Isn't it just a chicken sandwich...a really good chicken sandwich?

I would not like it if Chick-Fil- A was actively discriminating, i.e. denying service. But, I haven't heard of them denying service based upon protected classes.

I do know some people who support Chick-Fil-A specifically because of the CEO's position. I guess they win some and they lose some.

Doin' something and thinkin' something are two completely different things. We don't need thought police.
First off, nice job by Tom of setting a fire then disappearing. Well done.

The more I learn about Chik fil a, the more I like it. I shall go there even more! I am behind everything they stand for. The founder has an unpopular opinion and that should undo all of the good? It's undeniable that they are a dominant brand in the fast food industry. That speaks the their commitment to quality food and exemplary service, their treatment of their employees and their commitment to the community.

To all the UNK students, it's a shame you are missing out on some good food because Adam and Steve had their feelings hurt by an old man.
This is simple. The zealots of the progressive religion perceive Chick-Fil-A as heretics. Same emotion and actions. Just as wrong.
The real issue here... fast food is for lazy people. How is that for a blanket statement. Come at me, bro.
Free people can make whatever choices they want about food...but I just generally make choices concerning how good something tastes. I don't care if the cake comes from local bakery that is owned by a straight Peruvian woman. I don't care if my bratwurst was made by two gay guys. I don't care if my favorite burger bar is owned by a Muslim. Does it taste good?

My only criteria tends to be that I don't support businesses that flaunt their Christianity for business purposes. For example, if you are a really good Italian joint but in all of your advertising and on your door you put a great big ICTHUS ("Christian fish symbol") in order to draw customers, I'm probably going to eat next door. I tend to be harder on "my people" than others.

when i see 'christian-owned' on the internet or print ad, i think really? looks like a cover to me. the 'proof is in the pudding' as they say. not to say we dont have a few contractors that wear it on their sleeve a bit much, but it tends to have a disingenuous vibe.

customers can do whatever the hell they want, though.
Again, this vocal minority is equal to the minority of those with wealth and power who use that wealth and power to manipulate government for their own benefit. The most cash or loudest voices often win so I don't see an issue with students(minority or majority) using the same system against the very companies that abuse the system with their wealth and power. It's not like the rest of the student body or other residents don't have other options to eat unhealthy fast food.

Please explain your position further. First how did this company specifically use their wealth to "abuse the system?" You do realize that what you are saying is that doing something wrong is rectified by doing something at least equally as wrong. Now that is a solution we all want to teach our kids. This is exactly what we get when we are seen as victims of the system rather than participants in the process, we can then blame those nasty old rich people, they are the problem. sheez
I salute Trevor Wiegert for taking a stand. Everyone has a right to believe how they want to believe, whether it lines up with the Bible or whatever their code of morals. That certainly isn't hatred or political, just a God-given (or amoeba given right), or however you believe! To say anything else is intolerant of others.
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it's fitting this happens on a university campus, as that is the place and time for examining these types of political issues in ones life.. for the rest of us that are older, we only really care about the taste, price, and service.. I personally think their food is disgusting.
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To me, the single most overrated fast-food joint there is. Their chicken sandwich is bland, their waffle fries don't hold a candle to McDonald's, Wendy's, or Runza's fries, and their CEO is a bigot. I won't support them first because their food sucks, but I'm simply not going to spend my dough at a place with their policies.
I don't agree with the CEO's views - but then again, 20 years ago damn near everyone I knew disagreed with me about who should or should not be able to get married. Today my view on the subject is far more mainstream, but I don't expect it to suddenly be universal.

I also think Chick-Fil-A's food is a bit overrated, and I don't understand why it's so popular with some people. But I have to say that the few times I've eaten there, I've never, ever been treated with more courtesy at a fast-food joint, or at any restaurant for that matter. If they treat everyone that way, I'm not inclined to try to tell them where they can and can't open a location.
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This is nothing more than a small group ruining things for the majority because they can't handle anything that opposes their viewpoint. If they don't like it, they don't have to eat there.
Not nearly as effective as ignorantly yelling about hate
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I don't agree with the CEO's views - but then again, 20 years ago damn near everyone I knew disagreed with me about who should or should not be able to get married. Today my view on the subject is far more mainstream, but I don't expect it to suddenly be universal.

I also think Chick-Fil-A's food is a bit overrated, and I don't understand why it's so popular with some people. But I have to say that the few times I've eaten there, I've never, ever been treated with more courtesy at a fast-food joint, or at any restaurant for that matter. If they treat everyone that way, I'm not inclined to try to tell them where they can and can't open a location.

Their food is like geriatric food...bland, and reduced sodium so as to not hike the blood pressure. I would suspect they have the Price is Right piped in to TVs at all locations, and AARP brochures next to the condiment counter. It's like a drive through Cracker Barrel.
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Freedom of speech for their CEO includes freedom of speech for students to protest. Good for UNK's study body for taking a stand for equal rights and equal love. I'm sorry for those who would rather stand up for hate, but it's reassuring that they grow fewer and fewer.

Chick-fil-A is just another fast food chain. They sell fried greasewiches. They aren't irreplaceable.

Freedom of speech for their CEO includes freedom of speech for students to protest. Good for UNK's study body for taking a stand for equal rights and equal love. I'm sorry for those who would rather stand up for hate, but it's reassuring that they grow fewer and fewer.

Chick-fil-A is just another fast food chain. They sell fried greasewiches. They aren't irreplaceable.
Standing up for "hate"? That is as judgmental, and hypocritical a statement as they come. Believing that a covenential union of God, man and woman that often creates new human beings/souls is not the same, or 'equal' to homosexual relationships shouldn't be a stunner. Has nothing to do with hating anyone. Not leaping and labeling would be a fine start...
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To me, the single most overrated fast-food joint there is. Their chicken sandwich is bland, their waffle fries don't hold a candle to McDonald's, Wendy's, or Runza's fries, and their CEO is a bigot. I won't support them first because their food sucks, but I'm simply not going to spend my dough at a place with their policies.
How is he a bigot.
Used to be that nobody cared about what people selling food believed in and people bought it because it was good.

I am tired, so tired of the people who push the PC agenda.

I hope they realize how wrong they are before they destroy The United States of America.

To take that one step further, it drives me batty that "liberal" and "PC" are now synonymous to so many. Maybe it's my age, but we all just need thicker skins. When Seinfeld won't play a college campus anymore, it's telling. To me, a true liberal would simply not give their business if they disagree.

But then, I still hope some day (I'm sure long after I'm dust) none of this crap will matter.
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How is he a bigot.

I would say he is being somewhat intolerant of other's opinions. But I suppose that is left to interpretation. How about staunch in his opinions on a very inflammatory topic? More than anything, it makes him look ignorant.
I would say he is being somewhat intolerant of other's opinions. But I suppose that is left to interpretation. How about staunch in his opinions on a very inflammatory topic? More than anything, it makes him look ignorant.
What is it that makes him look ignorant?
Tolerance does not exist while intolerance is accepted.

Homophobia is not different from racism, just there are more people who think it is okay. More people who think it is only harmless personal opinion and not the basis of state policy that degrades real people. And that is the case here, a CEO who wants those policies to continue. Thankfully there is no longer such vocal defense for tolerating racism.

For those of you against: what would you do if a child, family member, or close friend came to you and said "I am gay. I intend to marry this man/woman because we love each other"? If it is anything less than the joy you would share with them for finding a partner of the opposite sex, I hope you spend less time making the case that people are being too harsh or judging or hypocritical towards you, and more time asking if that loved one of yours really doesn't deserve better.

I know this is a religious issue for some and in many churches it is still an ongoing debate. However it is becoming much less so (scroll down to the last paragraph). I promise you that acceptance of gay marriage does not make you less Christian. Some will disagree, a growing many do not.

I am not trying to attack people, I just hope more people become more accepting of homosexuality. Even if they are a minority, it is a reality that they exist and can no more change who they are than you or I. You, we all have the power to treat these people as no different. Use that power. Thanks for the discussion everybody.
I would say he is being somewhat intolerant of other's opinions. But I suppose that is left to interpretation. How about staunch in his opinions on a very inflammatory topic? More than anything, it makes him look ignorant.
Intolerant of other people's opinions? Please explain to me how he is being intolerant of other people's opinions. Is he banning people who disagree with him from eating at his restaurants? Where is the intolerance? The ONLY intolerance I see here is the typical left-wing hate from people who disagree with them. I happen to agree with their position on marriage. That does not make me or anybody else who agrees with it intolerant or ignorant. YOU are the one that needs to learn tolerance here and stop calling names and tearing down people who disagree with you. You want to see intolerance and ignorance, look in the mirror.
I am not trying to attack people,
Give me a break. That is EXACTLY what you are trying to do and you know it. Don't treat us like complete idiots. This is just the typical, smug hateful, intolerant left-wing rhetoric we always see.
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I may be in a minority here, but after reading the article it sounds like the university is functioning about like it should. The UNK student government conducted a survey asking students what new restaurant they wanted in the student union. Chick-Fil-A came out on top, and the SG said, "Sounds good." Some students who feel strongly that marriage equality is serious moral concern objected, and the SG said, "OK, it doesn't have to be Chick-Fil-A." They got some push back from conservative students who either agree with the CEO's views or feel they should have no bearing on whether the company gets to do business on campus. So now the student government decided, instead of communication occurring via Facebook posts or letters to student senate, to hold an open forum to let as many students as possible express their views and talk it out.

To me, this sounds like so far, so good. How the open forum is handled and how students conduct themselves will be their next test. I hope they handle it well.
I may be in a minority here, but after reading the article it sounds like the university is functioning about like it should. The UNK student government conducted a survey asking students what new restaurant they wanted in the student union. Chick-Fil-A came out on top, and the SG said, "Sounds good." Some students who feel strongly that marriage equality is serious moral concern objected, and the SG said, "OK, it doesn't have to be Chick-Fil-A." They got some push back from conservative students who either agree with the CEO's views or feel they should have no bearing on whether the company gets to do business on campus. So now the student government decided, instead of communication occurring via Facebook posts or letters to student senate, to hold an open forum to let as many students as possible express their views and talk it out.

To me, this sounds like so far, so good. How the open forum is handled and how students conduct themselves will be their next test. I hope they handle it well.
Yes, how that open forum is handled will be the test. Frankly, I think it will be just for show and a way for them to cover up for the "final decision" already having been made.
Give me a break. That is EXACTLY what you are trying to do and you know it. Don't treat us like complete idiots. This is just the typical, smug hateful, intolerant left-wing rhetoric we always see.

No, you're being overly sensitive. He said nothing smug, hateful, or intolerant. He said: "I am not trying to attack people, I just hope more people become more accepting of homosexuality."

In what world is hoping a form of attacking?

Only in a world in which someone (i.e., you) feels some cherished value coming under threat. But that is precisely what is at issue and what he was saying: there is nothing of value in homophobia and Christians need to stop hiding behind the veil of religion to justify intolerance and bigotry.

Christians did it with slavery and it was a mistake then. Now they're doing it with homosexuality, and it's still a mistake. (Before I invite an unnecessary sh*t storm, many Christians were also against slavery and deserve credit for being so.)
And a chicken sandwich is just a chicken sandwich so long as the CEO doesn't take a stance on some controversial issue and then give his product symbolic meaning. Up to that point it's just food.
No, you're being overly sensitive. He said nothing smug, hateful, or intolerant. He said: "I am not trying to attack people, I just hope more people become more accepting of homosexuality."
Above, he called people who disagree with gay marriage "hateful". I think that is smug, hateful in itself and intolerant. And it clearly is attacking people.
how to pick where to eat
1-is the food good?
2-is the location clean?
3-do the employees treat me nicely?
4-do the employees treat others nicely?
5-is the cost more than I want to spend?

Didn't think that was too tough.

Toleranace has become agree with me and you are, disagree and you aren't. College and safe spaces should be limited to physical protections. College is about challenging ideas, both that you like and that you don't. If the CEO of CFA was still alive, I do not think he would be offended by the actions of the students at UNK. It is a decision they made and both the school and the company will move on. Utopian mindsets of we can get rid of anything we disagree with and that is bad, you're on the wrong planet, this one has people on it.

Be good to as many as you can and when you get offended see if it is something that matters. IF a chicken sandwich gets you this upset, on either side of the issue, go grab a burger.
Above, he called people who disagree with gay marriage "hateful". I think that is smug, hateful in itself and intolerant. And it clearly is attacking people.

Guess what? Many people are hateful in their intolerance toward gays, bisexuals, and lesbians. Is everyone? No. If you are not one of those people who tell or believe gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are sinners and going to hell if they don't reverse their nature, then perhaps you do not deserve being called hateful.

But at the same time, if your position is that they should be denied a privilege that everyone else in this country enjoys, what do you call that if not "intolerance"? Anyone who denies them the right to marry is being intolerant - intolerant of their lifestyle - I don't know how you wish to avoid this conclusion.

At the same time I am being intolerant of your intolerance, and additionally peeved by your taking offense at being called out for your intolerance. I get the sense that you are not actually against intolerance. You are against people calling you intolerant.

And my doing so is not smug, or if it is, we are both being smug. You are being smug in turning your nose up at lifestyle you disapprove of, and I am being smug in you being intolerant of it.

What do you propose we call you if not smug and intolerant?
Guess what? Many people are hateful in their intolerance toward gays, bisexuals, and lesbians. Is everyone? No. If you are not one of those people who tell or believe gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are sinners and going to hell if they don't reverse their nature, then perhaps you do not deserve being called hateful.

But at the same time, if your position is that they should be denied a privilege that everyone else in this country enjoys, what do you call that if not "intolerance"? Anyone who denies them the right to marry is being intolerant - intolerant of their lifestyle - I don't know how you wish to avoid this conclusion.

At the same time I am being intolerant of your intolerance, and additionally peeved by your taking offense at being called out for your intolerance. I get the sense that you are not actually against intolerance. You are against people calling you intolerant.

And my doing so is not smug, or if it is, we are both being smug. You are being smug in turning your nose up at lifestyle you disapprove of, and I am being smug in you being intolerant of it.

What do you propose we call you if not smug and intolerant?
I will not be lectured to by you. I will believe what I want to believe and I will not apologize for doing so. If you believe I am intolerant or smug or hateful or whatever, then fine. I don't care. You do not get to choose what beliefs are OK and which are not. I am not threatened by your beliefs-I just disagree with you. But just agreeing to disagree is not good enough for you people. You want to banish us from polite society for daring to disagree with you on this issue. That is intolerance defined.
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Guess what? Many people are hateful in their intolerance toward gays, bisexuals, and lesbians. Is everyone? No. If you are not one of those people who tell or believe gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are sinners and going to hell if they don't reverse their nature, then perhaps you do not deserve being called hateful.

But at the same time, if your position is that they should be denied a privilege that everyone else in this country enjoys, what do you call that if not "intolerance"? Anyone who denies them the right to marry is being intolerant - intolerant of their lifestyle - I don't know how you wish to avoid this conclusion.

At the same time I am being intolerant of your intolerance, and additionally peeved by your taking offense at being called out for your intolerance. I get the sense that you are not actually against intolerance. You are against people calling you intolerant.

And my doing so is not smug, or if it is, we are both being smug. You are being smug in turning your nose up at lifestyle you disapprove of, and I am being smug in you being intolerant of it.

What do you propose we call you if not smug and intolerant?
Who said anything about hell? And CC, can you really not reconcile the idea that someone can disagree with a person or their actions and not hate them? Not supporting a lifestyle does not equal hating the person
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For the life of me I can not understand why the owner of a national company makes politically charged statements in either direction. Why alienate even a part of your potential customer base? I'm a liberal and I won't eat at Chik Fil A, nor will I spend a dime in Hobby Lobby, but I also don't think they should be banned or closed down as long as they aren't discriminating in any way which I don't think Chik Fil A is doing,they just have a holier than thou CEO. IMO this guy is going onto the scrapheap of history along with the people who 50 years ago thought interracial marriage was a sin.
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I will not be lectured to by you. I will believe what I want to believe and I will not apologize for doing so. If you believe I am intolerant or smug or hateful or whatever, then fine. I don't care. You do not get to choose what beliefs are OK and which are not. I am not threatened by your beliefs-I just disagree with you. But just agreeing to disagree is not good enough for you people. You want to banish us from polite society for daring to disagree with you on this issue. That is intolerance defined.

No, actually I asked for you to justify, i.e., provide reasons for your stance - whatever it is. I do not intend to "banish" you. I intend to make you give an argument and reasons for your stance. That is not an unfair burden, and it is precisely what you're trying to avoid in saying "I will believe what I want to believe and I will not apologize for doing so."

And all of us do get to choose, as a matter of fact, "what beliefs are OK and which are not." I don't know how else you think we decide these matters if it does not involve. 1) Taking a stance (being "smug" in the loose sense you're using it). 2) Issuing a judgment (being "intolerant" in the loose sense you're using it). 3) Defending that stance with reasons that would be capable of persuading a neutral/objective party.

You being threatened by my beliefs or me by yours is quite besides the point. The point is that some people say some other people should not be able to do what others can. So if you're disagreement involves denying others this privilege, you are doing quite a bit more than just "disagreeing." Your disagreement has practical consequences - ones that matter a great deal to some people.

Who said anything about hell?

I did. Do you deny that Christians link homosexuality to hell?
Tolerance does not exist while intolerance is accepted.

Homophobia is not different from racism, just there are more people who think it is okay. More people who think it is only harmless personal opinion and not the basis of state policy that degrades real people. And that is the case here, a CEO who wants those policies to continue. Thankfully there is no longer such vocal defense for tolerating racism.

For those of you against: what would you do if a child, family member, or close friend came to you and said "I am gay. I intend to marry this man/woman because we love each other"? If it is anything less than the joy you would share with them for finding a partner of the opposite sex, I hope you spend less time making the case that people are being too harsh or judging or hypocritical towards you, and more time asking if that loved one of yours really doesn't deserve better.

I know this is a religious issue for some and in many churches it is still an ongoing debate. However it is becoming much less so (scroll down to the last paragraph). I promise you that acceptance of gay marriage does not make you less Christian. Some will disagree, a growing many do not.

I am not trying to attack people, I just hope more people become more accepting of homosexuality. Even if they are a minority, it is a reality that they exist and can no more change who they are than you or I. You, we all have the power to treat these people as no different. Use that power. Thanks for the discussion everybody.

Great post! People that don't understand that a gay person has no choice in the matter of what sex they are attracted to...are ignorant...period! The fact that churches are beginning to finally realize this is a good sign. I have a couple gay friends, and they knew from the time they were a child that they were 'different.' Does that mean they should be treated any differently than any other person?
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For the life of me I can not understand why the owner of a national company makes politically charged statements in either direction. Why alienate even a part of your potential customer base? I'm a liberal and I won't eat at Chik Fil A, nor will I spend a dime in Hobby Lobby, but I also don't think they should be banned or closed down as long as they aren't discriminating in any way which I don't think Chik Fil A is doing,they just have a holier than thou CEO. IMO this guy is going onto the scrapheap of history along with the people who 50 years ago thought interracial marriage was a sin.

Someone gets it.
how to pick where to eat
1-is the food good?
2-is the location clean?
3-do the employees treat me nicely?
4-do the employees treat others nicely?
5-is the cost more than I want to spend?
Exactly. If somebody offers you a service that you enjoy and does a good job doing it, why do you care what their CEO's personal views are? For years, Joan Kroc, widow of McDonald's founder Ray Kroc donated to a number of left-wing causes that I disagreed with. I was aware of it, and yet not once did I not think about not eating at McDonald's because of it. I know people who will not patronize establishments who have views counter to their own. That's fine and that's their right. For the intolerant left however, that isn't good enough. Not only do they not want to patronize establishments who hold views counter to their own, but they want to keep others from doing so. Again, the very definition of intolerance.
Lincoln, please do that if it will truly make you feel better.

Hateful is a strong word, but what else to call prejudice? It's a position that marginalizes people for their sexuality. We as a country are all learning to move from a time where homophobia is accepted norm to a time where it is rejected. That isn't close-mindedness.

I do not want to attack people for their views, as that is a poor way of opening hearts and changing minds. However, neither do I want to equivocate in describing those views for what they are. Nor downplay the harm the acceptance of those views has historically caused.

Here is what the Chick-Fil-A CEO said that caused the controversy:

I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, "We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage." I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about

To that I would quote Pope Francis. Who are we to judge?

I think my favorite thing about your post is that you ask who are we to judge, while you judge the CEO of a restaurant.
