Langsdorf Job security?

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Am I the only one that noticed on first down we ran the exact same run play on 95% of our plays. Think we got more than 2 yrd maybe 1 or 2 times. That was my main concern, as an OC at this level telegraphing our plays this much makes is very easy for a D.

Approximately 18 rushing attempts on 1st down produced around 84 yards. Pretty good average, possibly misleading? I don't know. I'm not sure how many were the same design, curious if anyone has that?

I do believe we were predictable on 1st down; 16 rushes, 5 passes.

I'm trying to remember all the above stuff from Twitter so I may be off a little.
Approximately 18 rushing attempts on 1st down produced around 84 yards. Pretty good average, possibly misleading? I don't know. I'm not sure how many were the same design, curious if anyone has that?

I do believe we were predictable on 1st down; 16 rushes, 5 passes.

I'm trying to remember all the above stuff from Twitter so I may be off a little.
But "run the ball" guy before overtime said to run it and "get 3 yards every play" in the game thread the othet night. Then immediately after he cries about running it the first 2 plays. All while claiming "why not run the zone read". When it was explained to him the 1st down play was (and confirmed yesterday by the coaches) not a damn peep.
He does however get defensive and throw out "stalker" claims. Me thinks he should lay off the booze, along with the other couple experts here, during games.
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But "run the ball" guy before overtime said to run it and "get 3 yards every play" in the game thread the othet night. Then immediately after he cries about running it the first 2 plays. All while claiming "why not run the zone read". When it was explained to him the 1st down play was (and confirmed yesterday by the coaches) not a damn peep.
He does however get defensive and throw out "stalker" claims. Me thinks he should lay off the booze, along with the other couple experts here, during games.
Hey genius, did you firget about that,"3yard" detail? How many yards did we get on first and second down. Got it.

Glad we ran the zone read, but is there another option besides,"up the middle?" Please grace me with your almighty knowledge, for i and just a lowly poster with no knowledge of the game what so ever. I have no idea what zone read means.
Hey genius, did you firget about that,"3yard" detail? How many yards did we get on first and second down. Got it.

Glad we ran the zone read, but is there another option besides,"up the middle?" Please grace me with your almighty knowledge, for i and just a lowly poster with no knowledge of the game what so ever. I have no idea what zone read means.
Newsflash: there is another option on the zone read besides the dive to the back! But it is apparent you have no idea what it is. And it has been laid out for you that we got your demanded 3 yards on average throughout the game.
So yes, keep spinning yourself in circles. Maybe everyone will get lucky and you will just pass out from chasing your tail.
Newsflash: there is another option on the zone read besides the dive to the back! But it is apparent you have no idea what it is. And it has been laid out for you that we got your demanded 3 yards on average throughout the game.
So yes, keep spinning yourself in circles. Maybe everyone will get lucky and you will just pass out from chasing your tail.
Wrong, again. I stated that for overtime. 3 yards × 4 downs = first down. Did i do that right? Or is my math wrong, football god.
Coach Riley said Tommy made the wrong decision in OT. What part of this don't you understand? I mean, seriously man, it's as if you're playing pinata, on a message board.
Is there!?!? I dont know!!!! Help me understand!!! Does he look at the end"zone" and "read" a book? That would be stupid, hes in the middle of a football match!
Wrong, again. I stated that for overtime. 3 yards × 4 downs = first down. Did i do that right? Or is my math wrong, football god.
So because the same plays that worked all game (to meet your ignorant demand) were not executed, means you get to change your mind after, just because you don't like the result. Good gravy you are one "special" little flower.
So because the same plays that worked all game (to meet your ignorant demand) were not executed, means you get to change your mind after, just because you don't like the result. Good gravy you are one "special" little flower.
You dont like my opinion, so you stalk me. You are one "creepy" little flower
You dont like my opinion, so you stalk me. You are one "creepy" little flower
There it is! Can't back up any of your drunken, kindergarten-level understanding of football.
Leads directly to "they are stalking me, someone has to believe me because I can't back up or defend any I my claims"!!!
This is great.
You're pretty much spot on here. We were at the game and had great seats on the 40. TA would lock on and not deviate at all. There were 9-10 guys in the box all night on 1st & 2nd down. We were talking with some Wisc fans and we all noticed 1 safety sitting back. They were basically saying "Go ahead, pass". Tommy didn't make great reads. Seems like he is regressing as the year goes on.
One of the most substantive posts in the entire thread and not a single reply that I can find. Typical Husker Board pissing match....Laughing Wisconsin put pressure on TA not only with their pass rush but by making him make decisions....not his strong suit I'm afraid.
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I not know fute ball. Teach me how understand, me stoopid. You very smart. You and 463 very nice peoples. Mothers of yous must very proud of yous
See... not so hard to post more along the lines of what you understand about the game. You could have done this sooner and saved yourself alot of embarrassment
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See... not so hard to post more along the lines of what you understand about the game. You could have done this sooner and saved yourself alot of embarrassment
Everyone understands that you're a blowhard who attacks and stalks posters, you even admit this (which is a clear violation of board rules) and the whole time you claim to be an x's and o's guru who superior to everyone on here yet ive seen you contribute nothing beforehand. Its ALL in hindsight and probably ripped off from sharpe n benning in the morning and probably arron semn. So how about you back up your supposed "genius" and explain to all us rubes exactly in detail what will and wont work offensively and defensively vs ohio state. When you make up an excuse and bring nothing of substance to the board, it will be proof of your BS. Ill have a box of tissues waiting for you. Im ready for you to deflect and respond with, "no, you do it first and then i will." Thats when i win and you can just be quiet for a while. Ill start the
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