
whatever. You've got over 100 17 to 22 year olds on a football team. Heaven forbid you think that it could be immature kids many of whom think they deserve to start and ALL who were "the man" at their high school. Time for some of these kids to be men and not whiny little teenagers.
it's time for Scott to play the best players and win football games

but it's been that time for 4 years now..
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We've had ONE good player leave this program during Frost's tenure. Wandale. Speilman has done nothing. As much as I like his skills, Gebbia really hasn't done anything either. He was small and not very strong and he's constantly been injured at OSU.

For a freshman walk on RB who Frost awarded a scholarship so quickly to, Yant showed his immaturity and ungratefulness. He needs to grow up. Stop blaming the coaches for an 18 year old's foolishness.
Avery Roberts seems to be doing good for himself. 1st team All-Pac 12 last year and with 106 tackles this year, he will get honors again. Seems like Frost could have used him. He was pretty smart for leaving since he would have probably played second fiddle to the All-Big Ten Scottsbluff kid.
Here is my two cents on this situation. RJ is probably our best all around back who does most things right and ain't gonna get your QB killed in most situations. He is a great team player who is where he is supposed to be on any play he is in. He makes big plays or even the first down play when his blocking is there, which in a bunch of his big plays is the case. He ALSO is the guy who when a defender gets an arm on him, he is tackled. Sad to say, but he is very easily tackled in my opinion. Ameer Abdullah was a lot like this when he was younger, but he became a much different player the older he got. He got very hard to tackle even though he wasn't that big. Having wrote all that, Yant is an entirely different back. He is a hard guy to tackle who at times shows some pretty damn good wiggle for a guy his size. Maybe not on that goal line #fail he had. That was hard to watch. The fact that he has a 64 yard run this year is pretty amazing considering his lack of breakaway speed. That was near Steve Bono-esqe in its scope. Not quite, but pretty close. I remember years ago Damon Benning talking about how Roy Helu was the Huskers best option in short yardage, and this was before he became a reliable every down back. He was the guy who had that Marcus Allen quality in that he had great vision, saw the hole or the tiny crease, and he would hit it every time and consistently be the guy who was always getting the yard or yards you needed and moved the chains. I hope Yant sticks around and becomes that guy. He can make that tiny crease look a lot bigger unlike the much more all around guy RJ. Just my opinion.
Two talented backs gone in a week.

The rate of attrition has been ridiculous. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about Frost rubbing people the wrong way and hastening players’ departures.

Frost and fans will continue to shift blame to players. Yes it was a weak move by Yant not going in. But there is a time and place for criticism.

Part of your job as a college coach is managing guys with egos who are impulsive 19 year olds. Yant fvcked up not going in and I’m sure he knew it. SF can either reach out privately, connect and mend a bridge or call a guy out in public to humiliate him and make the situation worse.

Whether it’s Wandale leaving, Yant, any of the Florida crew last year, or the mass exodus of Riley guys… Frost has consistently shown that he does not have the interpersonal skills required to lead this team.

You can stick with the tired BS that we don’t need any of these guys, no heart, only alphas, etc. But we need ballers, attitudes or not, and many of these departures were preventable.
Sadly, this seems to be the case. And yeah, this off-season could be a disaster for the ages.
Not sure what you're positing.

Those alpha players were under Osborne and some should have been booted (Christian Peters).

So is Frost an awful person because Yant copped an attitude and ultimately left, or should Frost be praised for trying to keep a good culture in the program?
Except he hasn’t created that culture…it’s four years in and we don’t have this. Frost has shown that it is a problem bringing some of these kids on board.
True. Don’t expect him in this week either. Not saying he won’t play but with an attitude like that just show him the door.
Character. There is a reason a three star is available to walk on late in the recruiting cycle.
was it because held got canned? the eating issue? being placed on ignore when he gained yard? choking in the redzone on that goal line play? what gives?
I wasn't there on the sidelines, but I would give it a 90% chance that Yant blames the coaches for putting him in cold for that goal line carry a couple weeks back where he tripped over his own two feet and looked like a total fool. And he's pissed about a lack of playing time. So he commits an ultimate player sin-- refusing to go in. As a coach, if you want any respect from players, you cannot let that kid ever see the field again.
Yant had very limited options coming out of high school for a reason. Not a disciplined guy. He has raw talent for sure, but he isn't all in, and he isn't very smart. He probably would've gotten better if we would've just let him work through some things on the field. I am hoping for Scott to spell Johnson, as Stepp has had a certain attitude in media availability that suggests he is not bought in, but is smart enough to act like it.
Excellent post. I totally agree. Undisciplined kids like Yant can only get better with playing time. As long as all goes smoothly, he could be OK. He needs 20 carries a game in a winning program with a good offensive line.

The offense is going to be a mess. I'm not sure it matters who backs up Johnson, but if Scott is healthy I would play him. Steppe is pouting and he's clearly no longer the 4 star special talent he was projected to be before all of those injuries.
that is 100% fiction.. during the 90's we had all kinds of attitudes and off the field incidents..

when you purge your program of these types of people, alpha players, you end up with lower quality beta players that are easier to manage, but are not going to make you successful on the field.
The 90's were an entirely different era. And winning almost every game you play makes a big difference too. Back then, the lazy players also did not play but no teammates other than the other lazy guys would listen to them. And the alphas on the team were NFL caliber guys who supported the coaches.

Fast forward to today, we don't have leadership on the offensive side of the ball. Our offense loses games for us. The RBs and WRs blame everyone but themselves. Frost does not have a good relationship with the players. It's a mess.

But if there is any law in coaching, a coach cannot put up with a player who refuses to go into a game. Period. If a coach condones that crap, then more problems will surely follow.
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Avery Roberts seems to be doing good for himself. 1st team All-Pac 12 last year and with 106 tackles this year, he will get honors again. Seems like Frost could have used him. He was pretty smart for leaving since he would have probably played second fiddle to the All-Big Ten Scottsbluff kid.
Avery was probably the guy we missed the most. Good talent. Unfortunately he was butthurt that his linebacker coach who had been the interim head coach wasn't retained. He was tight with Trent Bray and wasn't working in the spring. He was in fact in contact with Bray and decided to follow him to OSU. I don't know how you blame Frost for that other than that our defensive staff called him out publicly for being out of shape and lazy.
Avery Roberts seems to be doing good for himself. 1st team All-Pac 12 last year and with 106 tackles this year, he will get honors again. Seems like Frost could have used him. He was pretty smart for leaving since he would have probably played second fiddle to the All-Big Ten Scottsbluff kid.
You mean Garrett Nelson..He’s earned to have his name be mentioned when talking about him.
I wasn't there on the sidelines, but I would give it a 90% chance that Yant blames the coaches for putting him in cold for that goal line carry a couple weeks back where he tripped over his own two feet and looked like a total fool. And he's pissed about a lack of playing time. So he commits an ultimate player sin-- refusing to go in. As a coach, if you want any respect from players, you cannot let that kid ever see the field again.
thanks, I was wondering what's the deal.
I wouldn't blame yant trippin himself up over a hand off, the coaches fault.
I did wonder about a game later when yant was getting chucks of yards, and we just stopped running, maybe placed on coaching. but I'm 100% run the ball guy...(unless we get gruden and brady)
but then I wasn't there nor am I God to know exactly what was going on.
but your estimate sounds a reasonable conclusion.
hopefully reason can yant back on the team
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I wasn't there on the sidelines, but I would give it a 90% chance that Yant blames the coaches for putting him in cold for that goal line carry a couple weeks back where he tripped over his own two feet and looked like a total fool. And he's pissed about a lack of playing time. So he commits an ultimate player sin-- refusing to go in. As a coach, if you want any respect from players, you cannot let that kid ever see the field again.
And yet, IF you're on the 3 deep and your are in fact a big back, you damned well should have your helmet on chomping at the bit to get in the game in a goal line situation. It's amazing how quickly a kid can go from just busting his ass to try to make the travel team to thinking he's the reincarnation of Mike Rozier. I can't excuse a kid for being pissed for being put in a game cold. I agree that our RB rotation has been "interesting" this year. I don't know if it was Held's way to try to keep all of those guys engaged so they didn't check out or if we had guys taking days off in practice or what. All that said, if you're on the bench you need to be ready. Any other back in our 5 deep scores on that play.....except Yant.
Every job I've had I have put up with stuff I didn't like. I stayed until the cost outweighed the benefits. Everybody's formula is different.
Why do you think he refused to go in? if you were in his shoes, what would have had to happen to elicit that kind of response?
Why in the hell was he even suited up then?

Refusing to play is ridiculous..
I sat the bench on my high school basketball team and when given the chance to get in and play I couldn’t wait to get in and play…

Goes to show you how weak our youth has become not wanting to play because they had their feeling hurt.😡
I will say this much, Yant did/ does have potential and there were times that he was fun to watch… I’m not sure what lead to him refusing to go back in and play obviously I wasn’t on the sidelines, but if I know anything about any sport it’s that you can’t help me win if you’re not willing to play that’s the bottom line.

If you’re not willing to go out and play when we need you regardless of hurt feelings, then why am I taking that roster spot from a kid that is willing to play? Again you can’t help me win if you’re not on the field (or willing to get on there) when it’s crunch time
hopefully if yant gets in a rhythm again frost don't yank him for martinez incompletions/interceptions.

it would be nice to go ahead and win a game.
I honestly hope Yant runs for 200 yards. But the kid had one good game against a really bad Northwestern team.
there was a note of honesty with yant. wrong thing to do but a young guy who just made a mistake in his choice. lets not see it again and move on.
am gets yelled at by frost on the sideline and goes on to play half assed the rest of the second half and nobody seems to care. i guess as long as he had fun and gets a participation trophy is ok.
This is all on Held and Frost for the way they've handled the running back room from the beginning. The players do not trust them

I keep hearing this, but I guess I don’t see it. What is wrong with how the RB room has been managed? Rahmir emerged as the top RB in the OU game and has been since. Yant became the #2 in the NW game and picks up the scraps, as a #2 does. This is a pretty typical RB situation.

BTW, even if the running back rotation isn’t handled right, it is no excuse to pull a stunt like that. If true, it is 100% on that kid. You don’t get to do any dumbass, selfish thing you want just because you are sad.
I keep hearing this, but I guess I don’t see it. What is wrong with how the RB room has been managed? Rahmir emerged as the top RB in the OU game and has been since. Yant became the #2 in the NW game and picks up the scraps, as a #2 does. This is a pretty typical RB situation.

BTW, even if the running back rotation isn’t handled right, it is no excuse to pull a stunt like that. If true, it is 100% on that kid. You don’t get to do any dumbass, selfish thing you want just because you are sad.

I don't understand the frustration towards how the coaches handled RB playing time. I echo what you stated... the room was muky to start the year and then started to become clear. Rahmir became the guy.

It seems dislike towards the win/loss column results in dislike towards the coaching staff, which results in random statements about how terrible the coaching staff is at managing players. Had we won a bunch of games this year, I imagine these comments would not happen at all.

Also with regards to Yant, if he did in fact refuse to go into the game, the situation is not binary. You don't say screw him let him walk, you do what you can to help the kid grow, because he is in fact still a kid. Maybe it works out and the kid works hard towards his potential, maybe not, but is not an uncommon occurrence at every program.
I wasn't there on the sidelines, but I would give it a 90% chance that Yant blames the coaches for putting him in cold for that goal line carry a couple weeks back where he tripped over his own two feet and looked like a total fool. And he's pissed about a lack of playing time. So he commits an ultimate player sin-- refusing to go in. As a coach, if you want any respect from players, you cannot let that kid ever see the field again.
So it's important to maintain authority over the players, at all cost... even if you're one of the worst head coaches in the league..

If I was Yant's best friend, I'd tell him to leave and find a better coaching staff that didn't treat him this way in the first place and put him in situations to succeed, not place him in situations to fail.

It works two ways man.. just because some bozo is the head coach doesn't make him right.