I would imagine a competent coach and a representative of 1890 would have had the conversation, separately of course. As I am a Special Education teacher in the greater Houston area, me having that conversation with them would be pointless.
As I wrote in the post you are replying to, the fact that some decided to come back would lead a relatively intelligent person to believe that those conversations had already taken place. The fact that the staff continues to bring in potential transfers would also lead a relatively intelligent person to believe that the staff is not concerned with the scholarship situation. They have until August 2024 to get to 85.
As far as the 10 5.5 3 stars, I have provided you a list of all of the 5.5 3 stars over the past 2 seasons. There are 15 in total, potentially 14 if Evan Taylor is indeed walking on. So I am not sure where you are getting your designated 10 from.
Lastly, the fact that you have no idea, nor do I, who is on scholarship, who is on NIL, who is walking on, who decided to come back for a 5th or 6th year on their own or their parents dime, or who the actual players are who are going to count in the make up of the 85 scholarship football players that will be on the team in August of 2024 makes this conversation pointless. Again, something I wrote in the post you replied to.