Is Raiola ok w/ Danny staying?

For those thinking the fans will be all over him after his first turnover, you couldn’t be more wrong. Like when Frost first arrived, he will have plenty of latitude.

The same can’t be said for satterfield, however. Once DR turns the ball over, the fans will be calling for his head.

And this is a serious post.
So ... what's the plan?

Purdy is the guy? Haarberg?

I agree that nothing is settled until there's a spring and even fall camp competition, but at this point, it's hard to predict that either of those two (or Kaelin) is likely to be a better option than Raiola. Thus, the conversation turns to the question "Would he be ready on opening day?" That's the discussion we've been having.

My argument is that if Raiola wins the starting job, he'd be in a good position to build some confidence against less-than-stellar defenses before he hits "the wolves" — Ohio State, UCLA, USC, Wisconsin and Iowa.

If he doesn't win the job, there are two bye weeks in the season to re-evaluate the position. I kind of doubt he's coming here to sit, however, even for a few weeks of the regular season,.

Finally, hypotheticals are the lifeblood of discussion boards. Don't take away our fun, my friend!
Another thoughtful post and I do see your points.

As you point out though, the schedule is easy for the first 7 games. It is easy enough I believe a QB with a lower ceiling but more experience, including one who might not be on the roster yet, could win those games. Remember before DR was even interested we were already planning on winning all those games, right? In that context you are able to give DR a series in the 2nd Q like TO used to do and add more responsibility based on how he does.

As for what DR wants to do, he probably does want to play. On the other hand, to my knowledge McCord coming here to likely start for a year wasn't a deterrent and may have even been a selling point for all I know. Also, is everything an 18 year old kid wants actually best? If he is smart he will find people who will guide him with an eye for the long-term and not let his youthful impulses spoil his development.

I agree by the way on these conversations and speculation being fun and will try not to rain on anyone's parade. I just notice Husker fan thirst levels are rising and in my experience nothing good ever follows.
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For those thinking the fans will be all over him after his first turnover, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Not you in particular, but the idea Husker fans and media collectively could stop themselves from overreacting is like an alcoholic promising (again) to quit drinking.
Another thoughtful post and I do see your points.

As you point out though, the schedule is easy for the first 7 games. It is easy enough I believe a QB with a lower ceiling but more experience, including one who might not be on the roster yet, could win those games. Remember before DR was even interested we were already planning on winning all those games, right? In that context you are able to give DR a series in the 2nd Q like TO used to do and add more responsibility based on how he does.

As for what DR wants to do, he probably does want to play. On the other hand, to my knowledge McCord coming here to likely start for a year wasn't a deterrent and may have even been a selling point for all I know. Also, is everything an 18 year old kid wants actually best? If he is smart he will find people who will guide him with an eye for the long-term and not let his youthful impulses spoil his development.

I agree by the way on these conversations and speculation being fun and will try not to rain on anyone's parade. I just notice Husker fan thirst levels are rising and in my experience nothing good ever follows.
In addition to Husker athletics, I love properly punctuated paragraphs, pedant that I am.

Be well!
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Kong will suggest he structurally upgrade his ceiling fan, from which to then hang himself from when adversity strikes.

Then Dominic finds him, and hangs said ceiling fan around the monkey’s pencil neck in a way that cannot be removed. Each revolution the blades hit his lips and all he can say is “dbldbldbldbldbl”, and suddenly his posts make sense to us normal folks.
The way we get QB injured, I think we still need one more from the portal. One good thing about these 2 freshmen is that their high school playing days are over so they can’t get hurt in high school as has been our pattern the past few years.
I'd equate this situation more to Taylor Martinez and Adrian Martinez

Tommie Frazier showed up in late July 1992 to a room that included senior Mike Grant. He didn't play extensively until late October, in an Oct. 24 start at Missouri.

Taylor Martinez spent 2009 as a scout team wide receiver, then spent spring 2010 battling Zac Lee for the starting quarterback spot. He won it and was ready to show off his running ability in the opening, at home against an overmatched foe, Western Kentucky. He was great until a twisted ankle against Mizzou sent that season into a different, yet still successful, orbit.

Adrian Martinez came in spring 2018 to be the starting quarterback, and the goal was for him to get his feet wet against Akron and iron out the problems before the game against Colorado at home. Well, a thunderstorm and a malevolent twist from a CU defensive linemen sent that plan — and the season — spiraling. When he did return, against Michigan and Wisconsin, he wasn't good enough to overcome the injury, as well as make up for the overall lack of talent and coaching on that team.

Dylan Raiola, like the Martinez "brothers," will have a spring to get ready for a slate of home games to open the season, lifting the lid against what should be an overmatched opponent, UTEP. Colorado is the second home game scheduled. But there's no Michigan or Wisconsin coming up on next year's schedule until we face Ohio State in our eighth game. Plenty of time to work out the kinks. I'm not predicting we'll win all seven, but we should be in much shape than we were in 2018 after seven games (1-6).
In 2018, Martinez was the least of the problems. He regressed after that season.
In 2018, Martinez was the least of the problems. He regressed after that season.
Taylor regressed because of injury’s and poor coaching. Since Solich was fired we never used the quarterbacks properly, and no coach after Solich was ever concerned with a second string player. We never took time to develope a replacement for any quarterback starter, we played so poorly we threw away our player development. IMO Taylor Martinez was potentially the best quarterback we ever had, Pelini messed that up in more ways than you could mention. I liked Pelini but he screwed that player over big time.
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Taylor regressed because of injury’s and poor coaching. Since Solich was fired we never used the quarterbacks properly, and no coach after Solich was ever concerned with a second string player. We never took time to develope a replacement for any quarterback starter, we played so poorly we threw away our player development. IMO Taylor Martinez was potentially the best quarterback we ever had, Pelini messed that up in more ways than you could mention. I liked Pelini but he screwed that player over big time.
Taylor regressed also but I meant Adrian.
Taylor regressed also but I meant Adrian.
My opinion only, but I felt like Adrian could have been a truly great Husker quarterback had Frost taught him to do the option. Funny I was thinking on that very thing yesterday, we had all the tools necessary to be a really good option team when Frost got there, but Frost would not commit to an offensive strategy. And that lame ### Veduzco would never make AM earn his job, he just talked the talk because of Frost.
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