SEC - Just Means More

many churches say if you don't tithe, you will spend eternity burning in hell - a bit more extreme than this
Name one church. Absolutely repugnant to mislead (at best) or lie (at worst) Biblical teachings. So abhorrent in fact, I extend an opportunity for you to walk back that statement.

If you are unfamiliar with the Bible, I am happy to educate you via email.
here's where

as for tithing, my statement not overly sensationalized or false. just fact.

The promise in Malachi is that if you tithe, the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing such that there will not be room to receive it.

Yes, the Lord promises to pour out an abundant blessing....that has NOTHING to do with salvation. AND, you need to read all the other passages about giving in the Bible to have a more complete understanding. It is clear you have not done that, nor made any attempt to actually understand Malachi as you quoted.

You need to be informed on things before you put pen to paper on foolish comments.
cheap people are always in "save a penny" mode, causing them to hand wring over stuff like this

rich people are always in "make a buck" mode, meaning a 10% uptick in something they enjoy won't infringe on their continued participation
You make more bucks by saving pennies sometimes. The fact of the matter is ticket holders have been footing the bill except for endowments. NOW WITH NIL everyone can contribute unless you were providing county scholarships or ham sandwiches. 5, 10, 10000 bucks it's all good now. With tickets you can't have them unless you pay X and then they might let you have them.

The last 5 years the average ticket holder paid $200 per ticket and if you couldn't go and needed to sell you were lucky to get $30 by midway through the season. Sucked but continued to support the team
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I'm not bashing anyone who wants to line the pockets of the bureaucrats/stuffed shirts/admins while intentionally not giving a cent to the players when buying a ticket.

it's their prerogative.
you literally just wrote what you're being accused of
Catholic Church in the Middle Ages
not really, they sold sacraments which is different that a tithe. but regardless, that has been proven Biblically false and even the Catholics today have denounced it.
Not that we want this to delve into a re*igio*s discussion, but I do not believe in tithing, or how much or little you tithe determines your ultimate fate.

I do believe in a higher power, but have never, nor will I ever believe in organized religion. Nearly all churches are now 501c3, as a result, they answer to the corporation, not to their flock.

If they were worried about their flock, they would be more concerned with their patrons financial welfare than the church. If they're unable to pay their bills as a tax free organization, then maybe they need to scale down their spending. Those that want to tithe, will do so.

If Sklar thinks this is out of line, please feel free to delete this post.
you're missing the point of tithing. it has nothing to do with paying bills for the church...look up what Jesus had to say about it. you say to believe in a higher that God? What if any role does Jesus have in your higher power belief? If you acknowledge Jesus, but dont read (or follow) the words He spoke, then you really dont believe in a higher power.

If your higher power is not God, or a mixture of God(s) what is the source of this belief?
Great idea. If Tennessee keeps winning and makes the playoff, the ticket sales will keep rolling. Same thing would happen in Lincoln. Losses are the only thing that would make this move fail.
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Great idea. If Tennessee keeps winning and makes the playoff, the ticket sales will keep rolling. Same thing would happen in Lincoln. Losses are the only thing that would make this move fail.
400th straight sellout on Friday

Even Ls won’t stop us from buying tickets!
cheap people are always in "save a penny" mode, causing them to hand wring over stuff like this

rich people are always in "make a buck" mode, meaning a 10% uptick in something they enjoy won't infringe on their continued participation
You don’t answer the question, oh well, that is par.

Honest question - are you a socialist?

How is being charged more for something classified as a donation?

A donation is voluntary. Are NIL donations tax deductible?

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