved. What this study should tell you is that if you work in a hospital its better to use a medical mask. it doesn't tell you anything else. but nice try. this is why you should follow doctors guidelines because normal people dont know anything about how to interpret clinical trials. stay out of science bro
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