so after a looong hiatus (think i've mentioned 37yrs but checking my math it's more like 34yrs), i've returned to the game of golf. greatest game ever, btw.
was on the range yesterday afternoon at a pitching green (shots from 10-90 yards). i happened to be focusing on just 'seeing' the shot i wanted to hit (rather than focusing on any specific function like 'big extension' or 'left arm straight' or 'placement of weight' or 'think about finish' etc, etc.
i just focused on the shot i was wanting to hit - in my mind's eye, with detail, btw including what the swing, followthrough, flight, landing spot of the ball would look like. just pictured the shot in my mind.
for you golfers, try it. focus on the shot in your mind's eye. this is where golf happens.
it was a good day on the range.