Let me clarify my position a little bit. My concern isn’t just police vs minorities. It’s police general, and minorities provide the starkest example. Some guy above tried to deflect by mentioning some white guy murdered by police, but that only underscores my real concern. Police are unaccountable, and they know it because their entire world covers their back
I get your point, I just don't know if I believe it.
I have a tendency to write things that are a little blasphemous so her goes another.....
Cities, states, etc, devote their law enforcement resources to the areas that have the most crime. If all of the crime was in rich areas of the city where all the "whites" live, then there would be more cops in those areas, and there would be more arrests in those areas. When cops came around my area of North Omaha, they didn't tell me to go away because I was white.
Based on your anger, I am assuming you are a minority. If I am wrong, mea culpa.
White America really has no voice when it comes to be "wronged". I know it sounds ridiculous, but the fact is if middle class white guy complains about something, it falls on deaf ears. Either he is just bitching to bitch or he is "racist"
I think the term white privilege is the most over used term in all the land. I think there are people, in some races, that have more difficulty reaching their full potential than people in other races, but that doesn't mean that the whites have a privilege, it means that other races have barriers, just like many white folks do. Is if fair? no but crap it is life.
If it was simply whites, why are so many Asians and Indians so successful in our country? They aren't from here, they don't have the "privilege" of being white.
A little history about me...... not that anyone really gives two shits.
I grew up in North Omaha, in the 60th and Hartman area, my dad worked a manual labor job, my mom did odd jobs from time to time but never had a career. I was one of 10 or so white kids in my elementary class of 30, I walked to school every day and was on the reduced lunch program. But I went to school everyday and got average grades. Nothing about my childhood could be perceived as privileged. Hell, based on the demographics of my neighborhood, as a kid I probably thought I was black.
I decided to go into the military out of high school because my parents couldn't afford to send me to college and I had no doubts that I would flunk out after a semester if I was paying for it myself.
When I got to basic training, I was surrounded by people just like me, from all races, ethnicities and cultures. Many kids, were either too lazy, too poor or too stupid to do anything else. So they shave your head, put you in the same clothes and make you look and feel as close to the same as humanly possible. When you are in that situation, 99% of the people there aren't looking at color, race, ethnicity or anything else. You work as a team to complete tasks, you rely on and expect that man to your left or right to do their part. They expect the same from you and the task gets done. You complete training and move on to your permanent duty station, but the reliance on your fellow soldier doesn't just go away.
Every person there was provided with the same opportunity, do your job, get paid, get money for college. Some took advantage, some didn't. Point being, I got my degree based on my working to get my degree not because I was white. I got out after 6 years and 4 tours in war zones and far too many TDYs to dangerous and shitty ass places. I worked my ass of as an adult and am now pretty successful. Very successful compared to where I came from.
Sorry for dragging this on but there is nothing about privilege that led me to where I am today. If I can do it, anyone can.
I know, I know TLDR. I hope i made the point I was trying to make.