So, the Super Volcano

That super volcano thing is fake news.

If not it's the North Korean's fault, or Mexico's.

Yes, its a problem brought on by the Mexicans.

The solution is simple. We build a wall around the super volcano. The best, wall you can ever imagine. A yuuuge wall. And make Mexico pay for it.
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Don't worry be happy.
That super volcano thing is fake news.

If not it's the North Korean's fault, or Mexico's.

Yes, its a problem brought on by the Mexicans.

The solution is simple. We build a wall around the super volcano. The best, wall you can ever imagine. A yuuuge wall. And make Mexico pay for it.

And they will pay for it BIGGLY.
If it blows I think you will be thankful to meet your maker when it happens. Trying to survive the aftermath would not be pleasant
Thought about even a small eruption each of my dozen or so trips there over the years. We're all gonna die from least I am. When I go, I want them to write in my obituary, "We knew he was gonna die. Nothing unexpected about it". I love it when they write, "Seth Gdanski died unexpectedly at the age of 93". So does it matter if it's choking on a cheeseburger at the Sunnyside Retirement village or in a cloud of ash in your recliner watching the news? I fear not death for I have looked him in the eye and said not today sucker....but I'll see you later. My hope is in the name of the Lord.
That super volcano thing is fake news.

If not it's the North Korean's fault, or Mexico's.

Yes, its a problem brought on by the Mexicans.

The solution is simple. We build a wall around the super volcano. The best, wall you can ever imagine. A yuuuge wall. And make Mexico pay for it.

During the eruption, I can see Trump tweeting about how it is the biggest volcanic eruption in history. Great ratings!
It only takes a couple of years for the dust to settle out whereas it takes about 200,000 years for the atmospere's temperature to normalize from a CO2 spike.
That super volcano thing is fake news.

If not it's the North Korean's fault, or Mexico's.

Yes, its a problem brought on by the Mexicans.

The solution is simple. We build a wall around the super volcano. The best, wall you can ever imagine. A yuuuge wall. And make Mexico pay for it.
Actually, I think Canada should pay for it. Just a thought.
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About once a month some outlet or other trots out a super volcano story. Gotta fill the pages somehow.
I actually just read a book series based on the aftermath of a Yellowstone eruption, the Ashfall series. It's a "Young Adult" series but still an interesting read. Working in juvenile detention, the kids have alot of time to read and that series is a consistent favorite. Finally broke down and read it on midnights.

Author really did his research in writing the books, especially with the science of it. Made me think "what if..."

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