OT: Are Chiropractors legit

Years ago a 50 yr old first cousin who relied on his chiropractor for many of his healthcare needs including chronic back problems died during a chiropractic adjustment. It turned out he was having a massive heart attack but he and the chiropractor thought he just needed an adjustment.

In a sense I guess his chiropractor was successful. My cousin never needed another adjustment. To be fair, it may have been mostly bad judgment on my cousin’s part.
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I've had back problems for 3 decades now. People I know set me up with their chiropractors that they each swore by. Many of them paid the guy for me to go to prove their point. All in all, been to about a dozen over the years. Not one made me any better, some made it worse. But by far, the reason I will NEVER, EVER go again, and never give them an ounce of credibility, is that every single one did something vastly different. No two were remotely the same. That is NOT scientific. One used hot towels, another had a machine that stretched and popped bones, another did massage, yet another rolled dowels up and down my back (boy did that hurt for a week with no gain for it), one pinched my belly area to get rid of the "bile", and one tickled my feet saying it was a type of acupuncture. Not making up any of this. The whole field is nuts if you ask me; quacks & charlatans.

If I didn't see & experience it, I wouldn't have believed it.
Tickled your feet 🤣🤣🤣. Thanks for the laugh 😆
And basically this is what it comes down to , there are good chiropractors just like there are bad ones. Just like your story of the OS that wanted to do unnecessary surgery.there are good and bad OS.
The battle between good and evil will never end. 😜