Do you have bipolar? Sorry to hear about your girlfriend being married.
I have fun being nuts
No need to apologize, it's nothing you did to yourself. Be strong have faith. I not a Bible banger but I will mention, if you haven't already find a pastor or priest you like and your comfortable with, you'll be amazed by having Jesus Christ in your life will do for you. I'm just a common every day joe, not a preacher
No need to apologize, it's nothing you did to yourself. Be strong have faith. I not a Bible banger but I will mention, if you haven't already find a pastor or priest you like and your comfortable with, you'll be amazed by having Jesus Christ in your life will do for you. I'm just a common every day joe, not a preacher
Regardless of background, I really like "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. Some great stuff in there to help you get still and quiet your mind. There have definitely been times I needed that message of, "You are not your thoughts."
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I am 5 years sober and opted out of a "religious healing" that the AA program insists is the only way. If religion isn't your strong suite and you want a down-to-earth perspective on life, I'd suggest the "Complete Conversations with God". Im not insinuating that you have addiction problems or that this book is in any way related to "healing" or "religion" or even "God" for that matter, contrary to the title, but it is the most profound book I've read relative to our existence...shares alot in common with "The Power of Now" but is more of a broad analysis of why we are here and why we experience the crazy shit we do. Both are must reads! TheBeav815, we seem to be on the same page regarding many topics in these forums, I feel like you'd enjoy this one as well.
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I am 5 years sober and opted out of a "religious healing" that the AA program insists is the only way. If religion isn't your strong suite and you want a down-to-earth perspective on life, I'd suggest the "Complete Conversations with God". Im not insinuating that you have addiction problems or that this book is in any way related to "healing" or "religion" or even "God" for that matter, contrary to the title, but it is the most profound book I've read relative to our existence...shares alot in common with "The Power of Now" but is more of a broad analysis of why we are here and why we experience the crazy shit we do. If anyone else has read this, I'd be interested in your thoughts? TheBeav815, we seem to be on the same page regarding many topics in these forums, I feel like you'd enjoy this one as well.
Thank you
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My flash backs are kicking my ass right now
As posted on the other thread, I want to reiterate my support for you! By making this statement on the message board, you've only heightened your awareness of the flashbacks. Giving them further identity to exist. I'm not insinuating that ignoring your thoughts and feelings is the perfect answer...but I tend to disagree with certain philosophies in mental treatment when they want you to re-live or talk about the past over and over. Memory synapses is like a muscle and you are merely giving it strength: "Most neuroscientists will tell you that long-term memories are stored in the brain in the form of synapses, the connections between neurons. On this view, memory formation occurs when synaptic connections are strengthened, or entirely new synapses are formed". In other words fight your struggles on a scientific level. Develop new synapses that relate your past experiences to merely that just something that happened a long long time ago that ultimately doesn't affect your experience at this point in place/time. Strengthen only that new thought and forget about the old one that you allow to haunt you!

You mentioned being bored? Maybe that's part of the problem, you need to keep your mind busy creating new memories and enjoying life! What I'd do with a 5k month income and no work! Get your ass out fishing!
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